David Jones. Dublin, Ireland.
I took my bucket list P-51 orientation ride with Brian. I was a bit skeptical about their claims of how much stick time I would get, but it was all true! From seconds after takeoff and through the landing pattern, I flew most of the flight. Brian demonstrated the aerobatic maneuvers and then handed over the Mustang for me to rinse and repeat. Just an amazing ride for any aviation enthusiast.
The team was extremely cordial, The pilot, John “Homer “Black, was great to work with and the video was excellent.
Jim Thompson
January 20, 2025. The Day I had been waiting for finally arrived!
After months of keeping my expectations in check, the day finally arrived! Weather: 9°C (48°F) and overcast. Turned out to be the best weather of the week….so I got very lucky with the weather!
Upon arrival, we chatted with KT in the office about their planes and our other shared passion of Formula 1. It was also at that point I was informed I’d be flying THE Crazy Horse. Then we were introduced to my pilot, Jerry ‘Jive’ Kerby, and went through the pre-flight briefing where he explained what we’d be doing in the air, and a bit about the handling characteristics of the Mustang.
From there we went down to the hangar and did a quick walk around and introduction to CH. After getting seated in the backseat, we went through the parachute operation and emergency evac procedure, got buckled in, and comms check. Then towed out to the ramp where CH didn’t want to start up right away in the cold weather, so a little coaxing/priming by Jive took the coughing and sputtering Merlin to the expected roar I’d been so excited to hear, feel, and smell!
Given my lack of actual flight time, Jive did most of the work that day….taxiing, takeoff, engine management, trimming, and landing. But I had the controls in the air for the majority of the time. 90 and 180 degree turns, low speed stall, high speed stall, a couple aileron rolls, a barrel roll, a couple wingovers, and a couple loops.
Jive also took the controls when their L-39 Albatross joined up with us for a short bit of formation flying, which was a bonus! Then a quick flyover of the runway, and around for final approach ended what felt like a 15 minute flight……time really does fly when you’re having fun (pardon the pun).
Upon landing, we had a few photos taken, then back upstairs for the debrief, which consisted of going through the video and critiquing the manouvers. I would also point out that I hired Ken Strohm, a local photographer to meet us that day, through a referral from Stallion 51. I’m very happy we did that to capture my bucket list experience.
So that’s how the day unfolded. It was truly an honor to experience what Stallion 51 offers. The historical significance of these planes and their pilots goes without saying, as does the professionalism exhibited by everyone there. As I write this, I’m still pinching myself to make sure I didn’t dream it. Thanks to everyone at Stallion 51, especially KT, Kelly, and Jive, for making my experience so amazing, and for keeping these planes in the air for others to enjoy. It was just an absolute pleasure and honor.
Received training on the T-6 and P-51 with Capt. Brian Norris, excellent pilot and instructor.
Their aircrafts are in superb conditions.
Its staff great in all respects.
They sure deserve a 5 star rating.
I can say “ditto” to many of the comments already posted in these reviews: the professionalism, competency, an excellent and welcoming staff. All exceptional. Going through my flight video I did not realize how much noise I made during some of the maneuvers, “Screaming in delight” is what it was! I am a 300 hour, 10 year non-current Cessna pilot so to be on the controls of this warbird was more than amazing. I felt at ease and well taken care of, great instruction and correction also from Jerry. The only time I was even a wee bit anxious was looking down shortly after take off, all that water below. Knowing I had a chute and if the SHTF demanding a bail out, I could become a nice gator snack if I made it to the ground safely.
I had been up in a T-6 in 2007, my late husband bought me a thrill ride in the plane he soloed in, April of 1951. He died this past June, a 20,000 hour USAF transport pilot who I flew with for 26 years. So this flight was quite emotional for me, in fact when Jerry got me seated and strapped in, I started to cry. The way he looked at me, he must have thought I was having a meltdown or second thoughts. I told him I was just thinking of my father and my late husband, how happy they’d be to see me in a -51. Also that I was just so incredibly happy to be here, now, doing this.
BTW, did you know some people don’t even know what a P-51 is? Amazing! I have been sharing my flight with all my friends, posting clips to Facebook. I have been surprised to learn a few had no idea what this aircraft is I was so thrilled to fly in, the history, legacy, beauty. Well, now they know!
I loved every minute. I had a hard time sleeping for the week after my flight, I kept reliving it in every detail. I can still feel the stick in my hand. To control 1600 h.p. with one hand in three dimensions? The sound, the power, the agility. All amazing. I want to thank everyone at Stallion 51 for keeping these magnificent warbirds flying, for giving us “civilians” the opportunity to experience them in flight.
There are only two things that would have made this better – the seat was adjustable so I could reach the rudder pedals (I am 5’2″) but understand this cockpit was not desogned for someone like me. The other is that Jerry didn’t keep track of the time and we flew for two hours, or three, instead of one. Might have to go for another ride! Best money I have ever spent, bar none.
I wish to thank all of the Crew at Stallion 51 for the experience of my life. The moment my Wife and I arrived we were in awe of your operation. The Aircraft are immaculate and in top notch condition. You can see the reflection of Crazy Horse on the hanger floor!
Every step of my day was well orchestrated, starting with my introduction to Brian Norris, my instructor. We had a very through ground briefing and went over my flight profile. At the completion of this briefing I was introduced to Crazy Horse! Time to Saddle Up! Once in the Mustang Brian made sure I securely strapped in. I was then given egress instruction in the case of an unforeseen event. Next all the instruments and controls gone over.
Towed out to the ramp for Engine start. Big thrill, It sounds as good as it looks. ATIS copied and cleared to taxi. Run up completed, Brain asks me, are we ready to fly! On the controls with Brian for takeoff.
Once we were gear up I was given control of the aircraft for our flight, climbing and feeling out the aircraft, very tight control feel. Next come turns, slow flight and stalls. Now for the aerobatics. I have not had any aerobatic training so Brian demonstrated the maneuvers then I performed them. (Wing Over), (Aileron Roll), (Loop) and (Barrel Roll). I was able to dive Crazy Horse to achieve a top speed of 300 Kts (350 Mph)! Back to the airport for the Overhead Break and landing.
Engine shutdown completed. I am now wearing the biggest smile that will never be extinguished. Thank you Brian and STALLION 51 for the experience of my life!!
Bill Rancourt,
USAF Retired Private Pilot
From start to finish the flight was fantastic. The coaching from John enabled me to quickly get to grips with the aircraft and basic manoeuvres became more advanced, then stalls followed by aerobatics, more formation flying and a run and break to land. I flew the vast majority of the flight and John was always there to guide and assist. The smile on my face and my fellow pilot’s was enormous and we then debriefed over the video.
It was everything I ever imagined and the professionalism of the organisation shone through. Do the full hour to get the full experience you will. It regret it.
If you are fascinated by warbirds then I highly recommend Stallion 51. A very professional and friendly team, hopefully I’ll be able to fly with you again one day.
Performed multiple acrobatic maneuvers.
Really world recommend for any aviation enthusiasts.
I’ve loved the P-51 Mustang since I was 9 years old (1975) and have dreamed of flying one ever since. My wife’s birthday present to me this year was to check this #1 item off my bucket list. We called Stallion 51 on my birthday and scheduled a full week in June. Well before then I spoke with instructor Marco Rusconi about my experience, which included several hundred hours in taildraggers and competitive aerobatics but no time in warbirds. He recommended that I fly the T-6 Texan first before transitioning to the Mustang. At every step of the process, I was impressed with the professionalism of everyone at Stallion 51.
I thoroughly enjoyed working on my “Ph.D. in taildraggers” (as Marco put it) during my first two days there in the T-6. The preflight briefings were extensive and illuminating, as I learned the critical aspects of flying powerful warbirds. It was great learning to fly the T-6 and the time was well spent preparing for the main event.
I then spent three days with instructor Jerry “Jive” Kerby flying “The Little Witch,” a stunning dual-control Mustang. Flying the P-51 was everything I ever imagined but times ten. Jive was a superb and patient instructor and I improved from flight to flight. I flew from the back seat the first two flights, one of which was on the 80th anniversary of D-Day in a Mustang made in 1944. Then on my final day I flew the Mustang from the front seat, which was a very special experience to say the least!
I can’t say enough superlatives about the Stallion 51 facilities and aircraft, but more importantly, its people. The instructors I met were top-notch professional pilots and experts in flying warbirds, and everyone involved in supporting these irreplaceable and special aircraft impressed me greatly, including crew chief Greg Wise and his assistant and maintenance experts Richard and Peter Lauderback. Stallion 51 staff members Kelly, Beth and KT were instrumental in making my time there a wonderful and unforgettable experience.
If you too dreams of flying the iconic P-51, make it happen without any further waiting at Stallion 51!
August 14, 2024. Flying the P-51 Mustang is the ultimate experience
July 26, 2024 A DREAM COME TRUE!
July 17, 2024 Once in a Lifetime Experience
June 11, 2024 I flew Crazy Horse!
May 27, 2024 Live out your dreams and take the flight of a lifetime!!
April 26, 2024 Professionalism On Display
April 1, 2024 Instructional flight of a lifetime!!
The instructional flight of a lifetime!! Not sure where to start but everyone I met was more that helpful. I was lucky enough to fly with a long time friend who is one of Stallions instructors, Brian and I would have never thought that the two of us would be flying together in a Mustang! If I could rate Stallion higher than a “10” I would.
March 23, 2024 My father was a P-51 pilot in World War II
An amazing experience. My father was a P-51 pilot in World War II, so this was a real bucket list item for me. The folks at stallion 51 were friendly and accommodating.
March 19, 2024 “Would I do it again. Oh yea!”
The booking with Stallion 51 was easy. Super confident until about 5 minutes before arriving at hangar. Met Steve, started into the flight briefing. All professional, all very calm… feeling way better. Into the aircraft… fit like a glove… albeit a tight glove. Parachute strapped on, 5 pt harness done up, helmet fitted.. ready to go. Start up… great sound After takeoff, I get the controls. Up to around 9500 for some airwork, then the fun starts.. Stalls, wing-overs, aileron roll, barrel roll, 4 pt roll, cuban 8, loop then a big barrel roll… ding… time is up, back to airport. Overhead break to the landing. Not really sure if I was breathing the whole time, just so much to absorb Would I do it again. Oh yea! I download my video and get to re-live and share the experience with my friends and family Check out their website.
March 12, 2024 “Once is NOT enough!”
January 26, 2024 ” Total TOP GUN Experience”
Stallion 51 is definitely a place to go to fill your bucket list , get the thrill of a life time . Not only flying high in the sky in an amazing Mustang ! Taking over the air plane to do many aerial maneuvers is the greatest feeling ever !!”Homer” is an amazing pilot , who puts safety first , and fun and adventure second, Homer is a great instructor on helping you stay in control while flying the mustang. 5 star rating isn’t fair for Stallion 51 , definitely a 10 star experience!
Roger Davies
January 10, 2024 “Bucket List!
I flew with Steve.first the T-6 then the Mustang. After takeoff he gave me the plane to fly.
Steve made it so easy, he’d talk me through the maneuver then let me fly it.we did wing overs, loops, barrel rolls, cuban8s and victory rolls. The T-6 was fun but the Mustang was wonderful. You put her in a bank and just follow her around like she was on rails. I’ve never flown a more stable plane.landed both planes. Now I’m 6’4 and 250 pounds but fit in both planes.
If you’ve ever thought about it just go do it.my wife shows horses in Florida every winter, now I have something to do when we’re there.
Just Do It!
December 12, 2023 “One of the most exhilarating days in my 80 years old life”
October 15, 2023 “Unforgettable flight experience”
Unforgettable flight experience with the Stallion 51 crew, and my chief Pilot Steve Larmore! Highest possible recommendation! Words cannot capture the adventure, even for seasoned pilots! A must do for everyone young and old! Number One on my bucket list is now crossed off, but…I will be back to fly again in Crazy Horse!
August 1, 2023 “A Memory that will last Forever”
Thank you Marco and the rest of the team.
July 12, 2023 “What Could Top Flying A Mustang?”
There are few opportunities to see a Mustang up close and there are fewer opportunities to see one fly. To have the opportunity to fly one is something truly unique and exciting.Stallion 51 is preserving three of these historic warplanes and offering the opportunity to fly one under the close supervision of an experienced instructor. There is a preflight briefing where you will receive instruction and learn what to expect. During the flight, you have the opportunity to do wingovers, loops, aileron rolls and barrel rolls. All of this is recorded and reviewed in the post flight briefing. The video quality is stunning. It will allow you to relive the experience and share it with friends.
I’d like to thank John Black and the folks at Stallion 51 for a first class unique life experience. I don’t know what could top this.
Dave W.
Amazing, top-notch experience all around! I’ve been dreaming about flying a Mustang since I was a kid, and it was magical to experience it with my Dad. Our pilots, John and Marco, were great guides in the pre-brief, flight and debrief. We flew, then separated for wing overs, aileron rolls, barrel rolls, loops and stalls – and did most of the flying which is very rare. My dad can’t stop talking about how much fun it was – priceless. I highly recommend Stallion 51 if you’re looking to check off that bucket list item!
April 29, 2023 The Greatest Flight of my Life!
Thank you Stallion 51 people. You made my Bucket List flight SPECACULAR !!!!!!!!!
April 26, 2023 “Thoughtful wife and family make bucket list a reality”
My experience begins on my 61st birthday when my family presented me with a gift certificate for a Mustang flight at Stallion 51, which was recommended to us by a family friend and former Mustang owner. From first contact you are brought into the fold as if you were family.
Pre-flight briefing and flight itself are tailored to your experience level and expectations. As I had the opportunity to fly with both John Black and Marco Rusconi in ‘The Little Witch’, I can only say that my expectations exceeded. Both flight profiles were to include a takeoff and landing with a full aircraft handling and aerobatics routine in the area. Bucket list—Check!
Also, if you have time, tour the entire facility and meet the rest of the Stallion Team and witness the many hours of prep that occurs behind the scenes to make these dreams come true. Their dedication and desire to keep these warbirds flying is nothing less than admirable. They truly are the world’s premier P-51 Mustang flight operation.
April 23, 2023 “It finally Happened”
So, after 23+ years of dreaming (literally), saving up funds only to spend them on other pursuits, along with plenty of general waffling, I finally pulled the trigger on flying Crazy Horse. A bucket list item for a lot of guys, it was the whole freak’n bucket for me. Everything and anything I do from this point on will just be decorative sprinkles compared to that life-changing afternoon in Florida. Crazy Horse is a TF-51 Mustang with a complete rear cockpit, including flight controls and instrument panel. All fighters went from “P” for Pursuit, to “F” for Fighter when the U.S. Air Force became its own branch of service in 1947. The “T” is added to denote “Trainer”, and means that this is not a Mustang with just a seat bolted in place of the original radios. Stallion 51 Aviation in Kissimmee, Florida, operates two TF-51’s called Crazy Horse, and my flight was in the #2 Mustang. The flights range from birthday rides to a comprehensive training course in the WWII fighter for new Mustang owners. A complete briefing and de-briefing is included with the flight, and pilots get their instruction time entered in their Log Book. This was a big deal to me, and Crazy Horse got its own, un-blimished set of pages for for this single flight. Somehow, the entry doesn’t seem to do the moment justice, so it’ll be enhanced with some photos when I get in the mood. During start-up, my biggest fear was that I’d awake, as had always happened, when my brain could no longer tolerate the silliness, and put an end to the fantasy. Not this time…eight big blades had flashed by when Steve clicked on the mags, and we were engulfed in a very brief puff of smoke, followed by a roar and shot-gun after fires from the short stacks of the Packard-Merlin engine. Nope…my brain had no sarcastic comments this time, as it bordered on going into shock. I got to follow through on the controls as Steve launched us from Kissimmee’s airport. Just as big a consideration as torque and “P” factor (sort of torque’s weakling wanna-be little brother), the 11 foot Hamilton Standard prop imparts a huge amount of gyroscopic precession on the relatively small airframe behind it. So, at high power and low airspeed, elevator input has to be carefully moderated to prevent an uncontrollable roll on take off. I’d heard of precession killing many fledgling pilots in Sopwith Camels during WWI, but it never came to mind with the Mustang. Once clear of the airport’s traffic area, I got to take the controls as we climbed above the scattered cloud deck. The Florida sky can be seemingly full of sailplanes, but few are able to fly above the cumulus that marks the top of their thermals, and that’s where we were headed. The Mustang is fairly solid in roll and sensitive in pitch, and I was corrected many times for not watching my attitude more closely. Surprisingly for me, rudder doesn’t play much of a role in flying the P-51 when at it’s full gallop. This was to be an “out of the cockpit flight”, with most references being visual, and only occasional checks of the instrument panel. With Steve in charge of the mixture and prop, I had the throttle and flight controls. In this case, the tachometer got little attention…everything revolved around manifold pressure and altimeter. After a series of stall demos, Steve pitched the Mustang about 30 degrees up, and into an aileron roll. Then my turn came: pull up…up…now slam the stick to the left against my leg as the horizon rotates around the long nose….recover level. Then another one, with slightly less coaching from Steve as I guess I had proven I wouldn’t freak out and back off the aileron input while inverted. Next was a barrel roll, which I’ve always described as a “sloppy loop”. A near vertical pull, with aileron fed in once the nose was good and high. Over the top inverted, and blending the roll and recovery to level at the same time. Insanely wonderful, but it was my stomach’s undoing. That little bit of G force made me sick, and I told Steve to take the controls while I pulled my strategically-placed sick sack out for active duty. By plan, I hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast (which may have induced the illness), so after wasting 3 precious Mustang minutes and not fouling the cockpit, I was back up and ready to take the controls. No more aerobatics, but just as wonderful, as I sat there, gently rocking the wings and mumbling to myself, “I’m flying a Mustang…I’m flying a Mustang!” Looking out over the 51’s wings, I also tried to imagine being a late-teen or twenty-something kid, flying a plane that would be totally happy to kill him or her on it’s own…much-less facing people whose job it was to blast the Mustang from the sky. It’s an easy day dream I’ve had many times, but this trip put it into a new perspective. Respect…Man…Respect. Back in the pattern after an overhead break, Steve wheel-landed the Mustang as I once again followed him on the controls. He then had me “S-turn” back to ramp, to make sure no one ventured in front of the fighter. We shut down, with good friend and fellow “nerd-of-all-trades” Rory Rubel acting as photographer of the event. So, it finally happened…and everything in the world seems a bit tamer now. Thanks to Steve and Stallion 51 for that indescribable hour.
April 18, 2023 “Amazing and well worth it”
We purchased the T6 flight as an 18th Birthday experience for our son. Stallion 51 far exceeded our expectations in every aspect. Our son has his private pilots license and we have been to several hangers throughout his training, but nothing quite like Stallion 51. As his mother and not a passionate aviator like my son, it was an awe inspiring visit for me as well. I literally felt as if I was in an art museum with amazing treasures! Kelly helped us with all the scheduling and preparations. She made me feel so confident and comfortable, despite how stressed I felt about him flying this type of aircraft. Our son had Steve as his instructor and that alone felt like a gift to him. Steve was so enthusiastic and a pleasure to watch our son’s pride shine alongside him. Steve is a gifted pilot with an incredible resume yet the most approachable and engaging personality. If you have an aviator in your life, do yourself a favor and become their hero by sharing this experience with them. Stallion 51 is an outstanding organization and I’m so proud we were able to provide this unforgettable gift to our son!! They made an absolute difference!
A bucket list item… checked off! What an incredible thrilling experience to fly in such an iconic aircraft. “Jive” was absolutely awesome before, during and after the flight. He really made the experience worth every penny. The entire crew at Stallion 51 are very welcoming and they make you feel like a VIP.
April 15, 3023 “A Mustang Flight to Remember!”
On 27th March, I got one of my bucket list items ticked off. I spent a fantastic hour not only flying in, but actually flying a P-51 Mustang “Crazy Horse” out of Kissimmee. The flight included aerobatics.
Stallion 51 are an extremely professional operation. From the moment of booking late last year to arriving at their hangar, they made sure I got the full Mustang experience. Kelly was exceptionally helpful with all the booking forms, and she made me feel very welcome on my arrival on the morning of my flight. She introduced me to my pilot for the morning, Marco, and the pilot of the other Mustang, John.
Marco gave me a very detailed pre-flight brief. It started with a brief history of the Mustang in general and also the aircraft we would be flying in. He then went on to give me a full and detailed brief of what we were going to do, making sure that I was given every opportunity to ask questions, and also checked if there was anything else that I really wanted to experience.
In the air, I was given every opportunity to fly the aircraft. I am a retired helicopter pilot and hadn’t flown aerobatics in over 40 years when learning to fly in the RAF.
After the flight, there was a debrief where I was shown the video highlights taken from the three cameras on board the aircraft. (A few days later, I was sent an email with a Dropbox link to download my own copy of the video to keep for myself).
A big thanks go to Marco for making for me what was a trip of a lifetime. I had always wanted to fly in a Mustang, but to have the opportunity to handle one as well was just brilliant. I also met a couple of the engineering team, and they, too, were extremely proud and keen to show off their fantastic aircraft.
The team at Stallion 51, especially Kelly and Marco, all helped to make my trip unforgettable.
April 12, 2023 “I could go on singing all your praises”
Thank you for re-sending video. I was panicking that it was lost. We have both downloaded the video to each of our phones, as well as to the home computer which also has a backup. I want everyone at Stallion 51 to know how ecstatic Dennis has been since his adventure!! He wears his hat, and or shirt everyday waiting for someone to start a conversation. When they do, oh boy. It also thrills me to see him so happy. I say he’s like a six year old who just caught Santa filling the stockings. Both his brother, who repaired airplanes for Grumman for 38 years, and I also were delighted to be a part of this as well. Marco was amazing, and so interactive from the pre-flight conversation, the flight and post flight talks. I think Dennis could have talked to him all day. I could go on singing all your praises, but I think you get my point.
Thanks again, Esther Coffin
April 6, 2023 “Best gift ever from my wonderful wife, Robin, making a childhood dream come true!”
Stallion 51 out of Kissimmee Florida has flights in modified WWII P-51 Mustangs, with dual seat/controls (like the Mustang Tom Cruise owns and flew in Top Gun Maverick)
Still find it unbelievable that Stallion 51 lets non-pilots fly these expensive beauties. Pulled about 4g’s, went 333 mph and did a Wing Over, Aileron Roll (2), Barrel Roll, Cuban 8, and a loop! The pilot, Steve Larmore, was amazing and talked me through each of the maneuvers, sometimes showing me before I tried, other times just allowing me to do it.
Not only were the folks at Stallion 51 professional and friendly, they assisted my wife who had to get a boarding pass set up for another flight ( funeral in Alaska). The folks listened and were empathetic to our situation, while still keeping this day totally fun and exciting. Special shout out to Kelly Managhan (hugs)!
April 3, 2023 “Exceeded my Expectations!” Stallion 51 provided one of the greatest experiences of my life. From wheels up til we taxi’d back to the hangar, it exceeded my expectations which were based on a lifelong dream to fly a Mustang. Steve Larmore was my excellent instructor pilot. Safety and communication were first and foremost. Kelly Managhan was terrific to organize the flight with. Flying Crazy Horse was worth every penny.
March 18, 2023 Fun in a WWII Fighter!
Taking a flight in a P-51 has been a bucket list item for years. Through the generosity of my brother, I finally got to cross that off! The expertise and experience with Stallion 51 was exceptional. The pre-flight briefing was thorough, taking into account the different levels of flight experience. (We were a flight of 2.) Once onboard, we had some orientation time, started the cameras and fired up the big Merlin engine. It was a real thrill to taxi, run up and finally depart. Under the tutelage of my instructor, I did a surprising amount of flying including plenty of aerobatics. Our time raced by and ultimately we had to join up for the return to the field. It was a surprising challenge to spot the other aircraft approaching. (It left a serious impression as to how it must have been to be flying in WW II and trying to spot other fighters trying to jump you!). We did a military break over the field and taxied to the ramp. It was awesome and would recommend to anyone even considering it.
March 16, 2023 First Class
Scheduled 5 flight hours in the T-6G and orientation flight in a TF-51 over 3 days. The schedule went perfectly and the training was first class “plus”. Thank you John “Homer” Black and all the crew at Stallion 51
March 10. 2023 Better pilot because of the flight
Great Instruction: Training in the T6 with Mad Dog was a great thrill. I am certainly a better pilot because of the experience.
March 9, 2023 Perfect Morning to Fly a Mustang!
Flying a real P51 Mustang is a once in a lifetime experience. Having just completed the Patty Wagstaff course I was able to do aerobatics in the P51. The folks at Stallion 51 do everything they can to make your experience very pleasurable. Pilot John “Homer” Black was awesome!!
March 4, 2023 “Life Long Dream”
This was the culmination of a lifelong dream. I have a very good friend, who is the Membership Vice President of the United Flying Octogenarians (UFO), whose Daughters gave him a gift certificate for a flight with Stallion 51 on his 90th birthday, and he actually took his flight on his 90th birthday. He raved about it, so I kept telling our children, and guess what! Our children gave me for my 86th birthday, a gift certificate for the flight, something that I have always wanted and they knew it. What an experience, everything about it was professionally done. My Instructor, John “Homer” Black, was phenomenal, did a great job all the way from the pre flight discussion, included the visitors, done in very clear manner, all in all, he is incredible. The aerobatics, although it had been some 60+ years since I had done them, came back much better than I expected. I highly recommend this experience for any P-51 fan. Thank you, Stallion 51!
March 1, 2023 A Dream come true at any age!
The professionalism of the pilot they really make you feel part of the team and give you the Opportunity to be active in the adventure.
February 14, 2023 “Surprised how natural it felt”
Flight was great. I was surprised how natural it felt to fly upside down and wing overs, no anxiety what so ever. Pre-flight time was great to ensure our time in the air was spent flying and not talking me through what to expect. Time and money well spent for an experience of a life time.
February 7, 2023 “I’m still grinning! “
If you are at all thinking about taking a flight with Stallion 51, do not hesitate and go for it!! Flying the TF-51 was an absolute blast! My instructor pilot Jerry “Jive” Kerry gave great instruction and made the flight all that I had hoped for. To be able to fly Crazy Horse and perform some maneuvers is an experience that I am still grinning about. Stallion 51 is a first class organization all the way around. Thanks “Jive” and Stallion 51 for a great day!
February 6, 2023
I had a wonderful orientation flight on January 23, 2023 with instructor John “Homer” Black!!! I had no prior pilot experience but that did not stop me from flying Crazy Horse 2. Once we were airborne and in the operational area John worked with me and encouraged me to fly as much as possible. I did multiple turns and banks, 3 aileron rolls (very exciting and cool!!!!!) a wing over, flying with my friend Mark Schweitzer who was sharing the experience with me in Crazy Horse 1!!! I highly recommend this experience for anyone, even an individual with no flying experience. The experience was worth every penny paid!!!
February 3, 2023 “Back to the Future!”
Transformational Experience; Back to the future in one of history’s aviation icons. The P51 and the Stallion 51 team have created something special and unique. Their passion is surpassed only by their professionalism. Thank you for an unforgettable and transformational experience.
February 2, 2023 Keeping History Alive!
The experience was terrific from start to finish. From communication of how to set up the flight, payment, waivers, and updates prior to flight was one of the most pleasurable experiences I have had. The customer service did not stop, the experienced pilot communicated all maneuvers on the ground and in flight with the upmost passion, care, and most of all fun. Highly recommend this experience to anyone, truly a one of a kind. Thankful to the Stallion 51 staff for keeping this history alive for everyone to enjoy.
February 1, 2023 Everything I expected and MORE!
Everything i expected. People of Stallion 51 are top notch. My instructor John “Homer” Black one of the best. The flight in the Mustang will be remembered for a long time. Thanks, Everyone
January 31, 2023 Top Notch
Everything I expected. People of Stallion 51 are top notch. My instructor John “Homer” Black one of the best. The flight in the Mustang will be remembered for a long time. Thanks, Everyone
January 22, 2023 “You have the controls!”
Great experience in one my favorite aircraft of all time. Stallion 51 is a class operation from reservations until we said good bye. My pilot/instructor, John Black was excellent. It was a ride of a life time in a P51. I loved hearing the words “you have the controls”. It’s a must do !
January 8, 2023 CHILDHOOD DREAM
From the moment I arrive to the end I was in heaven, I feel privilege to have the opportunity to sit in a Mustang and fly it.
You don’t need to be a pilot to enjoy these remarkable moments.
The Team is great , Thank you, I will return!
December 5, 2022 Something Special
Something Special. Bucket list kinda thing to do. Slipping the “surlies” with a touch of history. Awesome . . .
December 2, 2022 PHENOMENAL!!!!
My phenomenal wife secretly arranged for me to get an hour flight in P-51. I found out what I was doing about 2 hours before we were set to arrive. Marco was my instructor and was nothing short of phenomenal. While I am a licensed pilot, I can’t say my current skills are as good as they were 42 years ago when I got my license. Marco was incredibly gracious and encouraging. I really appreciate his extra efforts to explain what was about to happen to my wife. The flight itself was spectacular. Lot of acrobatics and stick time. Marco couldn’t have done a better job. And the video they took was amazing. Already downloaded and saved!
I have two friends who plan to sign up. Thanks Stallion 51 for a phenomenal experience!
November 25, 2022 “What a Great Experience”
What a great experience! I’m 85 and a B-17 pilot for the Yankee Air Museum. The day started with a most professional briefing followed by an exhilarating flight, then a professional debriefing. Steve Larmore said he would make a fighter pilot out of this old bomber pilot. He almost did it! Great flight Steve! Thanks to all at Stallion 51 including Steve, Marco, Homer, Kelly, lee, and the whole gang.
November 6, 2022 Came prepared for fun!
A tremendous experience to actually pilot a modified WWII fighter and perform actual aerobatics at the coaching of the instructor pilot! The whole staff at Stallion 51 made this a very pleasurable experience and the day was everything I thought it might be and more! Special kudos to John “Homer” Black as my instructor pilot who provided an excellent briefing before the flight so I knew exactly what to expect from strapping in to getting out after the flight, excellent coaching during the flight, and a great debriefing at the end of the flight. Kelly handled the arrangements and answered a myriad of questions even before I arrived!
November 4, 2022 “Top Rung”
I am a 76 year old man who lives in a small community in central British Columbia, Canada. Circumstance brought me to Florida in October 2022 after I had discovered Stallion 51 on YouTube. I contacted them via email long before my travel and expressed my interest in a ride in a Mustang. I have some mobility issues but was assured they would not be a problem. On October 18 I met my pilot instructor “Marco”, a retired RCAF career pilot who flew “Snowbirds” for 5 years. I must say that the entire staff at Stallion 51 helped to make my one hour flight in a TF-51 called Crazy Horse the most exciting, thrill of a lifetime, bucket list experience ever. I will cherish the memories for the rest of my life.
If you are a pilot who loves the sound of a Merlin engine and loves to fly upside down don’t miss this opportunity.
Thank you to my wonderful wife “Colleen “ and the staff at Stallion 51 for making my dream come true.
Sincerely, Ken Needoba
November 1, 2022 I’ll be back for another flight!
This is my third experience at Stallion 51 but the first time flying the Texan. The office staff and instructor pilots are TOP-NOTCH! Everyone goes out of their way to make sure you get an enjoyable experience.
Before the flight, the instructor explains what to expect but it is a two-way conversation since they listen to you and what you want out of the flight is important.
I highly recommend the Stallion 51 experience to anyone!
I will be going back again!
October 21, 2022 FLY A MUSTANG-DO IT!
Great experience. Fly a P51 Mustang! The team and experience couldn’t be better. My instructor John ‘Homer’ Black was great. He went above and beyond the call to help me improve my pilot skills as well as demonstrate how to fly the Mustang.
I couldn’t recommend this more. DO IT!
October 19, 2022 Best Birthday Present, EVER!!
If your a pilot, you’re going to love it I got my license back in 1993 over the years I have flown a number of different aircraft. Always wanted to fly a P51 Mustang so my wife and I decided since we had family in the area that the next time we go down there I was going to check that off my bucket list. It was beautifully graceful to fly and the power was greater than any plane i have ever flown. It flew through the maneuvers effortlessly. don’t consider the amount of money it takes to do this as you will long forget what you paid for a memory of a life time. and the video of your whole flight is something you can watch for years to come…Enjoy
Shout out to my instructor retired Air Force jet pilot John “Homer” Black
October 4, 2022 Long Awaited Aviation Experience
Amazing is all I can say. This is one of those rare five star , bucket list places. My 18 yo son did this and was able to fly the majority of the time and do various aerobatics. Also had a very extensive lecture on prep and airplane mechanics. If you can do this, do it. Everyone was amazing.
July 12, 2022 A great way to turn 60!
I arranged this experience for my husband last month for his 60th birthday. What an incredible experience. He said his face hurt from smiling so much and the video is evidence of his complete satisfaction. I got to listen to the debrief with his flight instructor, John Black, who was knowledgeable, professional and a terrific instructor. Greg, the Crew Chief, and Kelly, who helped me book this experience, were so kind and helpful. We did this on a historic day, D-day. It was also John Black’s 1100th flight on the Mustang! I highly recommend this experience!
July 10, 2022 “Mind Blown”
I didn’t discover, until about 4 years ago, anything like Stallion51 existed much less being able to take the stick and fly one! Everyone at Stallion51 is the best!
Kelly, Office-Front Desk, was fantastic at getting scheduled and planned out. She had a friendly greeting, and enthusiasm for us on our arrival. John ‘Homer’ Black is ‘da-man’. His professionalism, humor, and patience was greatly appreciated throughout the pre-briefing, flight, and post-flight briefing. I could fly with this guy all day. Not maybe 10 minutes into the flight, he was coaching me thru taking the stick in “Crazy Horse’ and completely blowing my mind with all the aerobatics he guided me thru. CRAZY! ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY the most AMAZING experience I have ever had. I, ME, was actually flying my beloved high performance fight plane. OH MY GOD is that plane sweet! I want one now!! I think my mind is STILL in the cockpit of that plane. I smile so hard my face hurts each time I think of this experience.
First class organization and people. I highly recommend the 1hr flight, you wont regret it.
June 28, 2022 Can’t stop Smiling
I became aware of Stallion 51 about 20 years ago. It instantly was put on my bucket list. Worth the wait. I have never flown an airplane in my life. Had rides, but never flown an airplane. My IP, Steve Larmore, is incredible. His professionalism and humor came out in our Pre Flight briefing and hung in there thru the entire flight and the post flight briefing. Thanks Steve!! I am still having a tough time getting my mind around the fact that in about 10 minutes into my flight, Steve was coaching me thru aerobatics. I was flying a high performance fighter plane, WOW! How many people get to do that? I do not know what else to say. IF, WHEN you can, do this. You will never be the same. I booked the 1/2 hour flight, We did the 1 hour flight. If you can, do the 1 hour flight. This whole organization is filled with extremely professional people.
I realize that Kelly in the Office-Front Desk, makes this operation work. Call her, She can answer all your Questions.
Rick Liss
La Crescenta, Ca
June 24, 2022 Second time even better!
This was my second time flying a Mustang with Stallion 51. Both adventures were AWESOME!!! Scheduling was easy (but they are busy, so I had to plan ahead). On arrival Kelly had a friendly greeting and made me feel welcome. Both times I flew with Steve, even though my visits were 10 years apart!
Now I have flown both Crazy Horse and Crazy Horse 2. I was more comfortable this second time but enjoyed both flights immensely! Steve’s pre-brief was spot-on, so I knew what to expect and Steve understood my experience level and I had input into the flight plan and maneuvers I would execute.
Once we completed the preflight, took off, and flew a typical pilot skills check, from that point on, I flew the Mustang for the duration with Steve talking me through each set-up. I’ve now checked off bucket list #1, twice!
June 8, 2022 “AWESOME”
That about sums it up. Seriously though I was very impressed with the experience from the first correspondence to the actual flight. I thought the pre-flight briefing was well explained and definitely would complement Jerry on his presentation. He made me feel very comfortable. As a fellow pilot his explanations of the P-51 were a bonus. I would like to have had a more thorough cockpit briefing as the first time in a fighter was a little intimidating. I did like his nonchalance explanation of the bailout procedure. Like, I’m gonna remember to pull the rip-cord, yeah right! I think I would like to have had more explanation and time to familiarize myself with the elevator trim tab location. On another note, I’m 5’6” a 3” cushion back there would have been deeply appreciated. I’m not sure what was going on with the intercom but Jerry and I did rather well with our hand signals.
All in all, I would give the experience a positive 10 and am looking to return next May to continue the experience. However, I think we should make the roll our last maneuver of the day, maybe in a bar somewhere after the landing!
Thank you, Jerry “Jive”, it was indeed my pleasure to have flown with you and Thank You for your years of service to our country. I’m looking forward to seeing you in Tarkio in July.
Bob Chester
Flying aerobatics in a Mustang was amazing! The power and freedom of soaring a high performance legend was intoxicating. My instructor John “Homer” Black made me feel safe, capable and confident in the cockpit as I flew 90% of our one hour flight time which included loops, aileron rolls and wing overs. We had a thorough pre and post flight briefing and John gave me some tips on how I can transfer what I learned to my Private Pilot practice . There is no other experience like this. If you like warbirds, you will LOVE flying with the team at Stallion 51.
May 6, 2022 Every review is 5 Stars for a reason!
One will note that every review is 5 star. There’s a reason for that. If you have any interest at all in Aviation History, or just flying, this experience cannot be surpassed. Flying Crazy Horse was a dream come true, the culmination of a 35 year old bucket list item. My pilot was Jerry “Jive” Kerby, (great guy, and superb pilot) and the only reason I give the experience 5 stars is because they don’t have more. On a scale of 1 to 100, flying a P51 rates about 500. Don’t wait until you’re as old as me (77), my inner ear betrayed me, and I made myself sick flying the plane. Do it while you’re young, and can enjoy every attitude of ACM (Air Combat Maneuvering). Notwithstanding the physical limitations I have, I plan to go back, and fly the jet. Stallion 51 is EWEP. (Excellent, Worth Every Penny).
April 18, 2022 Dream Come True!
This was a major bucket list item for me, and I was not disappointed. Actually piloting a historic World War 2 fighter (my all time favorite one!) was a dream come true. But I was also very pleasantly surprised by the quality of the instructor. John “Homer” Black guided me through the maneuvers in the Mustang but also gave me tips and feedback that will improve my flying skills in the West Virginia mountains where I fly my own airplane. Wish I lived closer so I could get more instruction from Homer. A very high quality and professional organization. Highly recommend the experience! You only live once!
April 14, 2022 Still on My Bucket List!
An absolutely great experience. the flight of my life – so far – I will certainly be back for more in due time. Instruction was thorough, with time for exchange of experience and with just the right level of information to operate the plane in an environment safely guided by your instructor. 10 out of 10 points for this great experience which has send me onwards towards the art of aerobatic. We were 2 friends flying one after the other, giving us a great shared experience.
April 12, 2022 Thanks for the ultimate memory!
To all the folks at Stallion 51, Thanks for the ultimate memory and life experience! All of the staff From Beth in Reception, the maintenance crews and the crew chief, to the instructors were awesome! I had the pleasure to fly the Mustang with Lee Lauderback. One of the best IP’s that I’ve had the pleasure to share the cockpit with. Lee’s mission briefing presentation and preflight and in-flight instruction was informative, intuitive and just downright fun! He made flying the Mustang easy. The Little Witch was an awesome aircraft. Wish I could fly it every day. Thanks again for the memories. Can’t wait to do it again, it was worth every penny! Leroy Klintworth CW5(R) USA
April 5 2022 Words can not describe how amazing this was!!!!!
By far the best thing I have done in aviation so far. “Jive” was such a great and fun instructor. The flying was INCREDIBLE and everyone at Stallion 51 made it a great experience. Everyone was so helpful, friendly, and knowledgeable. Flying Crazy Horse is a dream come true and memory I will never forget. As “Jive” said before takeoff, “ there is just nothing like it” and there truly isn’t. To anyone in aviation, it is a must do!
April 1, 2022High Flying Fun!
March 30 2022, Grinning since 1994
I have enjoyed every flight experience since I began flying with Stallion 51. I have loved the Mustang since the age of 5 and I have performed every acrobatic maneuver I ever dreamed of doing and more. Every flight has been a true adventure made possible by the entire staff of Stallion 51. They are professional in every sense of the word and very accommodating. I highly recommend them. If you love the Mustang, this is an opportunity of a lifetime and I plan to fly again in the future. I just can’t get enough flight time in Crazy Horse. Give them a call. You will love the experience.
March 16, 2022 I’m Still Smiling!
A once in a lifetime experience. I’ve been in love with the P-51 since my childhood, but I never imagined actually flying in one. My pilot, Jerry, was outstanding. I had the controls of Crazy Horse 2 for most of the flight and with guidance was able to perform aerobatics that left me grinning like an idiot. The aircraft was a dream to fly.
January 16, 2022 Don’t postpone the Joy!
This adventure was a surprise birthday gift for my husband who is an avid WW11 enthusiast. He has logged hours flying small planes many years ago. Getting to ride in a P-51 Mustang was on his bucket list and the fact that he got to fly and perform aerobatic maneuvers for much of the 1 hour flight was just beyond his wildest dreams. The experience didn’t end there. During the entire 4 hour ride home his grin couldn’t have been wider reliving his adventure. Our experience from beginning to end was amazing. The ground support team and his incredible pilot John ” Homer ” Black were extremely professional. I was included in the briefing and given a website so I could track them in real time.The atmosphere is relaxed and the hangar is immaculate. Kelly was kind enough to send me very good restaurant and hotel recommendations with corporate pricing . A one hour video is included in the package as there are 3 cameras mounted on the aircraft. It was truly his best birthday gift ever!!
January 3, 2022 Still Flying High!
To be able to say I got to fly one of the most famous and awesome airplanes in the world is truly something I never imagined! My brother and I booked our reservations for Dec. 27th and thanks to Stallion 51 and their professionalism our dream became reality. A huge thank you to John Black and Steve Larmore, two of the nicest people and probably among the best instructors I’ll ever meet. You tailored our flights to our specific wants and needs and exceeded all my expectations. As far as I’m concerned Mustang 6 and Mustang 5 never landed and never will.
November 22, 2021 Mustang Flight
Very professional organization. Trip was planned months in advance, communication was good, staff was friendly, operations was top notch.
November 18, 2021 “Flying the P-51 Mustang”
The actual flight and handling the Mustang was everything I hoped it would be. The first 30 minutes of the flight were used to get acquainted with the airplane’s handling characteristics in turns, slow flight, stalls, climbs and straight and level flying. The second 30 minutes were loaded with basic aerobatic maneuvers such as aileron rolls, loops, wing-overs and barrel rolls. All non-stop fun done safely!
The flight was preceded by an excellent preflight briefing and post-flight review, all 3 components lead by John “Homer” Black. Homer is an excellent coach/instructor that I rate at the top among instructors encountered over the 50+ years I have been a licensed and active pilot. He let me fly the airplane 90+% of the time all the while coaching to improve my handling skills. The ground support team with Greg and Kelly among others were excellent, too, making sure the flight was scheduled and the airplane ready to fly on time.
I would fly the Mustang everyday if had the chance. I highly recommend this flying experience to any pilot or non-pilot.
Will D
November 1, 2021: “The fastest 60 Minutes”
So much fun doing aileron and barrel rolls, leading up to an inside loop. My instructor was so helpful and just a fun guy to be flying with. He worked through various maneuvers so i think anyone would be able to enjoy this, whether a pilot or not.
October 28, 2021: WWII Flight exceeds ALL expectations!
I have been planning on flying a P51 for over a decade. We finally made the time and planned our trip to there Orlando area with a focus on going to Stallion 51 and flying a P51! I am a longtime fan of WWII fighter aircraft and the Mustang is the top of the food chain. The entire experience was first rate. Ground orientation, barrel roll, split s, wing overs and much more. The plane handles like a dream, no wonder WWII pilots loved it. Bucket list item checked off – still smiling inside.
Lonnie McDonald
October 24, 2021: “Absolutely Incredible!
Absolutely Incredible!!! Perhaps one of the top ten coolest experiences of my life! Arrived excited and nervous but everyone there was super relaxed and informative and I knew I was going to be well taken care of. Very educational and flexible about the agenda and within a half hour of arriving, I was comfortable and knew that this was money well spent. I researched other similar companies but Stallion 51 offered far more (video, photos, books and nose art…) and was far more accommodating. Being on the older side, I was concerned about motion sickness and pulling G’s but Steve (my instructor) offered and encouraged me and was the right man for the job! The flight was spectacular and really beautiful! Steve was a super experienced pilot and incredibly nice guy and I was in great hands. I knew this was not just a scenic flight but hands on the control stick flight and, low and behold, I actually flew the P-51. WOW! Smooth air, clear skies, responsive and beautiful aircraft, this was an experience I will talk about for years and have already made plans for a return experience.
Thank you Stallion 51!
October 23, 2021: AWESOME!
First time in a Mustang. Flew with John “Homer” Black, the flight far exceeded my expectations. Top notch!!! Looking forward to doing it again in the future
October 20, 2021: “Stallion 51 will bring you back safe so you can do it again! ”
From engine start to shut down you will experience what courage a WWII pilot needed to fly this amazing machine. I went in expecting too much Hollywood action. Good thing I didn’t get it, probably couldn’t have taken it. What I received was a flight tailored to my previous experiences. As a Navy CH-46 crewman / rescue swimmer, P-3C flight engineer I have flown with very good pilots. Now I can add John “Homer” Black to that list. Professional through and through. Great pilot, better instructor. Talks you through the maneuvers, helps you when needed. Otherwise you do the flying. Stallion 51 is a well oiled machine, clean and well maintained. I know what it takes to maintain aircraft and Crazy Horse looked good. The sound of that V-12 engine starting up, swinging that 4 bladed prop. Raw horsepower. Nothing like it. I had forgotten a lot about the mechanics and rigors of flight, gravity tugging at you in every turn. How busy you can get in the cockpit; how fast things happen. The sky, like the sea is very unforgiving. The bottom line is Stallion 51 will keep you safe, bring you back so you can do it again.
I set this up for my husband, who mentioned earlier in the year that the only thing he really wanted to do for his 70th birthday was go to Kissimmee, Florida and fly a P-51 Mustang. We made a trip out of it, stayed at a local resort and enjoyed the area but the highlight of the trip and his birthday was flying the P-51. He is a licensed twin-engine and glider pilot with lots of hours but he said the hour flying the P-51 was the most exciting flying he’s ever done. Steve, his instructor, sent him home with a certificate of all of the aerobatics he did, along with a link to the flight video that was awesome. He wants to do it again, said it was so much more exciting than he imagined! The front office was very friendly, helpful and responsive when organizing the trip, I highly recommend.
June 25, 2021 “Stallion 51….Hands down!”
I flew the T-6 and the P51 Mustang a few weeks ago and it was a great experience! Well worth the money and I plan to do it again next year! The Staff and my instructor were very pleasant and easy going and of course, the flying was awesome! The instruction was excellent! If I owned a T-6 or P-51 I would do all my training at Stallion 51 hands down! Thanks Stallion 51 for a great experience! See you next year!
June 24, 2021 “Be sure to book the one hour flight as a half hour would not be enough.”
Stallion 51 gave me the chance to fulfill a life long dream. I grew up in the 50,s and 60,s watching movies about WW2. The P-51 Mustang was a very big part of that. To actually get to fly and control a Mustang was the most incredible experience of my life. My instructor John “Homer” Black was an excellent coach. He had me doing aerobatics. I did slow turns, wing overs, stalls, loops, barrel rolls and many aileron rolls. If you have ever thought about flying the incredible Mustang just do it. The staff at Stallion 51 are extremely friendly and make you feel comfortable. It was a once in a lifetime flight…but who knows I may do it again. Be sure to book the one hour flight as a half hour would not be enough.
June 10, 2021 “A unique experience that will show you the true magic behind this legendary warbird.”
We had a fantastic time visiting Stallion 51 Flight Ops on 3 Jun 21. My Uncle is a former Air Force pilot who recently survived some serious health issues. He had flying a P-51 at the top of his bucket list and thanks to the amazing team at Stallion 51, he was able to achieve that goal. Kelly did an amazing job setting up all the details and scheduled flight for me and my Uncle.
Steve and John made the magic happen in Crazy Horse and Crazy Horse 2. As an experienced military pilot myself I can tell you that the hour we spent in those beasts was unlike anything I’ve ever done before. This is a unique experience that will show you the true magic behind this legendary warbird. One word of warning, if you decide to go fly with them, this machine can get a serious hold on you! I fully plan to go back and do it again!! Thanks again to the whole team there for making my Uncle’s trip one to remember for a lifetime. You are true professionals!
Matthew Kenney
May 30, 2021 First Class
This is a first class operation. The aircraft are meticulously maintained. The instructor as great and the staff treat you like an old friend.
May 21, 2021 Top of my “Bucket List”
Being able to fly in the P51 Mustang has been at the top of my bucket list for many years. My wife and best friend and I arrived at Mustang Ops and were greeted with a big friendly smile. The folks here were extremely helpful and every thing we did was done in a totally professional manner. Our instructor pilot, Marco Rusconi, was super. As a retired military aviator with 25 years experience I can assure you that the flight was one of the safest, yet most fun that I have ever flown. You absolutely can not do better.
May 18, 2021 “Amazing Flight, True Professionals!
“The flight in the Crazy Horse P-51 was a gift from coworkers celebrating retirement after a 45 year flying career. There could not have been a better send off. Everyone involved including the receptionist, crew chief, photographer and flight instructor Lee Lauderback were truly professional and did an outstanding job. The pre-flight safety briefing was one of the best and comprehensive that I’ve seen. I highly recommend a flight with Stallion 51 whether you’re an experienced pilot or novice who just wants to experience the beauty, power and grace of the P-51 Mustang. Stallion 51 is the number one choice!
May 16, 2021 AWESOME!!!!
Incredible experience. We will remember this forever. Marco is an incredible instructor pilot. I still can’t believe I was able to do a loop, an aileron roll, and a barrel roll ( amongst other maneuvers) in a P51. Wow, just wow.
May 14, 2021 “The flight is one I will cherish forever”
If you have ever wanted to fly a P-51, Stallion 51 is the way to go. My morning started off with my instructor John “Homer” Black covering historical and informative information about the P-51. He went over all the aspects of the flight we would make that day and what to expect. They will record a video of the flight which is included. The flight was one that I will cherish forever. My feet hadn’t touched rudder pedals for more than forty years so I was quite rusty. John was a great, and patient instructor and talked me through several acrobatic maneuvers that I had never done. After the flight, we had a debrief and went over the video. The pre and post flight time combined with the actual flight make this an incredible experience. The staff was also great in helping make my reservation. Also, check out the gift shop. You won’t want to leave without a shirt or cap.
May 1, 2021 Custom fitted Fun…..!
What an amazing experience with a very professional first class outfit. Marco, my instructor was an expert at providing a tailor made experience to ensure my time was productive and that I went away with a giant smile and memories of a lifetime. I had the best day ever and would highly recommend Stallion 51 and Marco.
Jean Szkavadek
April 26, 2021 Surprise Birthday Present! …..
This was a surprise 70th birthday present from my lovely wife. She brought me to Orlando under the guise of going to Disney. Didn’t go there! Went to Stallion 51 instead. My wife still can surprise me sometimes. What a treat! The staff, facilities and of course the planes are absolutely phenomenal. I flew with John “Homer” Black in Little Witch. Cannot say enough about flying with John. The consummate professional. Having been to over 30 EAA Oshkosh fly in’s and always enjoying the war birds, and of course especially the P51’S, this was truly a dream come true. Had many times dreamt about what it would be like to fly in one of those planes. Now I know. Thanks for the great experience.
February 16, 2021 “If you want to train to fly warbirds, this is the place to go.”
Excellent training syllabus provided by the instructors, and the best well maintained airplanes. I am fortunate to fly with Marco and he makes learning easy and has many new techniques to help you in your training. The whole support staff is outstanding and always makes you feel welcomed.
Albert Wilson
The P51 Mustang orientation flight was beyond incredible and hinged on spiritual. First class operation with exceptional equipment and friendly professional staff. Maneuvering the Mustang was heavenly especially the aileron rolls. Memory of a lifetime!
January 21, 2012 Absolutely amazing experience……
Absolutely amazing experience, and I wasn’t even the one flying!!! Thank you for giving my husband an awesome flight, and for including us in everything else. John “Homer” Black is a great pilot and teacher, and we will remember this experience forever!! I’m sure my husband will be back!!
Lauren Grayson Klein
After 55 years of wanting a ride in a Mustang it finally happened on 25 Jan 2021. But, I didn’t ride in it, I FLEW IT!
Just incredible!! An unbelievable experience including aerobatics! Loops, wing overs, barrel rolls and aileron rolls. Pilot in command John “Homer” Black did such a great job I let him fly some. A thorough preflight briefing to prepare, and a debrief after the flight with a video preview. All very well done.
If you are a fan of the Mustang or WWII aviation, this is a must do adventure. Thank you Stallion 51! Just incredible!
John S
I want to really put thought into what was one of the best flying days I have had so far. I wanted to experience flying the P51 Mustang having travelled to London to fly a MK 9 Spitfire. Whilst the flight in the WWII Spitfire was awesome and a life’s ambition it lit a need to fly it’s US alternate. The professionalism of both John and Marco as instructors was inspirational to me having been a CFI for over 20 years, the experience cannot be explained in words as this was exhilarating, while they talk you through complex aerobatics and ensure you can exercise the maneuvers. I can only say a visit and flight at Stallion 51 will rank up there as one of the most memorable experiences of your life. Being in control of this fighter in 4G maneuvers life changing.
December 2020 …Surpassed my expectations!
This is a top notch outfit all around. These guys knew how long we had this trip planned for, they knew how much it meant to my brother, grandfather, myself, and the rest of our family, and they went out of their way to make sure that the experience not only lived up to our expectations, but surpassed them. This was the experience of a lifetime – flat out. Thank you to our Pilots/CFIs Marco, Homer, and Steve. To the ladies holding it down in the operations center – Kelly, KT, Beth. ..and of course, the Lauderback brothers!
Dan Eastwood
December 2020…..AWESOME!
P-51 Mustang is the aircraft that every pilot in the world dream about! Even if you are not a pilot, you will be amazed with the kind of adventure you will have flying a real Warbird!!! It is expensive but it is an experience for a lifetime!!! Worth it every single little penny!!! I strongly recommend!!! And for all Staff from Stalion 51, wish you all the best!!! Thank you guys!!! Cheers!!!
After flying the fantastic Mustang seven years ago at Stallion 51, still had the urge to try out the T6 Texan. Had the opportunity after 3 days of golf with my senior golfers group at Mission Inn. Requested that Steve Larmore be my instructor since he had been with me in the Mustang. Not enough words to express how great Steve is. Anyway, the flight in the Texan was awesome. Got to pull some maneuvers which had not done in the Mustang, including a cross wind landing. This was indeed a “bucket list” item for this 80 year old pilot wannabe!
From the time you set foot on Stallion 51 complex you feel a blend of history and a modern flight operation. From the time you check in with operations you are immersed in a classy first class operation. They are structured to make you feel special, an honored guest. Preflight instruction lets you know in great detail what to expect, but most noteworthy, they put you at ease while they determine your desires for the flight. I said I wanted to do it all and the IP didn’t flinch…a hardy OK was the response. Moving to Crazy Horse, the professionalism continues, your safety is emphasized as you are preped to actually fly this amazing warbird, no detail is overlooked. You become a partner with the IP as he brings the ole Stallion to life by turning over the massive Prop. They ensure you participate, asking you to monitor and perform specific tasks. Once airborne, you fly … with it he IP talking you through every maneuver, the expectations are high for you to have the ultimate experience…as I pulled back on the stick to enter my first 2G loop, nostalgia swept through me… I felt like a WWII Ace maneuvering for my next kill! I did it all..But that hour went fast. I flew back to Kissimmee and set up for approach, overhead approach with a right break to downwind. The IP had nerves of steel as he allowed me to land…I was totally involved. Post flight debriefing was thorough…make you feel like an accomplished test pilot. It isn’t cheap, I saved for years, but it is worth every penny! The thrill of a lifetime. I’m retired Air Force with over 2,500 flying hours and over 1000 military static line/military freefall jumps…this experience ranks in the top 1 percent of all the things I’ve done. I highly recommend Stallion 51 for both the experienced aviator to the novice with no-to-limited experience. You won’t regret it…do it!
September 1, 2020 …..“I had such a tremendous experience, I am trying to figure out how to return for another!
The one hour flight in the P-51 was a thrill of a lifetime! My husband, knowing that I consider the Mustang the most iconic aircraft, surprised me with the flight at Stallion 51 for my 60th birthday. My flight in Crazy Horse 2 was everything I could have hoped. From the moment we arrived at Stallion 51, everyone of the team treated us as though we were family. My instructor for the flight, John “Homer” Black, was professional and very knowledgeable about the Mustang, succinct in his direction and encouraging that I should fly as much of the hour as possible. He skillfully lead me through the action packed flight, full of maneuvers both normal and aerobatic. It was clear to me the he practiced absolute safety throughout the flight while helping me discover the sheer joy of flying the Mustang. Truly thrilling! I was delighted to meet Lee Lauderback who treated my husband and myself as though we were old friends. Very grateful that he and the other Stallion 51 team, make it possible for people like me to experience flight in this historic WWII fighter. I had such a tremendous experience, I am trying to figure out how to return for another!
Lesa Bice
July 29, 2020 …..”I fulfilled my Bucket List Item”
Today I fulfilled my only bucket list item by flying the P51 Mustang, What a great experience and time! I was paired with John “Homer” Black and it was awesome. Not only did I learn that I do like aerobatics at 200+ knots airspeed but I got a great flying lesson at the same time. John is a consummate instructor and excellent pilot. I felt completely confident with him at the helm instructing and coaching me through all the maneuvers. I can’s say enough what a great time I had and the folks at Stallion were so accommodating. Thank you for a great day. I’m looking forward to making my pilot buddies and family watch the video. 🙂
June 30 2020 …..”It’s THE Place to fly a Mustang!”
With over twenty thousand hours of flying hours this will always be one of my most memorable flights. Marco was excellent to fly with, he really gave patient and great instruction on the mustang. I was so impressed with how nice the airplane handled. There was plenty of time to do what YOU wanted to do in the airplane. I can’t say enough on how great that whole team at Stallion 51 treated me. It’s THE place to fly the mustang! Next, time to fly the L-39.
June 8, 2020 …..”OUT OF THIS WORLD INCREDIBLE!!! “
I just need to tell you that your operation is OUT OF THIS WORLD INCREDIBLE!!! I went in with high expectations and you completely BLEW THEM OUT OF THE WATER – or SKY!!! 🙂 From the first communication with you to being treated like family, like royal family clear through to after flying – and the most amazing experience I have EVER had. Marco is such a STUD! There are not words that can express how awesome the whole experience with you was! Flying Crazy Horse 2 was definitely the highlight, but the way the company is run and the whole experience was so PHENOMENAL!!! Each person I had interaction with showed genuine interest in making it special for me and my sons. I appreciate how you all took my boys in as part of the experience also, it has left a great impression on them.
I cannot say how much I appreciate the patience and skillful teaching of Marco. He was so calm, cool, encouraging and humble. I love to see that he genuinely loves to fly and loves to share the experience with others. I appreciate how none of it felt rushed or that we were any sort of imposition. To the contrary, Marco and each of you I met made us feel like welcome family; as if we were the only people in the world you were concerned about.
Such an exceptional experience! I hope to come fly with you again. I am humbled and honored to be able to fly such an iconic piece of living history and NOBODY could make that experience more special than Stallion 51! I am so impressed with your operation and can only imagine the rest of the team is as extraordinary as those I met. I appreciate the crew behind the scenes also that keep the planes in such impeccable shape, showing such respect for the remarkable works of art and history they are. I am horrible remembering names, is it Greg in who is in the hangar wiping them down after each flight and moving them in and out of the hangar? Please tell him “Thank you” again for us too. Each of you is a CHAMP! Thank you for taking the time to make the memory live longer by providing me with the recording of the flight.
Roger Howard –
Still grinning from ear-to-ear and telling everybody how wonderful it was there. I have told and will continue to tell anybody and everybody – especially anybody who loves to fly – to go live the Stallion 51 experience!
April 18, 2020 …..”Great operation in a great location”
I had a great flight in the P-51 with former Snowbird member Marco Rusconi as my instructor. In fact it was so great I took another flight with him the next week. Lot’s of aerobatics and even some time to do whatever I felt like in the plane. That was special: the first flight I spent that time thinking of my father who flew P-40’s in N. Africa in WWII…..second flight I played around with the gyroscopic effects of rapid pitch changes. Marco was a very special instructor and made sure the flight was all about a great experience for me. I’ve done a number of other Warbird flights and this was the best. Landing the P-51 myself (with some calm coaching) on the first flight was amazing. No one else offers that. And we cleared in to fly in the nearby MOA which made it very safe to do huge loops and barrel rolls. Stallion 51 is a great operation in a great location!
April 4, 2020 …..”Aerobatics!!!”
This was my third visit to Stallion 51 and a chance to perform some advanced aerobics under the expert tutoring of Marco. As I live in the U.K. my access to the wonderful world of Mustang flying is restricted to my visits to Florida. Each of my 3 flights have been more adventurous and exciting, as I have been able to become more familiar with the aircraft. If you have ever dreamed of flying a Mustang, either in a straight line or upside down this experience is for you. The team are all very friendly and welcoming and there is a comfortable area for family members. I was in control of the aircraft 95% of the time with Marco ensuring I didn’t bend it. A fabulous experience worth every dollar. Thank you all.
John C.
March 28, 2020 …..”One of a kind experience”
This was the best flight I have had since my solo in a C-150 back in 1977. I flew Crazy Horse on March 16th with instructor John “Homer” Black. It was a once in a life-time experience. Homer was fantastic to fly with and very good at coaching this rusty pilot (I have not flown fixed wing in 6 years or so) through some mild aerobatics and even a good part of the approach and landing. I consider this a bucket list item for any pilot with any interest at all in WWII era aviation. Stallion 51 maintains a first class facility that is well maintained and professionally run. They took good care of us (my wife was with me) before, during and after the fight. This is not a cheap adventure, but it is one of a kind and worth every penny and, after all, you can’t take it with you so might as well enjoy it now.
March 23, 2020 …..”Kissing the Clouds!
Marco Rusconi and Stallion 51 made my dream come true.Definately one of my Bucket list illusions come true.A brave and historic plane,and great Pilot took me to a spiritual moment to fulfill my dream that was to kiss the clouds.I’m greatfull to have been able to enjoy that unforgettable moment.Thankyou Marco,Greg and Kelly for making this possible.
March 13, 2020 …..”An Amazing Day at Stallion 51 “
I just celebrated my 50th year in Aviation flying many different types of airplanes and helicopters, but never flew my favorite of all, The P-51 Mustang. That chance became available, Thanks to my wonderful wife, earlier this month. Stallion 51 provided me with an extremely safe and professional ground and flight experience from the time I walked in the door until I left a few hours later. If you’re interested in 95% hands on flying, this is the place to visit. Thanks to the entire staff for exceeding my expectations on this fantastic opportunity to add a P-51 entry into my logbook.
March 1, 2020 …..”fulfilled and even exceeded my expectations!”
One of my “bucket list” items was to fly a P-51 Mustang. I saved up for several years to make that dream come true as a 60th birthday gift to myself. My wife Jessica and I went to Orlando and I flew with Lee Lauderback at Stallion 51. Stallion 51, based at Kissimmee Gateway Airport (ISM) near Orlando, Florida, has a very professional and thorough P-51 training operation. Basically, if you have the wealth and good fortune to own and/or fly a P-51, you’ve probably been trained by Lee and his team of instructors at Stallion 51. They even did the re-currency training for WWII aces like COL (ret.) Clarence “Bud” Anderson and BGEN (ret.) Chuck Yeager. Lee Lauderback is known as “Mr. Mustang” because he has more time flying Mustangs than anybody else on the planet – it’s hard to imagine, but he has well over 10,000 hours in Mustangs! The thing that makes Stallion 51 especially well-suited for training is that they have 2 of only a very few TF-51 Mustangs. As you may know, with the P-51D model of Mustang, it is common to remove the 85 gallon centerline fuel tank and old WWII radios that were behind the pilot’s seat in order to add a jumpseat for a lucky passenger. Sometimes people even add a stick and rudder pedals. Unlike most other P-51D conversions, the TF-51 conversion has a complete set of controls and instruments in the rear seat, making it particularly well-suited for training. Stallion 51’s two TF-51s are called Crazy Horse and Crazy Horse2. I was fortunate to have Lee as my Instructor Pilot. Crazy Horse 2 is equipped with 3 cameras: one looking forward from the left horizontal stabilizer, another looking forward from the top of the vertical stabilizer, and one looking aft from the top of Lee’s instrument panel. He cycles them with his coolie hat switch. The audio from the intercom and radios is active during all 3 views. They start the video recording on the ramp and leave it on until shutdown. As a result, the video is about 1.1 hours in length. Lee used it to debrief the flight with me, which was very beneficial. That guy is a real master. I ended up with 1.1 PIC time. Lee had me do the taxiing and all of the flying except for the takeoff. I got to do a variety of aerobatic maneuvers, including several that I was used to flying (e.g., loops, Cuban 8s, aileron rolls) and several more that I had never before flown (4- and 9-point rolls, reverse half Cuban 8). I even got to do the landing. All in all, it was an outstanding, memorable experience that fulfilled and even exceeded my expectations. Having the video recording of my flight will enable me to relive it time and time again. Very cool!!!
February 19, 2020 …..”I had a great birthday at Stallion 51!”
I had a great birthday at Stallion 51 Flight Operations. This was a surprise gift from my amazing wife and I can tell you, that it was the best gift ever. I am an USAF brat whose father flew A1s in Vietnam. I grew up on a number of Air Force Bases and I have seen the Thunderbirds and Blue Angels at over 100 airshows. I love airplanes but the only flying I have done is in the back of Delta Airlines flight. When I got the surprise I was excited and a little concerned at the same time…..I am not a pilot. THIS EXPERIENCE IS FOR PILOTS AND NON PILOTS!!! Do not be nervous…be excited. They take great care of you during the whole process.
My flight instructor was the famous John “Homer” Black. He is ex USAF pilot who flew F15s and happened to be stationed at many of the bases that my family was at, so we had a lot in common. He is very through and professional. He put me at ease the minute he shook my hand. In our briefing, he explained the history, the maneuvers, and tons of science behind flying. I learned a ton and the best part he took his time. Our briefing was suppose to be less than an hour, but we talked for over an hour and half.
Walking out to the Mustang was amazing by itself. The facility was spotless and the aircraft in the hanger were beautiful and well taken care of. John got me all strapped in and went over the safety information. Then it was time to get things going. He fired the engines and everything came alive. We taxied out and we were off after short wait.
Everything just kept getting better. We were in the air and John said “the plane is yours” and I was flying. We did all kinds of maneuvers: Slow turns to get the feel of the aircraft, stalls, wing overs, aileron roll, barrel roll, cloverleaf, loops, air combat maneuver. All of it was amazing. John coached me through all the maneuvers and did help on the rudder, but for the most part, I was flying. At one point John asked me “how are you doing” , my reply was “great, I feel great” then he says we are going to sustain 5Gs…..wow it was amazing to get the feeling of 5Gs.
It has been about 3 week, but I think about it every week and just smile. One of the best parts, besides the flying, John spent time to compare what we were doing with what my father did when he was flying the A1 Sandy.
If you are thinking about doing this adventure….stop thinking and sign up, you will love it. If you are not a pilot, this may help you get into flying….but at the very least you will have a great time.
As for me, John has connected me to a flying school near home and I will be taken lessons this summer. It wont be in a Mustang, but it will be a start. I will be back…already making plans to return for my 51st birthday.
Thank You to the whole Stallion 51 Team.
Jason Batte
February 17, 2020 …..”Dream come true!”
Dream come true . I’m 69 years old and been fascinated with P 51’s since my youth. I grew up around airports and Naval air stations. My father was a CFI and also in the Navy. This was my second flight with Marco. First flight was feb. 2018. Marco is an exceptional pilot and instructor. It was beyond thrilling flying in this historic aircraft.
February 14, 2020 …..”The most fun you can have with your pants on!!”
Just completed my second flight in Crazy Horse and I can honestly say that if you’re into P-51’s this is the most fun you can have with your pants on 🙂 My first flight was with Marco and the second with “Homer” black. Both are exceptional pilots and instructors. Life is about experiences and this is one you shouldn’t pass up!
February 13, 2020 …..”Best birthday gift EVER!”!
My wife of 41 years booked me in The P 51 for a Hr. flight for my 60th Birthday. Best gift ever!! You just can’t explain to someone what it is like to be at the controls of such a great aircraft. They are not pulling your leg when they tell you will do most of the flying. Will be a great Rocking Chair story when your retirement days come. Flew with John { Homer } Black, Great Guy!!
February 12, 2020 …..My Mustang flight was the most fun and excitement in my 67 years”!
I wanted to own, or at least fly, a Mustang since I started flying in 1975. Stallion 51 finally gave me that opportunity with Crazy Horse 1. The airplane is in magnificent shape. The instructor pilot (Marco) is a first rate instructor, patient, articulate, 100% knowledgeable about aviation and the Mustang. He tested me, and let me fly the airplane to the extent of my abilities, including doing aerobatics and letting me do the landing. That flight fulfilled my last Bucket List item. I have now accomplished everything that I set out to do as a young man, middle aged man and old man…but I am nowhere near finished living. I still must return to fly Crazy Horse again. And again. And again.
January 30, 2020 …..The Gift of Flight!
As a surprise from my wife, I got to fly a 1 hour sortie in the “little witch” P-51 mustang. Being a private pilot, I flew probably 85% of the flight with coaching and occasional help from the flight instructor pilot, John “Homer” Black. This is a wonderful experience, from the staff that arranged the surprise, the folks I met in the office and on the flight line, to my pilot instructor “Homer”. I recommend this company and the experience. the aircraft were spotless and obviously well maintained.
January 27, 2020 …..Great Adventure!
My brother and I booked orientation rides in the T6 Texan, which we fulfilled in mid-January – and it was truly amazing. After a joint pre-flight with Steve, we rode sequentially – my instructor was Marco, and he was really excellent. I enjoy flying, but had never flown a plane before – and with Marco’s patient instruction, it felt completely natural. The butterflies depart after you start moving, and then it’s all grins, at whatever pace you want to take it. I got to do stalls, wingovers, aileron rolls, loop, Cuban 8, barrel rolls, and the landing (with a little welcome assistance on that one!). Even more than that was just the sheer joy of piloting a vintage propeller plane between the puffy clouds! As both Steve and Marco noted : careful, this could be addicting. I also really appreciated Marco’s in-flight instruction on aerodynamics and the physics of flying. Already looking forward to my next visit to Kissimmee, because after watching my inflight video, I see all the things I want to do better next time! Couldn’t recommend this more highly.
January 7, 2020 …..Taking the controls of the Mustang!
Instructor Steve spent an interesting hour briefing me about our upcoming flight. I was somewhat skeptical that we would be able to accomplish all of what he presented in a one-hour booking, but we did it all. I chose Stallion 51 because I wanted to fly a P-51, not sit in the back watching someone else do the flying. I was not disappointed. I estimate that I was flying the plane over 90% of the time, including touching the wheels back down on the landing. In the air, Steve talked me through steep turns, stalls and other maneuvers intended to get me used to the airplane. I found the controls much lighter on the touch than expected, and it was a delight to fly. Then, we progressed to aileron rolls, barrel rolls, wingovers, Immelmann turns, a Cuban 8 and even a victory roll just before returning to the airport. I had had no previous experience with aerobatics other than spin training required for my pilot’s license. Don’t be put off by the price. In my humble opinion, it’s worth every penny. After all, flying has never been a cheap pastime.
December 30, 2019 …..An experience that “will stay with me the rest of my life”
After a lifetime of dreaming about it, I was given a gift that can’t be topped. The facility and aircraft are immaculate, and the staff are first rate. You really can’t put a price tag on the experience; it will stay with me for the rest of my life. I highly recommend Stallion 51!
December 2, 2019 “Bucket List!”
Been a private pilot for over 30 years and this was the most memorable flying I’ve experiences. Hats off to Steve for making this so enjoyable.
November 29, 2019 “Once is not enough!”
This is arguably the premier place to get trained as a P-51 pilot. They are very professional and friendly and of course are experts on all things Mustang related. Of course if you just want to ride or feel it in flight, they are very happy to share their love of flying this awesome aircraft with you as well. I flew Crazy Horse and the L-39 Albatross and just had a great time whirling through the sky. I would have said, “it’s a once in a lifetime thing”, but I’ll probably be back!
Keep em flying and thanks for everything!
November 26, 2019 “Mustang Basic Acro!”
Spent an hour with Steve in Crazy Horse. He was an excellent instructor. This was my first time flying a Mustang. Very easy going. Clear and precise in instruction on the ground and in the air. Very saftey oriented, professional operation. Aircraft well maintained. Came in with a good bit of tailwheel time, but no Mustang time. Steve made the transition for me easy. Takeoff, stalls, basic Acro. Most fun I’ve had in an airplane in years. Highly recommend!
November 21, 2019 We have flown together in Crazy Horse 1 and Crazy Horse 2 five times and singles twice..Plan to continue every year. 2020 we will celebrate our 58th anniversary and will fly together again. The best pilots in the world are at Stallion 51.
Henry and Susan
November 19, 2019 “Beyond Words!”
From the most professional staff I have worked with, to airplanes that are in top-notch condition, Stallion 51 is clearly the gold standard in flight operations. I flew with Steve Lamore, who clearly has a deep passion for what he does and it is absolutely contagious! The maneuvers we performed were an absolute thrill, and I truly hope to have the opportunity to fly again with this incredible team of people!
Mateo Wolf
November 6, 2019 “Thrill of a Lifetime!”
My experience at Stallion 51 was nothing short than the thrill of a lifetime. Approaching my 80th birthday my wish was to fly in a P51 Mustang and I would have been a happy camper just to do that. To be able to take control of the aircraft and to fly it under the expert tutelage of John Posson was a dream come true. I flew the original Crazy Horse, an honor I will always remember. John and the entire staff at Stallion 51 are both extremely professional and take the utmost care to guide their students and customers. Hats off to them and as John Lauderback says, “Mustangs Forever“.
Jim Lewis,
Winter Springs, Florida
October 15, 2019 “Bucket List Birthday Flight”
Flying the P51 Mustang had been a lifelong dream….NOT ANYMORE! I celebrated my 60th birthday by experiencing the beauty of performance and handling of Crazy Horse 2 with Steve Larmore. Steve’s cockpit demeanor and instructing technique greatly enhanced my time handling this beautiful aircraft. The introduction to several aerobatic maneuvers has wetted my appetite to get back into it. I also want to recognize the Technicians who work so hard behind the scenes maintaining this beautiful aircraft. I can certainly appreciate the time spent as I am an A&P/IA and Director of Maintenance for a Corporate Operator. The entire staff at Stallion 51 Flight Operations is professional and courteous. When you enter the facility you immediately sense the pride they have for what they do. Can’t wait to come back and do it again!
September 30, 2019
Dear Stallion 51 team:
Flying with instructors Steve Larmore and John “Homer” Black as father and son we were both able to experience a superb Mustang flight. The operation at Stallion 51 was outstandingly professional and so friendly. This was an experience that will leave a lasting memory …Thank you to all at Stallion 51.
September 4, 2019 …This will mark my professional life as a pilot
Dear Stallion 51 team:
I want to take the opportunity to thank you for your welcome and fine attention.
Flying the Mustang for me represents being able to fulfill one of my wishes and one of my priorities in my life.
Having the experience shared with instructor John “Homer” Black and knowing his extensive experience was a privilege for me.
The experience lived during the flight, the acrobatics carried out and the learning received will be something that will mark my professional life as an aviation pilot and at the same time it led me to remember the beauty of the aviation in its pure nature when flying an important piece of the history.
Thanks again to all the team that received me with such love and I hope to see you again.
Victor Torres
August 27, 2019 “You made me feel like I could do ANYTHING!”
I have been reliving my moments in that beautiful plane every second since August
20th! Even Bill has been completely surprised by the depth of what his
gift has meant to me. I have no words.
I cannot thank you, Steve, enough for your kindness, your patience, your
unbelievable expertise, knowledge and your ability to SHARE that
knowledge so seamlessly, effortlessly and with such joy and enthusiasm.
You made me feel like I could do ANYTHING! You made my 60th birthday a
day I will never forget. I KNOW how hard you had to work to make ME feel
like I was truly flying that magnificent machine!! You are a MASTER. To
say it was a dream come true just does not even begin to capture the
depth of what I felt that day, and continue to feel even at this moment.
Thank you. ALL of you – for all you do to preserve the beauty and
grandeur of such a magical machine, and for using your unsurpassed
knowledge and expertise to share it with those of us who would otherwise
NEVER be able to experience it.
Blessings upon blessings to you all. Stay safe.
With the greatest gratitude,
Lynann Kurr
August 14, 2019 Family Flights
We wanted to show our appreciation and gratitude for a wonderful two weeks in training.
From the morning when I met Beth and Marco, I felt at home in your school, and no detail was left unanswered. The tone was set for the finest training I would ever receive. Marco, my instructor, was excellent! His knowledge and kindly teaching method made my transitions very easy! Mr. Lauderback made me at ease on my checkride and took exceptional care of my daughter and son on their flights with me.
My Father was a tail-gunner on the B-17 Leading Lady. He flew 58 missions and had 3 victories and 2 heavily damaged. He would tell me stories about how the Mustangs saved them on long missions. My love of the Mustang began with his stories when I was 5 years old.
I enjoyed the T-6, but my true life ambitions were realized.
Forevermore, will my children have the same LOVE of flying, and whenever they gaze into the sky, or hear a Merlin engine, they will yearn to fly Stallion 51’s Crazy Horse!
May God always keep you happy, healthy, and safe!
The Guymons
August 6, 2019 “Top Notch Operation”
This is a Premier Flight Experience. Exceeded all my Expectations……. I’ve been in the Aviation Business for 60 years.
July 22, 2019 “Don’t Wait as it is a thrill that will be very hard to duplicate in this historic bird!!”
As a lead up to this unbelievable flight with Steve I would like to bring a little history of my limited flight experience. In the 1960’s at Stewart Air Park, a grass strip located at the time north of Parkersburg WV held a fund raiser for local fire departments I believe, was called “Penny a Pound for a Flight Around Town”.
Local pilots donated their time and planes to fly participants after they stepped off the scales. I was in the 6th grade and was lucky enough to sit right hand copilot, had a great view of the mid-Ohio valley and was hooked on flying.
Fast forward to 1977. Started flight training in a Cessna 150. After earning my license I moved to the Cessna 172. I got to fly with my Father who had been in the Army Air Corp till it was dissolved in 1945. That was really cool!
Years ago I also took a ride in a glider at Myrtyle Beach, SC. Being towed to about 10k feet was rather melodramatic, but when we were cut loose I was amazed how quiet the ride was. I got to fly a little but rapidly lost altitude by learning how to neutralize the stick after every turn and not knowing how to find the air currents.
Several years ago I was able take a ride in a Stearman Biplane at the Virginia Beach Military Air Museum. The pilot was kind enough to let me steer the plane straight and level till we had to land. This was my 2nd attempt with an actual stick as opposed the Cessna’s wheel. Quite exciting!
Forward to April 3rd 2019 and I slip back to the excitement of my first airplane ride as a kid.
My brother Tim graciously made it possible for me to fly the TF-51Mustang “Crazy Horse” keeping it a complete surprise to me until we started pre-flight. Needless to say was, that was probably a good thing as I would have been so much more nervous with this amazing plane I have read so much about.
Pre-flight with Steve Larmore was great. He went over the basics and on to what we would be doing, stressing that “I” would be doing the flying of the aerobatic maneuvers! (ME, doing aerobatics –never thought it would ever happen)!
The list of maneuvers performed was amazing: taxi, take-off, turns, steep turns, wing over, aileron roll, barrel roll, Cuban 8, and loop. It was amazing how much easier it is to fly this Magic plane with plenty of horsepower (over 1500 HP I believe Steve told us), as compared to the Cessna’s I flew.
From take-off to the landing (I got to land it, Wow!!) Steve talked me through every step of the way with his great skill and knowledge. Having the camera’s on the plane with audio is unbelievable! Being able to watch and listen to the complete flight and understand what we were going through after the fact is amazing!
Another bonus was attending the Sun & Fun Air Expo in Lakeland FI that weekend and being able to catch up with the folks at the P51 exhibit. If it wasn’t magic enough after the flight, we were again welcomed as family by Marco and many others any time we could be there.
I have to say that from my first plane ride as a kid- to this incredible chance to fly the P51 Mustang at the age of 66 will be very hard to top!
First impressions mean a lot and with Kelly Managhan in flight operations, Greg Wise crew chief, Steve Larmore-my pilot and another pilot-Marco Rusconi, how could you not feel welcome.
Looking down the road I would love to be able to do this again and would tell anyone even thinking about doing it- Don’t Wait as it is a thrill that will be very hard to duplicate in this historic bird!!
Thank you Stallion 51!!
Jim Edwards
June 25, 2019 “Outstanding”
I took a one-hour ride in Crazy Horse 2. Fantastic event from pre-briefing through flight through post-briefing. The fact another person was also flying the other Mustang that day added to the thrill, as we spent time flying, so if you can get a friend to go at the same time, do so. Note extremely heavy-set folks should not apply; the trainee seat in the rear is even smaller than the original seat up front. As the cost is buried in the fine print somewhere, I’ll let you know I paid $3,850 for one hour, engine start to engine stop, with about 50 minutes in the air and me flying 40+ minutes of it. It was even fun getting to control the ground taxiing. If I lived in the area I would already be scheduling my next flight.
June 15, 2019 “Flew P-51 the day before the 75th anniversary of D-Day”
What was it like for a 20 year-old with a few hundred hours to fly this amazing airplane in World War II? I have over 6,000 hours, most in a Beech Baron, took some aerobatic lessons before flying the P51. I loved the plane, Steve, my instructor was great. Overall outstanding. Steve “Mad Dog” was an amazing instructor / pilot and took our dad on the flight of his life! Thank you Steve and everyone at Stallion 51 for making this such a memorable experience for our wonderful dad! Bucket list checked!
June 14, 2019 “Memorable experience for our wonderful Dad.”
Steve “Mad Dog” was an amazing instructor / pilot and took our dad on the flight of his life! Thank you Steve and everyone at Stallion 51 for making this such a memorable experience for our wonderful dad! Bucket list checked!
Lisa Wells Weiss
June 9 2019 “I’m saving up to do it again!”
After 45 years of flying airline “heavy metal” and trying not to spill the Martini’s; Stallion 51 gave me the opportunity to fulfill a dream from my early childhood. The P-51 is a DREAM airplane to fly and early aerobatic experience came flooding back in a real high performance airplane. The airplanes are perfect and the employees as pleasant and helpful as anyone could expect. I’m saving up to do it again!
Larry G.
May 6, 2019 Aerobatics, have me hooked
I had the best time ever in “Crazy Horse 2” with John (Homer). I am a private pilot from Melbourne Australia and saved up for this bucket list item. Homer tuaght me some aerobatic techniques that have me hooked now. Thank you to everyone there, I can’t recommend them highly enough.
Marty Gazzola
May 3, 2019 “Once in a Lifetime Experience”
This was an amazing once-in-a-lifetime experience I will never forget. 10x Better than any roller coaster at any of the theme parks in Orlando. The staff and the pilots were amazing. They took the time and the care to make sure that you were 100% comfortable and were focused on nothing but the thrill. Highly recommend anyone and everyone put it on your bucket list.
March 21, 2019 “Stallion 51 is a first class operation!”
Have wanted to fly the P-51 Mustang since I was a kid. Stallion 51 is a first class operation. Lee and his Team made the experience one of the best I have ever had. After 27 years of military aviation it was a blast. You leave wanting to do it again! Lee is a great instructor and if you ever wanted to fly the P-51 this is the place. Highly recommend the flight.
March 1, 2019 “Definitely worth the money!”
Wanted to fill a bucket list item and fly a Mustang. Stallion 51 was the right place to go! Aircraft are amazing, the staff is friendly and professional, and my IP was superb. Aileron rolls, barrel rolls, loops, stalls, pitch out and landing — I’ll never forget this experience! They provide you a start to finish video of your flight so you can relive the excitement over and over. Definitely worth the money!
February 22, 2019 “Flight of a Lifetime”
My uncle flew the P-51 in 441 squadron and got me interested in flying as a young man. While I flew mostly Cessna and Pipe aircraft this was my first experience in a high performance aircraft. Absolutely brilliant. My instructor John Black did a terrific job with briefing and flight instruction. This is a memory that will last forever. If my wife needs to put a smile on my face now all she does is mention this flight. I’m already starting to plan a return to fly the Texan and the Mustang.
February 19 , 2019 “Already planning my next trip!”
Absolutely the best operation ever. Pilot Lee Lauderback made a point of inviting my wife to the pre-flight briefing which brought her on board for the whole experience to an extent that she wasn’t expecting. The aircraft familiarization was clear and concise. Heavy emphasis on safety.
The flight itself was more than I dreamed. Lee had me taxiing before I even realized it. Once safely in flight Lee talked me through the movements and made them easy to execute. And fun! Lee is an extremely good instructor and made personal connections from the very start.
The landing and debriefing happened a bit too quickly. (next time I’ll do the whole hour – what was I thinking?) We (wife sat in on this as well) reviewed the video they created from the three on-board cameras and he once again explained what we did.
The video showed up in my Dropbox the next working day as promised.
All in all this is an expertly run operation that I’d recommend to anybody with a love of the P-51 and the desire to experience flying one.
Oh, and the support staff were as kind and professional as the pilot. Kelly did a fabulous job of keeping us informed and organized while the ramp staff exhibited the same professionalism and expertise as the pilot.
Already plotting on the next trip!
Jim Gleason
February 18, 2019 “I have flown over 60 types of Airplanes…this is the BEST”
As a long time pilot and CFI, this was a once in a lifetime experience. I have flown over 60 types and this has to be the best. Lee was fantastic – led me through several aerobatic maneuvers, and an overhead break to a landing. The best part was I got to do almost all the flying, including a nice landing. The entire team at Stallion 51 were incredibly customer friendly, and the hangar and planes are immaculate. I still have a big grin on my face. Thanks for a wonderful time.
February 14 , 2019 “Valentines Day in the P-51!”
I suppose another 5 star review of Stallion 51 will seem redundant but it is well deserved. The people who work here obviously love these airplanes and it’s obvious as soon as you see their spotless hanger floor and meet Kelly at the front desk. The day of my visit there were 4 gorgeous P51s in the facility and we got some great pictures of them all. When it comes to the actual flying I have to give credit to my instructor Steve Larmore. He’s a great instructor and an A&P so he knows the airplane inside and out. And he’s a great guy. Any apprehension you may feel about flying a 1500 HP airplane pretty much goes away when Steve says “You’ll be surprised how fast you’ll make friends with this airplane”. After the preflight brief where he discusses your past flying experience and what you’d like to do in the airplane we walked out to Crazy Horse and he pointed out a few of the features that made the P51 fast, like the shape of the wing and the “Meredith effect” of the oil cooler scoop. Once you settle into the cockpit and strap in you find yourself noticing how huge an 11 foot propeller looks when you’re sitting behind it. After reviewing his checklist items several times Steve hit the start switch and the whole airplane twitches from the effort of turning the 450 pound prop. The taxi out to the run-up area gives you the chance to smell some Merlin exhaust (you really have to love this airplane to appreciate that). The takeoff roll is brisk and fairly short (nothing in the world sounds like a Melin at take off power) and the airplane is flying and the gear is coming up in short order. Steve gave me the airplane after he cleared the area and almost immediately took it back to maneuver around 3 bald eagles who wandered into our path. Steve was right. The airplane is easy to fly. Not golden retriever friendly but it doesn’t seem to have the “edge” some high performance machinery has. It never felt like it would “bite” you. Even when we did a stall (I still have a mental screen shot of looking over that blue airplane nose straight at the ground) the recovery was not dramatic and easily accomplished. After a variety of wing-overs, rolls, loops, some GREAT flying with Mustang 6 and a 300 knot high speed, low pass on a cloud, we headed back to the airport. I noticed at this point how dehydrated I felt. I’d recommend making sure you are well hydrated before the flight because the airplane also gets pretty warm at lower altitude returning to the airport. I flew the break and the landing pattern and made the landing in a slight left crosswind (with a little trim help and coaching from Steve).l If you’re an airplane enthusiast and especially a P51 lover you should do this. It will be one of the BEST half dozen experiences of your life.
January 30, 2019 “Dances With Clouds”
I fulfilled a boyhood dream with Stallion 51! It was an absolutely EPIC experience! We got there about a half an hour before my scheduled flight and walked around the hangar (loaded with 4 P-51’s and 2 T-6 Texans), then met with my flight instructor, Marco. Marco is a FANTASTIC instructor, a Canadian Air Force pilot and member of their Snowbirds team (Canadian version of the Blue Angels), as well as an airline pilot. He is highly experienced! As we were briefing, another highly-experienced instructor came by who is a former USAF F-15 pilot and has over 800 flights in the Mustangs! After a complete and thorough pre-flight briefing we went out to Crazy Horse 1, did our walk-around, then climbed aboard, strapped in to parachutes and harnesses, then flight helmets. Marco fired up the mighty Merlin engine, we did our checks taxied out and took off! What a RUSH. The Mustang is a very powerful (1650 hp) and fast aircraft. She looks and handles like a sports car. Right after takeoff, I was given control of the aircraft. It handles very smoothly. We did a full array of aerobatics and flight maneuvers (steep turns, wingovers, loops, aileron and barrel rolls, Cuban 8’s). Marco talked me through the maneuvers as needed (very positive and encouraging), and indicated that I had done very well throughout. We sadly had to return to the stable, but I was able to do the “tower break” over the runway and circle in to land. With a little help from Marco on the rudder, I brought the Mustang in for a nice landing, which he said I did great on! Afterward, we saw the video of the flight, and Marco debriefed me, showing the stop action of several of my aerobatics. It was absolutely an awesome experience and complete rush! Additional kudos to Kelly, the lady who coordinates guest flights is a delight to work with, very friendly and helpful with all details and questions. The aircraft plane captain, Greg, was also very friendly, keeps the stable immaculate, and the Mustangs in pristine condition! I had a very spiritual experience, totally worth it.
January 17, 2019 Orientation flight turns into Transition Training
This is the place to be if you are interested in Mustangs, Warbirds and/or aviation in general. I did an orientation flight in 2010 and it was fantastic. There is no other place where you get as much time on the controls than with Stallion 51. Last week I started my Mustang transition training and the professional and welcoming atmosphere was great. I already learned a lot and if you are thinking of operating Warbirds then you should fly with Stallion 51. The excellent training and their massive experience will make you a safe operator for these kind of aircrafts. Looking forward to my next flight…
January 16, 2019 “The experience was way beyond what I ever imagined”
I have read several reviews about the Stallion 51, mostly articles in aviation magazines (AOPA and EAA) about your facility and the P-51’s. Flying a P-51 has been on my bucket list ever since I started flying 35 years ago. To be honest, the experience was way beyond what I ever imagined. I flew with Steve Larmore and he was get in all aspects such as ground school, experience, instructions, and much enthusiasm. I have a Scenic Rides for Hire business I do in a 1943 Stearman Bi-Plane 450hp and have done about 3,000 rides , but none can compare to this one. Crazy Horse is a great looking machine and I never knew how much easier it is to fly aerobatics that with a Stearman. Steve let me perform the following maneuvers; Turns, steep turns, slow flight, stalls, wing over, aileron roll, barrel roll, 4 point roll, Cuban 8, clover leaf, loop, reverse Cuban 8, splits, overhead break and full stop landing with 4 G’s max power 55 inches, max airspeed 300 kts. I am telling everyone that will listen to me that they should do it and do the hour flight to get the full experience. I may get a group together and fly them to you to get an Experience of a Lifetime like I had. Steve told me I need to get a P-51, but I think I will just stay with my Stearman until my ship comes in and fly yours till then.
January 3, 2019 “Folds of Honor”
I was part of a large group with Folds of Honor and Stallion 51 gave us an unforgettable experience. We had 8 pilots and spouses at the facility and they treated the non-flying customers just like those participating. The two pilots are Homer and Dog, they took us through the pre-flight, cockpit briefing, and flying. I had the pleasure of flying with Dog and he made the day unforgettable. If you want to take the stick of a WWII fighter jet, this is the place to do it.
Thank you Stallion 51!!
December 7, 2019 “Looking forward to another flight! “
Awesome flight. Marco was a great instructor, looking forward to another flight. I did the P51 Mustang 2 years ago and was just as excited after the Texan ride.
May 30, 2019 “Experience a WWII aircraft for yourself”
It was a pleasure to return to Stallion51 and fly the T-6G. I really enjoyed flying again with Steve Larmore. He packed a lot of instruction in to our 1 hour orientation flight. The T-6G is a fun airplane to fly. The flight gave me an appreciation for why the T-6 was such an effective trainer during and after World War Two. Most of us will never own a warbird, but you can experience the challenge and thrill of flying the T-6 and TF-51 with the professionals at Stallion 51.
Lance Feero
May 2, 2019 “Yet another outstanding flight with Stallion 51”
This was my second flight in the T6 Texan at Stallion 51 after first flying the P51 Mustang “Crazy Horse”. Once again, absolutely fantastic, with Steve Larmore demonstrating his professionalism and skill to the utmost. From briefing to de-brief I had yet another unforgettable experience. While not exactly “Budget -friendly” it does represent very good value for money – operating these Warbirds is a very expensive operation and they are kept in immaculate condition.
January 16, 2019 A Dream Come True
During my stay in Kissimmee, I realized a dream of flying a T-6 Texan at “Stallion 51”, an unforgettable hour in the air with a really good instructor in the back seat, Steve Larmor. Next time there will be a flight in the P-51 Mustang! This experience can be clearly recommended whether you are a commercial or hobby pilot or if you are only generally interested in flying,
January 3, 2019 “Folds of Honor”
I was part of a large group with Folds of Honor and Stallion 51 gave us an unforgettable experience. We had 8 pilots and spouses at the facility and they treated the non-flying customers just like those participating. The two pilots are Homer and Dog, they took us through the pre-flight, cockpit briefing, and flying. I had the pleasure of flying with Dog and he made the day unforgettable. If you want to take the stick of a WWII fighter jet, this is the place to do it.
Thank you Stallion 51!!
December 28, 2018 “A Dream Fulfilled”
Have you spent hours on end, day-dreaming about piercing the wild blue yonder aboard the winged stallion? Have you looked up in wonder and smiled (or cried) with joy while seeing these beautiful machines perform in air shows? Does your soul rejoice and your heartbeat hastens to the roar and whistle of the Cadillac of the Skies as it flies by? Does your inner-child jumps in exhilaration when you see the chrome-lined silhouettes of these magnificent machines?… …Then what the hell are you waiting for? I remember knowing that I would -one day, jump on the cockpit of a P-51, and dance amongst the clouds in it. I was determined. I was certain. But it was this company and its incredible staff who made it possible for me. Stallion 51 helped me fulfill my dream! From scheduling to de-briefing, from takeoff to landing; the professionalism, competence, friendliness, assertivenes and care for their customers was evidently paramount for everyone at Stallion 51. Truly remarkable and unique. Their facilities/location and -most importantly, their “birds” are kept in impeccable condition. Everything you’d expect from a top-notch business. I learned a long time ago that the real measure of life is the compilation of the experiences you’ve had. So, stop hesitating. Stop procrastinating; get in touch with Stallion 51. My deepest appreciation to all involved: Beth, Angela, Kelly, Greg and specially Steve Larmore – The Mad Dog.
Mustangs Forever!!
November 13, 2018 “Best Birthday Present, EVER!!!!”
For my Birthday, I was the lucky recipient of a surprise gift – one hour of stick time in Crazy Horse – an awesome TF-51. This was a fabulous experience from start to finish. My family blindfolded me in the car and removed it when I was in the hangar looking at Crazy Horse. There, I was greeted by Steve, my instructor for the mission, who introduced me to the friendly and professional staff. Once I picked my jaw up off the floor we were off to the briefing room for the pre-flight briefing – very thorough. Along with a chat about my aviation experience and ratings we reviewed the engineering and flight characteristics of the P-51 and options for maneuvers depending on what I wanted to do. Steve assured me we would be on the same page throughout the flight experience, with emphasis on the safety of the flight. After reviewing emergency procedures we were off ! After 20 years in my T-210, I was amazed at how agile the TF-51 is. It was as though it was wired to my brain. Steve said I’d be very comfortable with the plane toward the end of the experience and he was spot on. He also said I’d want one – also spot on. I should mention here that Steve is a naturally talented instructor who will take all the time you need to be comfortable with the experience, end to end, including a review of the videos taken during the flight – awesome! This experience was a solid reminder of why we fly – freedom and exhilaration – an experience I will never forget and hope to repeat. My flying colleagues are quite jealous ! Many thanks to all at Stallion 51 for making my Birthday so special !
October 31, 2018 “Every pilot should do this”
I just completed a 1hr sortie with Marco in Crazy Horse- a TF-51. What an amazing experience. On arrival I was immediately struck by how friendly and professional everyone was and could see their passion for the P-51. My Instructor Marco took the time to find out what I was hoping for and then ensured we would be on the same page throughout with a thorough Pre-Flight Briefing. He spent some time ensuring that my seating position was comfortable and reviewed Emergency egress. Nothing was rushed- the emphasis was very clearly on enabling me to safely enjoy this experience. The sortie itself was as we had briefed and the aircraft is truly a pleasure to fly (I am an experienced pilot both Fixed wing and Rotary and fly for a living). This flight reminded me of the beauty of Flight- easy to forget in an Airline environment. Marco’s enthusiasm plus his natural instructing ability ensured that I truly got a feel for the Mustang- which has unfortunately left me wanting more. To be fair he warned me of that too. To all the team at Stallion51: Thank you for the incredible experience and your welcoming hospitality. I think a few of my colleagues will be heading your way soon after my photos – I know I am telling them to come.
Mike M
October 30, 2018 “Best bloody way to turn fuel into fun…bar none! “
Well when you travel over 14000km from New Zealand fully knowing not 2 hours from where you are staying there is a legendary WW2 dual control P51D Mustang.. and you are a plane nut. What else do you do! Well you certainly don’t pass up the opportunity and regret it forever… that would be a fool move!!! Steve was awesome.. the flight inspiring.. the plane immaculate and arresting to the eye. The experience… epic!! This more than made up for the disappointment on missing out on a ride in a P51D in Wanaka, which didn’t have dual control… so I think this MORE than made up for it!! We did the full aerobatic package through the skies above Kissimmee… Steve certainly knows the beautiful beast (Crazy Horse 1) we were strapped into.. its simply magnificent as are the staff and the setup at Stallion 51. No issues wandering around the hanger a day before the flight and using ridiculous amounts of digital data in photographing the stationary stallions of which there were 3. Great memories… and I’d do it again in a heartbeat!!! Loving the video…. and I hope Steve loves the ‘Kiwi’ flight suit patch I left as a thank you for his professionalism and confidence in handing over such a striking aircraft into my control.
Thanks from New Zealand!!!
Rob McQuilkin
October 21, 2018 “I can’t wait to go back for another flight.”
For my birthday, I got to fly Crazy Horse with John “Homer” Black. It was an all-around incredible experience, that I will be talking about for a long time. Homer was absolutely fantastic, and the rest of the staff at Stallion 51 was super friendly and accommodating. Especially Kelly helped my wife made all of the arrangements by phone and e-mail months ahead of time. The day of the flight started with an in-depth orientation, where Homer explained in detail what we were going to do. Although I am not a pilot and actually have very little flying experience, Homer made me feel confident. Once we got off the ground, I almost immediately got to fly myself. Homer patiently walked me through all of the maneuvers, and it was up to me what I wanted to try myself. I ended up doing so much more than I could have ever imagined. After we returned, Homer reviewed the flight with me, and I received a video detailing my whole hour of flying from a number of different perspectives. I have already watched the video several times, and it is a great way to relive the experience. I can’t thank Homer and the Stallion 51 staff enough. I can’t wait to go back for another flight.
October 1, 2018 “50th Birthday Treat!”
I had previously watched in awe as the TF-51’s departed with their lucky crew back in the days when I was a flight student at Orlando Flight Training at Kissimmee Gateway. I promised myself then that someday I would return to fly in the Mustang. This year I turned 50 and thought “why not?” I booked my flights in both the AT-6G and the TF-51 about eighteen months prior to the big day. I was hoping to recreate the journey the brave airmen took almost 80 years ago… I have to admit prior to the flight I was excited and a little scared… the Mustang is the fastest (and most expensive) airplane that I will probably ever fly! I was is good hands, Steve Larmore is an excellent instructor and certainly knows how to put the fun back in flying. What he does not know about the AT-6G and TF-51 is probably not worth knowing. He has the best job in the world. It was certainly an amazing experience and I can’t wait to do it again. I would also like to thank the operations team and ground crew for keeping these fabulous machines in the air, and also for taking care of my mother, sister and sister’s husband whilst I was airbourne having fun. Steve included my family in the pre and post flight briefings which they were not expecting but enjoyed being part of the action.
Warren Dyson
September 17, 2018 “To Fulfill your dreams! Just a have a perfect Day at Stallion 51!”
Thanks for a most fantastic day ! I will cherish the moment forever !
A dream coming true ! Flying the Mustang with the best crew in the World, is just pure 100% pleasure !
Second to none ! Captain Steve took me under his wings 15th of August 2018 and let me fly such a masterpiece !
I still dream of it ! This time tho, it is for real !
Thanks and have a great day you all !
Stockholm, Sweden
August 24, 2018 Muy recomendable (Highly Recommended)
Impresionante experiencia. Fantástica para cualquier mortal, pero aun mas increíble para cualquier entusiasta de la aviación o de WWII. La infraestructura, atención y experiencia de Stallion 51 vale cada centavo de lo que pagas. Muy recomendable. Sin dudas una de mis mejores experiencias hasta ahora.
(From Google Translate: Awesome experience Fantastic for any mortal, but even more incredible for any aviation or WWII enthusiast. The infrastructure, attention and experience of Stallion 51 is worth every penny of what you pay. Highly recommended. Undoubtedly one of my best experiences so far.) Martin
August 3, 2018 “An amazing experience I will never forget!”
I had booked my flight in the awesome TF51 Mustang for the 10th of July and one of our other Disney experiences (swim with dolphins) had book us in for the same day, and Disney was going to charge us to change.
Stallion 51 had no bother changing my date to 11th July 2018 and couldn’t have been more helpful.
I met the crew at Stallion 51 on 11th July morning and had a great time talking about flying, the facilities are great with a great view from offices of the runway and inside hangar where all the awesome planes are looked after and spotless environment.
Captain Steve took me up in the TF51 Mustang after a pre flight brief / safety talk. I thought if I do a barrel roll and my be a 360 loop that would be great. We we did stalls, barrel rolls, loop, Cuban 8, clove leaf and much more …. Such am amazing experience I will never forget. It was so good I got a “permission slip” to fly the T6 Texan a week later which again is a awesome plane which I flew from front seat this time in control of landing gear, throttle, mix, pressure, T’s & P`s and flap control.
Awesome experience …. One Life …. Live It…..
Marcus Salt
May 12, 2018 “Another Return To Stallion 51!”
This was my second trip to Stallion 51 having flown the Mustang and L39 Jet previously. This time I not only flew the Mustang and the Jet, but also the T6 Texan.
As my previous visit, this was just another fantastic experience. The instructor for the Mustang and L39 flights was Lee Lauderback. Before each flight there was a thorough briefing, which covered all aspects of the flight. As I had previously undertaken the standard orientation flight, Lee suggested some other maneuvers that we could do so it wouldn’t be a repeat. The flights themselves were amazing, as you are given the controls shortly after take-off and we covered general handling and slow speed flight before going into aerobatic maneuvers.
Marco Rusconi was the instructor on the T6 Texan. Again, during the pre-flight briefing I was offered a different itinerary to the usual orientation flight, where it was suggested that we fly to a local airport to do some touch and goes.
After each flight there was a de-briefing which used the video footage captured from the on-board cameras, and the video was put onto a memory stick to take away.
Thanks to Lee, Marco, Greg, Kelly and everyone else at Stallion 51 for making this another enjoyable and memorable experience.
This is a fantastic experience for both pilots and non-pilots alike.
Mustangs forever!!!
May 3, 2018 “A date I will never forget!”
A date in my life that I will never forget!
On April 30th 2018 I had the privilege with instructor John “Homer” Black of flying a TF-51 Mustang. I had not flown in over 30 years but the instructor John Black was very informative and patient. I did maneuvers with this beautiful airplane that I thought I could never do, but with his coaching I had the time of my life. I want to thank the whole staff at Stallion 51 for such a fantastic memorable experience……………..THANKS!
May 1, 2018 “Returning customer!”
Well the title kind of reveals the satisfaction you gain after a visit to Stallion 51. Their professionalism lets you become a better pilot in many ways. The bonus is of course that you get to fly the most well designed WW2 aircraft. The reason I have come back three times until now is that I love the Mustang but also get to fine tune my pilot skills and know how to sort out an unusual attitude if it will accidentally happen. I do not fly acro at home. I hope to see you soon again!
April 19, 2018 “Every time I look at the video of my flight, I cannot stop smiling!”
I have downloaded the video and it its great!
I was blown away with the whole experience. Every time I look at the flight I cannot stop smiling, I can’t believe that I am actually flying in a Mustang let alone performing acrobatics.
A big thank you to all the team at Stallion51, especially Steve for his patience and guidance, he is a great guy and a true master of his craft.
I wish you all continued success and its fantastic that you offer the chance to fly these superb planes.
Ian Lowes
April 6, 2018 “A+++! Stallion 51: Truly a 1st Class Operation!”
I am a professional pilot with well over 5,000 hrs of flight time, and at this point in my aviation pursuits nothing is as important as safety in planning, procedures, and the conduct of any and all my flights. The staff and pilots at Stallion 51 greatly exceeded my desires and expectations in this area. Both Lee and Marco were extremely detail oriented, and every facet of my flights in the T-6 and TF-51 were briefed and then executed with the utmost care and precision. I was at ease during both flights as I knew exactly what we were going to do, and when, during the course of each sortie. The total effect of both flights was much greater than simply a fun experience. That’s because they ticked off all the boxes of what a truly once-in-a-lifetime, “hands on” aviation flight and learning experience should be, in all respects. Thanks to everyone at Stallion 51 for a memorable, exhilarating, and emotionally uplifting experience similar to only a few other “firsts” I’ve experienced in my life.
Mustangs forever! QAR
March 26, 2018 “A better experience than I could have dreamed.”
This was the ultimate bucket list item for me. A better experience than I could have dreamed (as a matter of fact I’m still dreaming about it!) Staff was exceptionally friendly, and Marco was tops as an instructor. My wife was able to participate in the briefing, and walk around, and greatly enjoyed it as well. DO THIS while there are still Mustangs flying!
Cam Marklowitz
Larkspur, CO
March 23, 2018 “…thank you for making us feel welcome”
I want to thank you for making Margaret’s and my experience so enjoyable. I appreciate the time you took to get to know Margaret and me. The time you took in the pre-flight briefing made us both feel welcome. Margaret said she enjoyed being part of the experience. I really enjoyed your teaching technique. I learned a lot during our flight (like look outside the airplane!). Thank you for helping and encouraging me to gain the most from our flight in Crazy Horse 2.
In my twenty-six plus years in the military, I learned how to spot professional organizations. From the moment Margaret and we arrived at Stallion 51, it was obvious we were working with true professionals. We thank you, Beth, and K.T. for making us feel welcome. We also enjoyed talking with Marco prior to your arrival in the hangar.
I plan to take you up on your suggestion to comeback to Stallion 51 to fly with you in the T-6. Thanks again for everything last Thursday.
Lance Feero
March 20, 2018 “…Sharing the Sky with my Heroes.”
I ENJOYED the flight! Our oldest daughter, upon looking at the photos my wife, her mom, took, said “Look at that grin!!” Dream fulfilled. One of my hero’s is John Fitch, who flew P-51’s for the 355th FS, 4th Fighter Group, 8th Air Force. My 6th grade teacher was a radio operator/gunner in a B-17 which my hero may have flown top cover for. I cannot express my joy at sharing the sky with them in some fashion. Thank you for a wonderful experience. I so enjoyed “Mad Dog”.
Historically Yours,
James from New York
March 5, 2018 “…Family Flying Fun”
This is a once in a life time experience. We had a large family flight today and the facility and staff were wonderful! Our family are so grateful for our wishes that came true today, made possible by Lee and his fantastic crew! Thank you from the bottom of our heart. We will be back again one day.
Airy Sellars Chandler
February 26, 2018 “……flying it was beyond my dreams!”
I always wanted to fly in a Mustang. I would have been thrilled just to sit in one. Going for a ride in one would have been the greatest thing. But to actually take the controls and fly it was beyond my dreams. This is a class operation. The facilities are top-notch and the folks who work there are all very friendly. I was there for over 4 hours and hated to leave. It was definitely worth the money and time to get there (from Illinois). If you’re thinking about doing the flight–just do it! You won’t regret it.
Craig Kuriger
February 18, 2018 “..the flight in P-51 has been an incredibly intense moment of emotions and fullness”
Rarement dans une vie il est possible de trouver un tel concentré de bonheur. Fabuleux cadeau d’anniversaire concocté par ma chérie, ce vol en P51 a été un moment incroyablement intense d’émotions et de plénitude. Cet avion est magique, j’en rêvais depuis 60 ans. Stallion 51 l’a fait ! Un immense merci à toute l’équipe pour son accueil extraordinaire et particulièrement à Steve pour sa gentillesse et ses talents d’instructeur formidables. J’ai adoré la méthode: un briefing carré, sérieux et précis, une exécution des manœuvres en vol et particulièrement de toute la voltige sous les conseils très avisés de Steve. Je n’en espérais pas tant car ”Crazy Horse One” a été à moi pendant une heure. Un débriefing non moins sérieux a clôturé la séance. Merci Steve de m’avoir prêté cette machine hors du commun lors de ce trop court moment. Merci à nouveau à toute l’équipe de Stallion 51, vous êtes au top !
TRANSLATION: Rarely in a life it is possible to find such a concentrate of happiness. Fabulous birthday gift concocted by my darling, this flight in p51 has been an incredibly intense moment of emotions and fullness. This plane is magical. I’ve been dreaming about it for 60 years. Stallion 51 did it! A huge thank you to the whole team for his extraordinary welcome and especially to Steve for his kindness and his amazing instructor skills. I loved the method: a square, serious and precise briefing, an execution of flight maneuvers and especially of all the voltage under Steve’s very wise advice. I didn’t expect so much because ‘ crazy horse one ‘ was mine for an hour. No less serious debriefing closed the meeting. Thank you, Steve, for lending me this unusual machine in this short time. Thanks again to the whole team of stallion 51, you are on top!
Gerald Desbois
February 10, 2018 “What a flight!”
No words to express the fantastic experience it is to fly a Mustang. The people at Stallion 51 are awesome and really love what they do and love to share this experience with everyone. I will be back to fly the Mustang again.
Joao Lemos
February 8, 2018 “there is NO ONE BETTER at providing for you the experience you are looking for”
I got up Christmas morning and opened my gifts. The last gift from my wife (I have the best wife in the world) was a folder and inside was a gift certificate for an orientation flight in one of the Crazy Horse TF-51 Mustang airplanes that are owned by Stallion 51. She had a jet pilot friend do the research on the companies that offer rides in P51 Mustangs and he determined that Stallion 51 was the best place to book a flight. He told my wife that this is the company that allows the person flying in the back seat a chance to really fly the plane. I have some flying experience flying some aerobatics but have not flown in a very long time. Everyone at Stallion 51 understood the importance of this flight to me and made me feel right at home. Marco was my instructor and has a wonderful personal story of how he ended up having a great career in aviation. Anyway after a briefing session and getting into the airplane we taxied out and I got to do a lot of the taxiing. After run up we took to the runway and so began one of the most exhilarating experiences I have ever known. At 1500 feet Marco said the plane was mine and it was throughout the flight right through landing. We went out and did some slow flying (not so slow compared to my previous experience) and went into a couple of wing overs then to an aileron roll then a 4.6 G loop. The rest of the flight was heading home and landing. I got to do 80% of the landing. I felt a couple of pokes at the rudder and a pull back on the stick after the tail wheel settled in. Other than that I was flying the plane to the runway. Marco was a great instructor and I can’t say enough about the wonderful experience this flight turned out to be. Everyone took good care of me and made me feel at home. If this is something you are thinking of doing, there is NO ONE BETTER at providing for you the experience you are looking for. Everyone at Stallion 51 is all in for spreading the gospel of the Mustang experience. I never write reviews for anything because who am I to say what is what. Having said that I write this review in full confidence that here is where you need to go to have the best P51 experience bar none. Thank You Stallion 51.
Mike Sherrill
February 2, 2018 “Bucket List Complete”
Beg or borrow, pick up soda cans, live on Ramen noodles, but whatever you do squirrel away a little money and make the trip to Stallion 51 in Kissimmee. This is a ONCE IN A LIFETIME opportunity to do what few others have done…….fly a P-51 Mustang with an Instructor that will make the experience personal and rewarding. The Minute I met “Mad Dog” I knew I was with a Zen Master of flight who could read me like a book. I floated the landing a bit……tears of joy were fogging up my face mask !
January 25, 2018 “Amazing Experience”
As a pilot, I have always appreciated the sleek lines and throaty roar of the P-51 Mustang. My wife got me an appointment with Stallion 51 to help realize my life long dream of flying the Mustang. The people at Stallion 51 did everything they could to share this magnificent piece of history with me. Marco included my wife in the briefings, which really put her at ease and gave her great confidence in the safety of the flight.
The flight itself was awesome. Marco kept me informed of every step of the process of flying the aircraft. He let me take the controls for most of the flight, slow flight, stalls, aerobatics, and the landing. It was incredible and I would recommend Stallion 51 to anybody with the desire to experience a little piece of history like this.
Cincinnati, Ohio
January 22, 2018 “He made me feel as though everyone with me was going on the flight too……”
I’m a retired Air Force and airline pilot having flown my last flight 10 years ago this month. I had always wanted to fly the P-51 as my father did for the Army Air Forces in the 1940s.I finally realized this dream on my 70th birthday this month. My wife and 4 of our good friends accompanied me to Stallion 51 and it couldn’t have been a more memorable experience for all of us. It is an all inclusive, friendly and professionally run organization. Marco was my instructor pilot and kept everyone interested and curious during the preflight briefing and the post flight debriefing. He made it feel as though everyone with me was going on the flight too. After takeoff, I flew the Mustang to the practice area then through some maneuvers, aerobatics and back to the airport for the overhead pattern to landing. What a sweet airplane to fly! I and everyone with me thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience. I will forever remember that day, my 70th birthday. For anyone, pilot or non pilot considering going up in this iconic WWII airplane, Stallion 51 is the place to do this. Be sure to bring family and friends!
Thank you,
January 15, 2018 “…..tailored the ride to my skills, knowledge and abilities”
My husband, a pilot, has loved the P-51 Mustang since he was a child. This year for Christmas I helped him realize his dream. We went with Stallion 51 because they are the best. We felt right at home the minute we stepped in the door. They had a pre-flight briefing and asked me to sit in. It truly helped knowing what they would be doing up there and I gained a lot of confidence in Marco, his instructor.
Hello, I’m Brigitte’s husband and I would like to say, Stallion 51 did a fantastic job. It was as if they were sharing a little piece of history with me. Marco made the whole experience great. He tailored the ride to my skills, knowledge and abilities and pushed me to really test the performance of this awesome Aircraft.
Bridget & Jeff Parrott
October 1, 2018 “50th Birthday Treat!”
I had previously watched in awe as the TF-51’s departed with their lucky crew back in the days when I was a flight student at Orlando Flight Training at Kissimmee Gateway. I promised myself then that someday I would return to fly in the Mustang. This year I turned 50 and thought “why not?” I booked my flights in both the AT-6G and the TF-51 about eighteen months prior to the big day. I was hoping to recreate the journey the brave airmen took almost 80 years ago… I have to admit prior to the flight I was excited and a little scared… the Mustang is the fastest (and most expensive) airplane that I will probably ever fly! I was is good hands, Steve Larmore is an excellent instructor and certainly knows how to put the fun back in flying. What he does not know about the AT-6G and TF-51 is probably not worth knowing. He has the best job in the world. It was certainly an amazing experience and I can’t wait to do it again. I would also like to thank the operations team and ground crew for keeping these fabulous machines in the air, and also for taking care of my mother, sister and sister’s husband whilst I was airbourne having fun. Steve included my family in the pre and post flight briefings which they were not expecting but enjoyed being part of the action.
Warren Dyson
May 12, 2018 “Returned To Stallion 51; flew the T-6, P-51 and the L-39 this time!”
This was my second trip to Stallion 51 having flown the Mustang and L39 Jet previously. This time I not only flew the Mustang and the Jet, but also the T6 Texan.
As my previous visit, this was just another fantastic experience. The instructor for the Mustang and L39 flights was Lee Lauderback. Before each flight there was a thorough briefing, which covered all aspects of the flight. As I had previously undertaken the standard orientation flight, Lee suggested some other maneuvers that we could do so it wouldn’t be a repeat. The flights themselves were amazing, as you are given the controls shortly after take-off and we covered general handling and slow speed flight before going into aerobatic maneuvers.
Marco Rusconi was the instructor on the T6 Texan. Again, during the pre-flight briefing I was offered a different itinerary to the usual orientation flight, where it was suggested that we fly to a local airport to do some touch and goes.
After each flight there was a de-briefing which used the video footage captured from the on-board cameras, and the video was put onto a memory stick to take away.
Thanks to Lee, Marco, Greg, Kelly and everyone else at Stallion 51 for making this another enjoyable and memorable experience.
This is a fantastic experience for both pilots and non-pilots alike.
Mustangs forever!!!
April 6, 2018 “A+++! Stallion 51: Truly a 1st Class Operation!”
I am a professional pilot with well over 5,000 hrs of flight time, and at this point in my aviation pursuits nothing is as important as safety in planning, procedures, and the conduct of any and all my flights. The staff and pilots at Stallion 51 greatly exceeded my desires and expectations in this area. Both Lee and Marco were extremely detail oriented, and every facet of my flights in the T-6 and TF-51 were briefed and then executed with the utmost care and precision. I was at ease during both flights as I knew exactly what we were going to do, and when, during the course of each sortie. The total effect of both flights was much greater than simply a fun experience. That’s because they ticked off all the boxes of what a truly once-in-a-lifetime, “hands on” aviation flight and learning experience should be, in all respects. Thanks to everyone at Stallion 51 for a memorable, exhilarating, and emotionally uplifting experience similar to only a few other “firsts” I’ve experienced in my life.
Mustangs forever! QAR
March 23, 2018 “…flight was more fun than I could have imagined”
I flew the Texan T6 yesterday with Marco as my instructor. The flight was more fun than I could have imagined and was well worth ditching work (or anything else) for a few hours. Marco is a very experienced pilot and a wonderful instructor. I not only enjoyed the flight but the pre-flight brief and the post-flight review. The experience will be a lifelong memory. I highly recommend Stallion 51.
Sean Gilley
March 7, 2018 “…I’ll be back!”
I have looked forward to flying the T-6 for 50 years. Steve was my instructor and I had a great time.We did lots of aerobatics ,which I loved and I landed it twice. The flight was everything I had hoped it would be and worth the money. If I buy a T-6 , I’ll be back for instruction. If I don’t buy my own T-6, I’ll be back there for a Mustang flight.
Mike Pope
December 28, 2017….”She’s a dream to fly!”
Flying a WWII fighter aircraft with such a rich history is a wonderful experience. From the moment you arrive the team welcomes you and professionally guides you through the entire experience. Marco talked me through loops, barrel rolls, rolls, cuban eight,… The aircraft controls were surprisingly light, she’s a dream to fly! Once again thank you to the entire team at Stallion 51. Do yourself a favor and pay them a visit. You won’t regret it!
Tom C.
December 24, 2017 “…….then there are the bragging rights!”
From the late 1950s I have had an ongoing desire to fly a P-51 Mustang. After reading “A Couple of Old Horses” (Sport Aviation, August 2017), I went to the Stallion 51 web site to check it out. After looking at the price for an Orientation Flight I thought “that is a lot of money”. But I kept thinking about it; when would I ever get another chance to take the controls of a beautiful 73 year old P-51, do aerobatics in it, and experience the incredible performance. I also thought of what it would cost to run such an operation; a 2.5+ million dollar airplane, maintenance and insurance, a first class facility and staff, not to mention a thirsty Merlin to feed. So I scheduled a flight, and I was not disappointed. Everything about this operation is first class. My instructor, John “Homer” Black, was very personable and professional and tailored the flight to meet my skills and desires. The Mustang is an unbelievable airplane to fly and the whole experience was outstanding. If all this isn’t enough, consider that everyday I relive portions of my flight (indelible images in my brain or a DVD of the flight). Then there are the bragging rights! All in all this is a real bargain and I highly recommend it.
David Courtney
Sun City West, AZ
December 20, 2017 “Exceeded All Expectations!”
Ever daydream about flying a P-51 Mustang? Well, dreams can come true. Stallion 51 provided a truly fantastic flying experience. The staff is very professional, friendly, and safety oriented throughout the adventure. After a thorough briefing, I took to the skies in the awesome “Crazy Horse” TF-51D Mustang. The Mustang performed flawlessly. (Kudos to their craftsmen in maintaining this great machine.) Marco, my PIC, was outstanding in every way. He passed flight control to me right after take off, and the excitement of flying the Mustang was ‘off the charts’. An afternoon I will never forget. I highly recommend Stallion 51 for this incredible experience!
December 15, 2017 “One Crazy Horse”
This is the ultimate gift for the pilot or aviation aficionado; actually piloting a two-place, dual controlled P-51 Mustang! The sensation is practically overwhelming and euphoric. Your heart will practically burst from your chest when you line up for takeoff and the throttle is advanced. It is difficult to adequately describe the entire flight experience, but you will be weak in the knees when you climb out of the Horse at the end of your flight. Bring friends to witness the ultimate E ticket ride, take photos, and celebrate with you. The entire flight is recorded and you will be given a copy to relive the experience. Highly recommended!
December 8, 2017 “Holy Crap that was fun!”
From the time of arriving at the hangar and seeing these magical aircraft, I knew I had made the right decision, The excitement started to build though the jet-lag haze, having arrived from Singapore. My fascination with the Mustang stems from a childhood of many WW II comic books and movies, as well as being a private pilot. The Mustang is much larger than I had imagined, with a disproportionately large 4-blade prop at over 11 feet in diameter. The crew’s love of the aircraft is very apparent with all of their aircraft looking brand new. It’s hard to believe these machines are around 70 years old. Marco did a great job from the thorough flight preparation, to the instructions during the flight, followed by to the post-flight review. You won’t regret this, trust me. Not many attractions have a consistent 5-star rating with no exceptions with over 200 reviews.
December 7, 2017 “Yeah, I’ve got a little stick time in the Mustang too!”
My father named me for his only brother, who lost his life in the final month of World War II. He was a pilot who didn’t return from a mission over Nagoya on July 16, 1945. His body was recovered from the crash site after the war ended, and he rests at Arlington National Cemetery. My father seldom talked about his brother, and he knew little about Uncle John’s Air Corps service, so years ago I took it upon myself to learn more about my namesake. I found a few old pictures and letters, enough to know that he had been the operations officer for the 457th Fighter Squadron, 506th Fighter Group, flying the P-51 Mustang from Iwo Jima.
In 1999 my son and I drove from NC to Kissimmee for the first Gathering of Mustangs and Legends, and I fell in love with an airplane. In 2001 I started going to reunions of the 506th Fighter Group, and I met men who flew with my uncle, including his wingman, his best friend, and the best man at his wedding. I attended their reunions for the next 15 years, and I listened to stories about my uncle, heard what a good man and great pilot he was. These old warriors never got tired of seeing and talking about the P-51, so when my generation, the sons and daughters, nieces and nephews, started organizing the reunions, we always chose the site by the availability of Mustangs. Dayton, Chino, Lakeland, DC, and Ft. Worth were favorite venues, but the best was Columbus, Ohio, in 2007 for the second Gathering of Mustangs.
I had done everything I could to get to know my uncle through exploring old archives and photos and talking to the men who flew with him, but I had one more unfulfilled goal. I wanted to experience what Uncle John did by riding in a Mustang. Although there are frequently three of them hangered at my local airport (Robert Dickson’s Swamp Fox and Jack Roush’s Gentleman Jim and Old Crow), the opportunity to beg a ride never arose.
Last July I retired after 41 years as a pediatrician, and my family and former partners totally surprised me with the greatest and most unexpected retirement gift possible, a one-hour flight in a Mustang! Because Stallion 51 had started my love affair with this airplane back in 1999, I knew immediately where I would redeem my gift, so in mid-November my wife and I drove to Florida, and on November 17 I flew a Mustang! The experience was everything I had dreamed of and more. I am 70 years old and my only previous stick time was many hours on a flight sim joystick and about 10 minutes at the controls of a Stearman, but with the help of John Posson and Stallion 51, I flew a Mustang!
John met me on the ramp and took me to the briefing room, where we spent an hour discussing what was about to happen. He very quickly put me completely at ease regarding my ability to do this, and then ran me through the various maneuvers that we would perform. We then went out and strapped on Crazy Horse. You know how great it is to be standing near a P-51 during engine start? Well, it’s a bazillion times better when you’re in the cockpit. John handled the taxiing, warmup, and takeoff, then three minutes after we left the ground, John said, “You have the airplane,” and holy cow, I was flying a Mustang! I flew a stall and recovery, turns, dives and climbs, an aileron roll, wing over, loop, and a perfect barrel roll (by my assessment, but John did say, “Nicely done, sir.”). I experienced 295 knots, a 4-G turn. And then, after what seemed like 10 minutes, the hour was over and we landed. Damn, I flew a Mustang and I want to do it again!
To honor my Uncle John that day I wore a 457th Fighter Squadron polo shirt to which I had pinned a pair of his wings, and I like to think he is proud of me. I know that this experience has made me even prouder of being named for him. After my debriefing and review of the inflight video, John gave me my certificate and a picture of Crazy Horse, signed with the words, “Welcome to the club!” Now if I ever see Robert Dickson or Jack Roush at my local airport, I will say, “Yeah, I’ve got a little stick time in the Mustang too.”
So thank you to the men of the 506th Fighter group for your service during World War II and for introducing me to my Uncle John. Thank you to my family and friends who made this incredible adventure possible. Thank you to John Posson and the wonderful people at Stallion 51 who gave me a chance to achieve a dream. Most of all, thank you Uncle John. This was for you.
John Benbow
November 30, 2017 “He said “you have the aircraft” and I was suddenly flying one of the most iconic aircraft in all aviation history. “
I spent the afternoon at Stallion 51 yesterday. I booked an orientation flight on one of the TF-51’s after dreaming about it for 15+ years. I was paired up with pilot John Black “Homer” and had an excellent experience! I got there a little early and checked in with Kelly and headed down to the briefing room with Homer. We spent about 30-45 minutes reviewing the information, safety, and the flight plan in the Pre Flight Briefing. Though you don’t have to remember much to have a great experience, the extra information helps you engage in flying much more than without a briefing. He demonstrated some things with model planes, and described some of the factors that need to be considered when flying a single engine aircraft. Then wen went on to the things we would experience in the orientation flight. Besides standard flying and bank turns, we would be doing wing-overs, aileron rolls, barrel rolls and loops. He would verbally walk through the maneuvers in real time. It sounds like it would be hard, but it is quite easy to follow. If you mess something up, he will fix it. There is not pushing the plane to it’s limits in this flight and it was still awesome!
After the briefing, we went out to the plane and I was strapped into the seat parachute and strapped into the plane. Because safety is paramount, Homer went over the egress procedures if we had to bail while still on the ground or if we were in the air. After that, we put on hearing protection and a helmet with integrated intercom. The key the transfer of control of the aircraft. You basically have a light hand on the stick on rudder when the pilot is flying (take off, landing, and flying to/from the orientation area).
The engine has to warm up, so we waited on the tarmac with it running. We then taxied out to the runway and took off in short order. Homer then trimmed the aircraft to ensure it would fly straight and lever at our airspeed. He reviewed a couple of things and demonstrated a banking turn. Homer asked if I was ready to take control of the aircraft and I replied roger. He said “you have the aircraft” and I was suddenly flying one of the most iconic aircraft in all aviation history. The plane was really tight, meaning it didn’t have any play in the controls. It was super easy to control. The view out of the cockpit is amazing, with the exception of the pilot’s head directly in front of me, everything is clearly visible. Homer demonstrated the various things we would be doing before letting me try. Right off the bat he had me doing bank turns and flying past clouds at 7/8,000 feet.
Next up was the wing-over. I couldn’t believe how easy it was to perform. At one point I got a little to aggressive and almost ended up inverted – it was pretty awesome! The whole time Homer was walking me through it. I did a number of them – both left and right – until I was quite comfortable with them. Because of the way forces work, I always felt planted in my seat. It was amazing to not only experience, but to actually execute. The whole flight went that way. He demonstrated and walked me through the maneuver.
Before I knew it, we were heading back to the airport. My biggest worry was that i would have to be so concentrated on the gauges and flying that I would “miss the experience”. That did not happen at all. With the verbal instruction, I was able to watch the clouds go by and enjoy the flight
The whole experience was top notch. Everyone was very professional and friendly. You don’t find too many places with this much positive attitude and energy – plus there are Mustangs there!
Doug Kostelnik
November 2, 2017 “This is an experience not to be missed”
I’ve been fortunate to professionally fly a lot of military and civilian hardware but this flight will remain at the top of the “grin” list for a variety of reasons. Steve expertly tailored the ride to my desires and let me do almost all of the flying. The Mustang is a pure and honest flying machine with a nostalgic aura that no other airplane can match. If you’re a vintage aircraft fan, whether a pilot or not, this is an experience not to be missed.
John L.
October 13, 2017 Flying my Father’s Memories…………...
I experienced a thrill of a lifetime–flying a World War II-era Mustang. In this case, a rare TF-51D, with Marco, a superb pilot, instructor, and coach, at Stallion 51 in Kissimmee, Florida. I was introduced to Stallion 51 by a dear friend and fellow aviation enthusiast.
My flight with Marco and Stallion 51 was 13 October 2017, a day I chose because it was my father’s birthday. Dick Richardson passed away in 2014. He was a member of the United States Army Air Force in 1944-45, and for the latter portion of that time he was in flight training. Once the outcome of the war was more certain in the summer of 1945, my father and many others like him were transitioned to other duties as the pipeline for aircrew was already robust. Dad did not get to fly anything like a Mustang. By November 1945, with many of the Greatest Generation, my father was part of a mass demobilization as America looked forward to peace and a chance to resume civilian life after four long years of war.
With his uniform insignia in my pocket, Dad joined me and Marco in Crazy Horse 2 on that beautiful October day over central Florida–his calmness and steady hand ever present. Thank you to the wonderful, professional team at Stallion 51 for making my flight even that much more special. And to Marco, once again, my sincerest thanks and admiration. Mustangs Forever!
Bill Richardson
October 1, 2017 “Fulfillment Of A Life Long Dream”
Visited Stallion 51 with my Wife on the 21st of September 2017, for a life long dream to fly Crazy Horse 1,a TF-51D Mustang. We were welcomed by Beth who quickly dealt with the administration and introduced us to Marco Rusconi my Pilot/Instructor for the flight.
Marco gave me the most fantastic flight ever,i will never forget the experience of flying the Mustang for most of the flight and even landing it, that was special as i am a private pilot. Marco is a great Pilot and a true professional, he is now a friend for life.
Stallion 51 are a very professional dedicated team of aviation experts,they welcome you with open arms and treat you as one of their own, you are accepted as a member of the Family for life and all of them are really nice genuine people.
May i thank everyone for everything,in particular, Marco,Beth,KT,Kelly,Greg,John,Peter and Zac.
If you want to fulfill a dream, visit Stallion 51, they understand and will give it to you.
Thank you everyone,
On September 29, 2017 I was surprised by my wife and the team at Stallion 51 with the ride of a lifetime and the fulfillment of a life long dream.
From the moment we walked in the door, we were made to feel a part the Stallion 51 family.
From the scheduling to touch down, every moment was made to feel special,
they wanted this flight as much as I did !
If you love the Mustang and have always dreamed of flying one, I would highly recommend you contact the team at Stallion 51
Kelly, KT, John and Marco are top notch, and I’m certain you won’t be disappointed.
Jeff Warden
June 15, 2017 “I came as a stranger…and feel like I left as family”
As a child I was fascinated by airplanes, and knew that one day I’d have to fly one myself. I’d devour books, reading technical manuals and memoirs alike, and fell in love with WWII warbirds. July, 1986: I’m strapped into a glider for a pre-solo check flight with a World War II Spitfire pilot. Apparently my flying was ok, because the flight was him telling me stories about flying the Spitfire. After that flight I knew that one day I’d have to fly a warbird. May 18, 2017: I’m strapped into a TF-51, about to realize that dream, and the adrenaline is racing through my body faster than the fighter I am about to fly…. Let’s backtrack that day a little bit first. From the first time you contact Stallion 51 you know that this place loves their aircraft and their customers. Communication is prompt, professional, and friendly. All the information you need to know before your visit is presented to you, and you can ask all the questions you want. I had originally planned this flight in 2015 but it fell through, so a last minute trip to Orlando this year meant I could fulfill my dream, and everything was set for May 18 at 0800. Pulling up to the hanger after an drive from Disney took my breath away. The rear door was open, and I could see the beautiful profile of a Mustang silhouetted against the clear sky. I remembered to put the car in park, got out, and went up and was greeted like family by the great staff. Moments later, Steve, my pilot, brought me down to do a briefing and figure out just how this flight was going to go. We talked about flying and my outdated experience as a pilot, but he assured me that I’d recall all my training and would do fine. I was skeptical, as my heart was racing and the adrenaline started to flow faster. Steve’s calm manner boosted my confidence, and after changing into a loaner flight suit, we walked to the Mustang and did a walk around. I’ve seen Mustangs up close many times, but knowing that I’d be getting in and going up meant this was the most beautiful plane I’d ever see. I was then guided into the back seat, strapped in, and got the safety briefing. (Here is where I caution you that this experience is not for everybody: you must be able to fit into the cockpit safely, and you must understand that there is some risk involved when flying high performance aircraft. But remember that the most dangerous part of your day will be the drive to and from the airport on the highway!) We’re now in the aircraft, strapped in, helmets on, and going through the checklist. The engine roars to life, and your heart races in tune with the RPMs. A quick taxi to the active runway, and we’re off! Mere minutes after takeoff, I hear the magical words: “You have control.” I squeeze the radio button, say, “I have control”, and my dream is realized. Right hand on the stick, left on the throttle, feet on the rudders…I move them, and the Mustang answers my input cleanly. It flies easier than you’d think it would, and I was in awe of the power and sensation. Slow flight…stalls…wingovers….aileron rolls….barrel rolls….a loop. Steve calmly talked me through all of these, and I still can’t believe that I managed to do these maneuvers myself! His guidance gave me the confidence to do these, and while I’m not pleased with the lack of smoothness on my part, I’m going to chalk it up to the adrenaline. Yeah….the adrenaline. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it! The hour flew by…pun intended…and then back to the airport for a bumpy landing. I’ll blame the strong crosswind for this one, and the video will back me up that it wasn’t just my rusty airmanship! Steve talked me through the taxing and I managed to s-turn without going into the ditch, so I guess I did ok… The adrenaline was still pumping…hadn’t run out of it, surprisingly….and I shakily got out of the Mustang with a huge smile on my face that has barely faded, even to this day. We debriefed, going over the video of the flight, and went over my weak points with constructive criticism on how I could improve for next time. Next time! My heart soars thinking about doing this again! I reluctantly left to go back to my wife, the staff giving me warm hugs and invitations to return anytime. I came as a stranger…and feel like I left as family. That was my experience…so what will yours be like? That’s up to you. This is an interactive ride that isn’t pre set. You love roller coasters and want to get thrown all over the sky? They can do that, and all you have to do is sit back and tell them “more!” or “ease up I’m gonna hurl!” You want a calm ride, where you don’t bank more than you would in an airliner, and take a tour over central Florida? You can do that too. You’re a pilot? Great…do as much of the flying as you want and that your skill set allows! You’ve never flown anything? That’s great too…you’re under professional instruction and will be told what to do, how to do it, and your pilot will be backing you on the controls so you don’t get into trouble. You think you want a wild ride, but it’s too much? No problem…turn that aerobatic flight into a calm tourist ride….or start with the calm tourist ride, and realize you want to roll and loop and soar! They’ll do what they can to ensure your ride is tailored to your desires and will leave you with the most exhilarating experience you’ve ever had. I unconditionally recommend this awesome experience!
June 1, 2017 “Truly unforgettable experience ….for my 75th Birthday”
This flight was my 75th. birthday present.
My instructor, Homer, made the flight a truly unforgettable experience.
Please Homer, for my 80 th. can I try the L-39?
My thanks to all the great Stallion 51 team that make this possible.
May 17, 2017 “I have flown almost 800 hours…this was by far my favorite hour!”
Had a fantastic time flying the “Crazy horse” with Mr. John Black! I absolutely recommend this experience! I had the opportunity to hands on fly the aircraft for over 75% of the time including down to the touchdown on the runway! I’ve flown almost 800 hours and this one was by far my absolute favorite!
May 12, 2017 “Mustangs Forever!”
I came from Brazil just to the take the controls of legendary P-51! And was exactly what happened!! I share the cockpit with Marco Rusconi, who allows me to fly almost the entire flight! Unique experience, for aviators and non-aviators! We did a lot of aerobatics and high performance maneuvers, quite amazing flight! Thanks for all the staff of Stallion51 and a special thanks to Marco, a very nice and professional pilot, who provided a singular experience, not only the flight, but a full explanation about the aircraft! Thank you guys, you´re the best! Mustangs forever!!
Gustavo Cury
May 9, 2017 “We did manuevers you only see in war movies.”
Talk about power. What a machine!
We did manuevers you only see in over-the-top war movies. It really gives you a feeling of what it would be like to be a 19 yo farm boy drafted in 1942 to go rocket across the skies of Europe. Just less flak, Nazis and engine fires.
You’ll never ride a coaster or drive a car to rival this. Flying the Stallion 51 Mustangs is a truly unique and memorable experience.
Strap in tight and take your dramamine!
April 28, 2017 “Best Day of My Flying Career”
The best day of my flying career. I tell everyone “I flew a Mustang!” Thanks John Posson and the Stallion 51 crew for a great experience.
Roger Weber
April 18, 2017 “Had a GREAT flying adventure!”
Had a great flying adventure with at Stallion51, flying the iconic P51 for an hour with a very good instructor. The setup is very professional and I am truly impressed by the team and the dedication they show to keep these unique aircraft flying.
April 13, 2017 “It was the BEST time of my Life”
The nicest people, willing to help you with anything and was the best time of my life. Thanks for the best experience I have had in a very long time.
Steven Bencivenga
April 11, 2017 “Number 1 on my Bucket List”
I’m a lifelong aviation enthusiast with a particular interest in WW2 warbirds, not cause they are warbirds, but because they represent the utlimate development of the reciprocating engine airplanes, I have always dreamed of being able to fly a WW2 fighter and Stallion51 offers that oportunity in nothing less than a P51,with a Merlin up front!
Stallion51 is a very impressive operation. A hangar floor so spotless that you could eat from it. The aeroplanes are impeccably maintained with bolts and screwheads which show no sign of scuffing or other wear and all metallic surfaces polished to mirror perfection. The processing around the flight is equally slick with a two hour briefing preceeding it and a debrief at the end. And you come away with a video of the whole flight with which you can bore family and friends to death! 🙂 The whole thing breathes professionalism and instills confidence. I flew for an hour with John “Homer” Black. He was a perfect instructor, friendly, calm and with an obvious intent to make this flight as memorable as possible for me. It had been 30 years since I let my licence expire, but he coaxed me through the aerobatic manuvers so well that I didn’t make a complete fool of myself. The flight as everything I had hoped for and then some. We covered slow flight and aerobatics as well as some cloudchasing. Absolutely exhilarating.
Higly recommended!
April 10, 2017 “Experience of a Lifetime”
This was simply the experience of a lifetime. You can schedule 30 minutes ($2,550.00) or 60 minutes ($3,350.00), but for the $800.00 difference, go for the hour! Those prices will increase if fuel prices increase but that’s what it was the day I went. There is an additional one hour orientation session which your friend(s) are permitted to sit in on if they wish. (Included in price) If you are a pilot, or just someone who is interested in historical aviation I can’t imagine anything better. My pilot/instructor was Steve Larmore. He took time explaining the flight characteristics of the P51 and it’s instrumentation during our preflight orientation. He was cheerful and patient. The equipment and aircraft were spotless. The flight was an hour for me and I felt like it was short. Steve allowed me to fly the aircraft as soon as we cleared the airport airspace until he talked me through landing. We did all sorts of maneuvers and he guided me through all of them. It’s really difficult to put into words how much fun this was for me. Flying the P51 Mustang was something I’ve dreamed about all my life. If you’re thinking about this, do it! I should note that I had to reschedule several times in an effort to find that perfect “Blue Sky” day, and the staff was really good about it. I would also say that it can get a little warm in the cockpit so think about the cooler months if possible.
Helpful Tips: (1) Try to schedule a cool, blue sky day. (2) Consider taking an anti-nausea drug to maximize your time doing aeronautical maneuvers (3) Wear close toed shoes and lightweight clothing for comfort (4) Bring a friend to take lots of pictures – there are several amazing aircraft in this hangar. They give you a DVD or drop box video of your adventure too. (5) You can fly as much or as little as you want. He instructs you, but you fly the plane unless/until you want him to take it over.
April 6, 2016 “This is something I would do again!”
This was a birthday present for my spouse. We signed up for a half hour flight. Scheduling through Kelly was easy and they were very accommodating. They took their time with a flight pre-brief to ensure you understood the planned flight and were comfortable. Jack “Homer” Black the CFI was superb. Calm, thorough and personable. The flight itself left a permanent grin on my spouses face. She was able to actually fly the plane to include a loop, barrel roll and aileron roll. Upon return a debrief is conducted with video. This was a great experience in a historic plane. This is something we would do again!!
March 2, 2017 “Safety is always first followed by making sure you have an experience of a life time.”
The Stallion 51 flight crew are amazing and wonderful people. Safety is always first followed by making sure you anva an experience of a life time. Their planes are spectacular and are immaculately clean and maintained. This was one of the most memorable life experiences I’ve had. Thank you Stallion 51 FLight operations for makeing this dream come true. It far exceeded my expectations which were extremely high.
Warren Westlake
March 1, 2017 “You just did an aileron roll.”
I went flying with “Homer” a few days ago and it was simply amazing. After flying private planes and commercial airliners I had yet to try aerobatics and what better airplane to try it in than a P51? It has always been a dream of mine to fly one and the whole set up at Stallion 51 is set up to make it the best possible experience. Rolls, loops, wing overs and all that good stuff puts all my other aviation experiences to shame!
February 21, 2017 “I would highly recommend this experience.”
I have been flying for over 40 years in both general aviation and airline aircraft. This experience is without a doubt the most memorable and enjoyable experience I have ever had. The aircraft was in pristine condition, the facility immaculate and my instructor pilot was excellent, very knowledgeable and friendly.
I would highly recommend this experience.
February 14, 2017 “Just as advertized, I flew over 90% of the time!”
Dreaming this for a long time, I got to fly the TF-51 Mustang with instructor Steve Larmore.
Simply put, this was the best day of my life. I’m an Aviation enthusiast and flying such a legendary airplane was out of this world. Steve and the whole team at Stallion51 made me feel very welcome, Steve explained in details all the manoeuvers we were going to fly. Just as advertized, I flew over 90% of the time, Steve would just describe the manoeuver and I would then fly them it. The Mustang is relatively easy to fly in the air and it is a joy making machine. The entire flight was recorded with 3 cameras, I received the same day a copy of the video that also includes cockpit conversations.
After the flight, they were kind enough to let me spend another hour in the hangar taking hundreds of pictures of their beautiful airplanes. As for the hangar itself, it is incredibly clean and tidy.
What an experience, thank you so much everyone at Stallion 51 !
February 7, 2017 “Even more amazing than I thought it would be……….”
Flying with Stallion 51 is an exhilarating, energising, incredible experience. Of course it is, why wouldn’t it be!? I thought I’d tell you about the things that aren’t exactly common knowledge. First of all getting to Stallion 51 didn’t exactly go to plan. I followed a standard car GPS which took me to the wrong side of the airfield. The best thing to do is get yourself on the 192 North of the airfield and join Hoagland Blvd from there, at this point ignore GPS and follow the map on Stallion’s website. The Stallion flight ops reception and gift shop is located right at the end of Merlin Drive on the left hand side. It’s not that well sign posted. Don’t get it confused with the building on the corner that looks like its got a control tower, Stallion 51 is in the hangar closest to the threshold of runway 15. Once there go upstairs where the friendly, professional staff will greet you and get you sorted. I got a detailed brief from a top level instructor, to me the briefing was almost as interesting as the flying, we had a really good chat over a coffee before going downstairs to get suited up. Bring a flying suit with you if you have one but it’s not a requirement, you might be able to borrow a suit if you ask. Obviously you need sensible shoes, you get given a flying helmet, try it on before you get to the aircraft otherwise you might find out the hard way that it’s the wrong size. You can take your own camera as long as you can keep it secure when you’re not using it. The GoPro elastic headmount does fit over the crash helmet, you just have to loosen it up quite a bit and be careful it doesn’t come into contact with the canopy. You get your flight video anyway as part of the package, 2 cameras, 1 internal, 1 external. The canopy is a bit like a greenhouse, it gets a little warm and if you’re in the Mustang you’ll be sitting right on top of the radiator so think about how you’re going to keep cool. I didn’t have a plan for my flight but the instructor suggested we do aerobatics, we managed to fit a lot into 1 hour. I put the video on youtube but Trip Advisor won’t let me share the link with you here. As was advertised I was permitted to do 90% or more of the flying. After parking up and shutting down my instructor took some photos for me. I got a certificate and a beautiful signed photo of Crazy Horse. I thought the whole operation was run very well it really is a World class setup, you’ve got top level professionals there and they did everything they could to exceed my expectations which were already very high. The only thing is that because it’s an active airfield there isn’t that much for family and friends to do. There is a great view of the airfield upstairs though with a radio and binoculars if they’re into plane spotting. In January 2017 I paid $3300 for 1 hour in the Mustang, I think the L39 jet might be slightly cheaper and the T6 Texan is cheaper still. That is very good value for money. To compare with Spitfire flying in the UK, the Spitfire would be $3700 for 30 minutes only and you aren’t always offered internal and external video with all the radio/intercom feed. If you’re thinking about flying with Stallion 51 all I can say is you won’t be disappointed, it’s money well spent. If you think it’s a bucket list once in a life time thing you are completely wrong, you will want to go back for more!
Jeremy Kern
January 23, 2017 “Couldn’t Get Better”
Thanks to Steve Larmore the flight was a true adventure. The Mustang performed better than expected and was a real joy to fly. Steve let me do far more than I could imagine and guided me through every exercise in a perfect way. Wish I had more money, I would have bought one!
January 30, 2017 “A day all of us will never forget!”
My family and myself have been in the crop dusting business for 66 years. To my complete surprise they and friends arranged for a 60 minute dual in the P51 with Stallion 51 in Kissimee, FL for my 91st birthday. I think the Stallion 51 crew were just as shocked as I was when all 18 of us showed up at their facility.
Steve went through the pre-flight thoroughly. We spent the next hour doing various flight maneuvers. After returning we watched the video of our flight with him. The whole experience was first class!
We operate three turbine sprayers and one turbine helicopter. We work hard at keeping them clean as part of good maintenance. We were all extremely impressed with Stallion 51. The facilities, aircraft and crew were amazing!
John Shearer and Family
June 6, 2017: “Sierra Hotel”
I went to Orlando with my 11-year-old grandson. We enjoyed three days together at Disney and three days together at Universal. The rides at the theme parks were terrific. We had a fantastic time together. But the flight with Stallion 51’s Marco Rusconi in a T-6 was the absolute highlight of my trip. Marco is an excellent and true professional instructor pilot. Anyone would enjoy training with Marco! We spent about an hour on the ground talking about flying in general and flying the 1944 T-6 in particular. We then went out to the aircraft and completed a pre-flight check. After I climbed into the cockpit, Marco carefully explained everything I needed to know to fly the airplane. Marco then allowed me to take off (I’m a certified pilot), talked me through various aerobatic maneuvers (I had no prior aerobatic experience), and allowed me to land this classic T-6 airplane. What a thrill. Wingovers, loops, barrel rolls, and more. Cannot recommend this experience enough to anyone interested in real flying!
Thanks Marco, great job!
December 24, 2016…. “has been a dream for decades”
What an incredible experience. I’ve never flown before, this has been a dream of mine for decades. Everyone was awesome, fun and professional. I can’t believe I did rolls, loops and a Cuban 8. Thanks Steve “Mad Dog”, it was fantastic.
Russ Anderson
December 14, 2016 “To call this experience epic would still be an understatement!”
I was very proud to volunteer at the Gathering of the Mustangs and Legends Air show and first heard about this opportunity at that time.
To call this experience epic would still be an understatement. It’s been nearly 3 weeks since flying the Mustang and I’m still buzzing from the day. It has long been a dream of mine to fly the P-51 mustang and the experience provided by Stallion 51 and specifically John ‘Homer’ Black was nothing short of excellent. The day began with a one-hour pre-flight with Homer explaining in great detail the sortie that we were to fly that day and how I should expect Crazy Horse 2 to perform.
The flying itself was outstanding. After a quick taxi and departure I got control of the airplane, and had the chance to perform everything from basic maneuvers, to rolls and loops to wing overs representing what a pilot would have done in WWII.
Homer was excellent throughout ‘helping me’ through the maneuvers while allowing me to do a majority of the flying after briefly demonstrating the maneuvers first. I even worked with him to do my first taildragger landing after a classic military break.
After a debrief watching some of my flying, Homer provided some great feedback and techniques about improving my flying skills. The video of my entire flight was provided for me to watch over and over again.
As an aviation enthusiast and avid pilot I would rank the overall experience a 10 out of 5 stars. The staff at Stallion 51 operations are great, and Homer is a really fun guy to fly with. I would fly with him again if I had the chance!
Neil Hathi
December 9, 2016 “SURPRISE 30th Birthday Flight!”
I had the opportunity to ride with John “Homer” Black on December 9th for his 600th Mustang flight, and my first! The ride was a 30th birthday gift from my wife, and I don’t know how she’ll ever follow it up.
As a child growing up, flying in an old war bird is a dream. To see the immaculately maintained dual control Mustangs up close is unbelievable. The entire operation at Stallion 51 is perfection – from their facility to crew and support staff.
As an instructor who recognized the occasion was a celebration for a first timer, Homer was the consummate professional. His instructions were crisp and clear and he gave enough feedback to make you feel comfortable at the controls.
This was a once in a lifetime experience and I cannot imagine a more exhilarating ride! If you’ve ever watched an old film, attended an airshow or dreamed of flying – get to Stallion 51 and get up in the air.
November 30, 2016 “Definitely a must for any aviation enthusiasts.”
Flying a real warbird, every pilot’s dream.
My dream became true on a clear November morning in Florida.
Thanks to Stallion 51, a warm and professional staff together a very well maintained fleet I had the experience of a lifetime.
My instructor John “Homer” was fantastic, he gave me a very clear and detailed briefing and guided me through to explore the flying envelope of this amazing machine, from slow flight up to aerobatics.
Definitely a must for any aviation enthusiasts!
November 28, 2016 “Getting Upside Down”
As a very old fighter pilot who has not been upside down since 1992, the flight was beyond great fun. To be allowed to do what you like with the A/C was beyond anything I had hoped for. Go fly it while there is still an opportunity for you to do it. History does not stand still
Brian Leiding
Naples, Florida
November 13, 2016 “The Pre-Flight nails what to expect — and the Flight…is an authentic and thrilling hour.”
I was able to experience Stallion 51 and fly the Texan — and it was incredible. A buddy of mine with a Single Engine License flew the Mustang — and Steve and I flew the Texan. As a first time pilot – Steve was as confident, clear, and encouraging as you could expect… and he lets you fly while he manages the flight — and that is what makes the flight so fun.
Stallion 51 is both personable and professional from booking to exit. They worked very hard to pair two dissimilar aircraft together so that my buddy and I could share in the fun. The Pre-Flight nails what the expectation will be — and the Flight itself is not a scenic tour… it is an authentic and thrilling hour.
The video work that Stallion 51 is awesome. They cover the flight — so you don’t have to. It allowed me to focus on flying and not on selfies — and you get a great video to show your friends.
I will fly with Stallion again. If you’re traveling to the Orlando area for work or play — a Stallion 51 Flight is a totally authentic experience. You will fly a treasure and treasure the flight.
November 6, 2016 “I have performed every maneuver I ever dreamed of in a Mustang and then some.”
I thank all of the folks at Stallion 51 for the opportunity to make my dream of flying a Mustang come true. In 1994 my wife came into the house from the mailbox with my copy of Air & Space Smithsonian containing an advertisement for an opportunity to fly in Crazy Horse. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw it. We had already planned a trip to Disney World that summer for the kids and added a flight in Crazy Horse to the agenda as a result of seeing that advertisement. Flying with Lee has always been a real privilege and an honor. All of you are true professionals, and I continue to enjoy my association with all of you at Stallion 51. I have performed every maneuver I ever dreamed of in a Mustang and then some. Each time I have flown Lee has found new challenges for me to try and it has been more fun than any other aviation experience I have ever known. I look forward to scheduling future flights with you.
Best Regards,
Jeff Sterling
October 31, 2016 “Here we go again, a good habit to have!”
The sound of a Merlin engine gives me chills ! It’s a powerful and invigorating sound that tells me a great flight awaits the passenger and pilot. My husbands sixth flight with Lee Lauderback was as thrilling and exciting as his first one back in 1994. Stallion 51 offers an hour briefing, an hour flight and then an hour de-briefing that is about as exciting as the flight itself. Watching your video recorded flight on the big screen, allows you to relive the emotions and sights you just had in the cockpit. We’ll go again and know that the experience will be, again, the thrill of a lifetime…..Staff at Stallion 51 make you feel like family and offer all the comforts of home. If you love WWII aircraft and want to fly a P-51 D Mustang, give Stallion 51 a call and get on the schedule. It truly is a dream come true.
Clifton, Virginia
October 20, 2016 “He actually flew the plane…and he is still talking about it! “
My Children and I bought my husband the P-51 flight for his 60th birthday. It’s hard to ‘buy’ for someone who has everything, or if he doesn’t he buys it for himself. His Dad flew over 33 missions from Italy to Germany in WWII, so this had special meaning. At his birthday party, he got a bit teary-eyed, he was so overcome with emotions–I mean this was an UNBELIEVABLE surprise!!!
When he took the flight, I can only relay his excitement and total enjoyment: he actually FLEW the plane! The pre-flight information was very good to help with his expectations for the actual flight. That was October 20th, and he IS STILL talking about it. I know he will do it again. The entire team at Stallion were exceptional in making us all comfortable, and feeling ‘special’
Kathy Kitty Cottrell
October 2016 “Your facility, mechanics, pilots and staff all reflect the excellence of your organization”
I want to thank you and Stallion 51 for providing me with another fantastic experience with your organization. I flew Crazy Horse with Steve Larmore in October of 2016 and had a great time. Steve was completely professional an had an excitement an enthusiasm for flying that made him so much fun to be with. There’s no doubt that he loves his job ad he passes on that excitement to people like me makes the experience even better. I would love to spend more time in the cockpit wit him in the T-6 Texan. I learned so much from him; it’s so much easier and enjoyable to learn from someone with his passion.
I’ve always had a love of flying and wanted to pursue it as a career, but I am pretty severely colorblind. That kept me out of the cockpit and even dashed my hopes of being an astronaut. I have all the necessary academic qualifications according to NASA’s flight surgeon, but cannot fly because of being colorblind. I started taking flying lesson late in my career as a veterinary surgeon, knowing that significant restrictions would be applied to my flying. As life has it, cancer got in the way and I had to drop the lessons. I am doing will noe and would one day lie to take it up again. If I get the chance I would certainly like to spend time with Steve in the future. Previously, I got to fly Crazy Horse 2 with Eric Huppert in 2008 and that is what stimulated me to pursue my private pilots license. Thank you again for the great experience. Please pass on my thanks to Steve and the rest of the organization. Your facility, mechanics, pilots and staff all reflect the excellence of your organization. You are welcome to use and of my comments in your reviews.
Stephen A. Bilbrey DVM MS
September 13, 2016 “IMPRESIONANTE” = “Impressive”
Viaje para volar un avion de la segunda guerra y la experiencia es inolvidable, vole un Mustang P51 D con el instructor John Pouson que ademas habla castellano, vuelo de 1 hr, despues del despegue te entrega el avion y desrrallas vuelo acrobatico bajo su supervicion. Si gustan de los deprotes aereos es imperdible.
August 30, 2016 “Un Revede Grosse” = “A childhood dream”
J’ai vécu un rêve d’enfant !!! j’ai non seulement volé en P51 mais je l’ai carrément piloté alors que j’ai aucune expérience de pilotage !! Le jour de mon passage ( 22/08 ) il y avait 4 P51 dans le hangar dont 1 P51B , tous dans un état impeccable . l’accueil de l’équipe est très sympa et Steve , le pilote a été incroyable : il a parfaitement su me mettre à l’aise , tout m’expliquer clairement et me donner régulièrement les commandes : j’ai fait des looping , des tonneaux et c’est moi qui tenait le manche !! C’est réellement une expérience extraordinaire . Et pour parfaire le tout j’ai reçu ce matin le DVD du vol que je me repasse en boucle !! Franchement si vous passer dans le coin et que vous êtes amateur de warbirds , n’hésitez pas !!
Jean Francois
Lyon, France
July 21, 2016 “Flying a Dream”
Great team…great place…great planes…what else?
Starting a Merlin engine and flying the plane that change the face of the world during WWII is definetely “once in a lifetime experience”
Nothing is comparable !
July 1, 2016 “One of the greatest aviation experences of my life”
My time at Stallion 51was one of the greatest aviation experiences in my young life! As a matter fact I’m still on cloud 10!
I got my interest in aviation from my father. He was a Marine Corps helicopter pilot in Vietnam. Listening to his stories as a young boy peaked my interest in the aviation community. I was always very good with my hands, so I decided in high school to be an aircraft maintenance technician. I attended my local vocational school at the Lakehurst Naval Air Stationand obtained my A&P certificates. Having just come out of high school I was one of the youngest graduates to ever complete the program. While in vocational school I took a job at my local airport fueling aircraft. One of the first aircraft I fueled was a B 25 Mitchell. I was hooked on warbirds ever since. After obtaining my mechanics licenses I started working on that very same Mitchell in addition to the rest of the museum’s collection to include corsair, avenger , Warhawk ,Catalina Gooney-bird and thunderbolt. Not to mention a half a dozen Texans.
Wasn’t long after I started to get the flying itch. After working hard and saving a bunch of money, I set off in pursuit of my pilots ratings. I obtainedmy commercial pilot license, multi engine, instrument rating along with all of my flight instructor Ratings. In order to pay for all that training and to gain flight experience, I would turn wrenches all week and Tow banners up-and-down the Jersey shore in a Piper cub.After gaining some flight experience I started to copilot that very same B25 in addition to the museums DC3. I would travel to airshows for the next 10 years, most of the time with a fewfighters on our Wing! My urge to fly one of those fighters grew stronger and stronger. With the help of a very good friend it has finally come true! It would be amazing to fly off the wing of a B 25 someday! When I started my aviation career at the age of 18, I cannot believe that I would be where I am today only 17 short years later.
I now work as a police officer in my hometown and have the privilege to serve my local fire department as their Chief. I’ve been a volunteer fireman since the age of16. I am married to my high school sweetheart Melissa and we have two beautiful children, Ryan and Katherine. I hope someday to pass my love of aviation onto them.
Having been around warbirds and the airshow Industry for so many years, I understand why training in these aircraft is so very important. The Stallion 51 syllabus allowed me the opportunity to experience the Mustang in all phases of flight with a very accomplished instructor in the backseat. Steve Larmore not only polished my basic flying skills in the airplane, but allowed me the opportunity to experience what the Mustang can really do. This gave me the confidence to enjoy the P51while knowing where to treat it with respect. I can’t thank the entire Stallion 51 team enough and look forward to my recurrent training.
I will wear my Stallion 51 patch proudly!
Thank you again,
Ryan Parente
JUNE 20, 2016 “…….it’s an E-TICKET ride you won’t forget, EVER!!”
I learned of the P-51 very early in life, near the end of WWII, and have always dreamed of flying one; at the very the top of my “Bucket List”. Last April some very, very close friends surprised me with a Stallion 51 Gift Certificate to fly the Mustang, scheduled for my 75th Birthday this June, with Stallion 51. Talk about a jaw-dropping surprise!!
I’ve always been fascinated with WWII aircraft, especially the Mustang. Over the years, talking to pilots who had flown it, listening to the Merlin during a fly by at air shows, etc., I developed a sense of what it “might” be like to fly one myself. During my 21 plus years with the USAF I had plenty of experience behind round engines in B-26B’s and K’s, and T-28A,B,C,& D-10’s, but never behind the V-12 Merlin. I could not believe the dream was soon to come true. And come true it did!
The folks at Stallion 51 all shared in “MAKING-MY-BIRTHDAY” exceptionally special after the last of my two sorties, complete with a Birthday Party, Cake, a Staff-signed Birthday Card, and a terrific rendition of, “…….”, well you know. Thanks to Kelly, Beth, and KT Budde-Jones for helping navigate all the administrative paperwork, John Lauderback for the exquisite quality photos of arrival back at Kissimmee for the final landing, and Greg Wise for a meticulously maintained and unbelievably detailed aircraft he keeps running like a Swiss Watch; a true artist.
My instructor in the hot seat, Steve “MadDog” Larmore, whom I thought might have to say, “…I got the aircraft…”, a lot, didn’t. Instead, he offered precise instructions at the appropriate time allowing me to fully experience, but mostly understand, the language of this marvelous fighting air machine of 1944. Steve is without a doubt one of the most professional, and patient instructors I’ve ever had guide me in aircraft operations. I would not have been able to achieve this level of satisfaction handling this exceptional aircraft from the front seat without his competent and thorough work with SAFETY as the main theme. Was this experience like how I had sensed, over the past 70 years, it “might” be?
There’s a “stable” of Mustangs in Kissimmee, Florida near Orlando at Stallion 51, and several very professional, committed “Wranglers” that control their care and feeding. On top of that there’s a Wrangler that’ll help you “stay-on”, from the top rail of that “corral” full of blue sky and popcorn clouds.
Give ’em a call and work out a schedule; one ride at least. Nothings forever, but it’s an E-TICKET ride you won’t forget, EVER!!
Jack Mezzo, Texas
June 13, 2016 “Barrel rolling through the blue again was simply awesome”
After spending 1000 hours flying combat in Vietnam and then not climbing into a plane for 40 years it was incredible to fly with Stallion 51. Their professionalism and attention to detail was outstanding. The flight instructor was very encouraging despite how rusty my flying skills were. It was an experience I will never forget, to be free and barrel rolling through the blue again was simply awesome.
Dr. Ted
June 1, 2016 “An all-sensory experience that puts one in awe!”
Some events in life become the standard by which others are judged. Taking an hour ride in a Mustang is one of those. An all-sensory experience that puts one in awe of the shoulders upon which we are standing. To imagine being a fresh faced 20 year old taking to the skies in such a machine just 40 years after the birth of flight. To go from the depths of the Great Depression to an even greater war. From farm boy with a team of horses to an agile 1700 horse power airplane designed to take on the forces of evil in the world’s greatest clash of civilizations. But hey, I wasn’t there. For me it was just a joy ride, and my my, what a ride. The experience was worth the price of admission for sure, but having done so one can not help but to think back on the totality of what it represents.
Let me say a more professional operation does not exist. The standard by which others should be judged. To get in an old war bird takes a leap of faith but not here. Everything was done with the up most professionalism and attention to detail. Just what you would hope to see.
So to John and Steve and Kelly and everyone else at Stallion 51 thank you. Hope to see you again soon.
Warren A. Blikken
May 17, 2016 “It was absolutely incredible and the best time of my life!”
I went to Stallion 51 in Kissimmee Florida on May 9, 2016 where I got to do a 1 hour orientation flight. Let me tell you it was a dream come true. My pilot was John “Homer” Black and I can’t say enough good things about him. He was very professional, knowledgable and took the time to explain everthing and wanted to make sure I understood everything. We took to the skies where I took control and started off with do I g basic maneuvers like slow turns and then steeper turns. Once he thought I was comfortable, next came the aerobatics. I got to fly and perform barrel rolls, aileron rolls, loops and etc. It was absolutely incredible and the best time of my life! I am definitely coming back to Stallion 51. I highly recommend anyone who is interested in aviation to take a ride in a vintage P-51, thats how flying should be. You will not be disappointed, trust me! The entire staff at Stallion 51 was so welcoming and professional. Thanks again to the entire staff at Stallion 51! I’m still smiling!
May 1, 2016 “I got to do loops, rolls, stalls….and even the landing!”
I got to fly with the owner Mr. Lee Lauderback and it was incredible. I thought he would fly the aircraft and show me what it could do; I was very wrong. Their add states “you will fly 90% of the time” and they meant it. I had control of the aircraft almost immediately: taxing to the runway. Right after wheels up I again had control and had it almost all flight. What an experience. I got to do loops, rolls, stalls, barrel rolls, 4 point rolls even the landing. Although it wasn’t very good.
The whole experience couldn’t have been better. The staff was very professional and very personable too; they made you feel at home. I wanted to take a lot of photos and they gave me and my wife free range of the ramp. They were there to answer any questions I had. If you’re someone who loves aircraft like I do or perhaps flying a war bird is on your bucket list you have to do this. Even if you just want to see some historical aircraft this is the place. Mr. Lauderbeck was an incredible instructor, you and your staff have my highest recommendation. I love it and would and have recommended it to anyone.
Alabama Fan
April 25, 2016 “The Best Christmas gift EVER!!!!!”
My husband was a loadmaster in the AF and retired about 15 years ago. He is the most avid non-pilot flyer I know and I knew he would love this experience. The customer service was amazing, so friendly and helpful. We were able to walk through the hangars and take pictures of the beautiful Mustangs. The entire staff was knowledgable and couldn’t have been any nicer! My husband loved the entire experience and for that I can’t thank you enough!
March 30, 2016 “There should be a rating better than excellent!”
I’ve been looking at doing this for awhile and since I was going to visit friends in FL. I thought that I’d give them a call. I talked to a very friendly knowledgeable and helpful person and booked the P51 on a thurs. and the L39 jet the following Mon. Both flights were fantastic and both pilots/instructors great and very competent. I flew most of both flights, including aerobatics, unusual attitudes and the landings. From the time I walked in the front door until it was all done everyone was very helpful and encouraging. The jet was on my bucket list, the Mustang I will do again next year, props are my thing. I was very impressed with the Stallion 51 operation and even though I’m a little rusty on flying, at no time did I feel even the least bit uncomfortable. This is a fantastic experience, and well worth a trip to FL. just to do this. Kurt
Winnepeg, Canada
March 20, 2016 “A dream comes true, one hour in a P-51 Mustang!”
A dream comes true, one hour in a P-51 Mustang thanks to my two lovely daughters, Melinda and Andrea for my 80th birthday. What a kick!!!! Being USN retired, I have had the opportunity to fly supersonic and have been high enough to see the curvature of the earth on several occasions, but, at this late date, none compares to just one hour in a Mustang. What a sweet aircraft. For several years my daughters have heard me make the comment……..just one hour in a P-51 is all I want. Who would have thought? Thanks sweet girls. I love you greatly. Thanks Steve for a wonderful flight. Stallion 51 made the promises and came through in spades.
Max Gore
February 17, 2016 “Mind blowing experience….a PERFECT10! “
Fifty years ago as a young boy I fell in love with the P-51 Mustang—its crisp flowing lines, the power and song of its Merlin engine, its outstanding performance and revered place in aviation history. Ever since I had dreamed of experiencing flight in such a fantastic machine. Googling the internet last year I stumbled upon the Stallion 51 website, and I knew I had to pay them a visit. Their flight operations staff (Kelly) was amazingly responsive, courteous, and helpful. The entire facility was polished, spotless, and organized. Steve, my instructor, was friendly, courteous, and supremely professional in every way—calm, clear, reassuring, encouraging, and patient. The plane, “Crazy Horse,” was beautiful and immaculately prepared. The flight was astonishing, unforgettable—I’m not an experienced pilot—and yet totally undramatic. Steve took such good care of me that I soon felt very comfortable doing very unfamiliar things—climbing straight up into the clear blue sky, diving straight down, looking up at the Earth, lining up the runway for landing. The plane performed flawlessly and it was astonishingly easy and comfortable to fly. When I signed up for this flight I had no idea what a mind-blowing experience it would be. I came away with a far deeper respect for this famous plane and the people who flew (and still fly) it than ever, and I will never forget the hour I got to spend immersed in such glorious history. It is truly an experience of a lifetime. I’m so grateful to the professionals at Stallion 51 for fulfilling a lifelong dream in such a remarkably satisfying way. Perfect 10.
Mike Cox
November 13, 2016 “The Pre-Flight nails what to expect — and the Flight…is an authentic and thrilling hour.”
I was able to experience Stallion 51 and fly the Texan — and it was incredible. A buddy of mine with a Single Engine License flew the Mustang — and Steve and I flew the Texan. As a first time pilot – Steve was as confident, clear, and encouraging as you could expect… and he lets you fly while he manages the flight — and that is what makes the flight so fun.
Stallion 51 is both personable and professional from booking to exit. They worked very hard to pair two dissimilar aircraft together so that my buddy and I could share in the fun. The Pre-Flight nails what the expectation will be — and the Flight itself is not a scenic tour… it is an authentic and thrilling hour.
The video work that Stallion 51 does is awesome. They cover the flight — so you don’t have to. It allowed me to focus on flying and not on selfies — and you get a great video to show your friends.
I will fly with Stallion again. If you’re traveling to the Orlando area for work or play — a Stallion 51 Flight is a totally authentic experience. You will fly a treasure and treasure the flight.
October 17, 2016 “T-6 Love Affair”
Bravo! I can’t give Stallion 51 and Steve Larmore enough kudos. After being out of the cockpit for 16 years I decided it was time to get into the T-6. After the start up of the big P&W radial, taxi out, and take-off – a smile was glued on my face for the next hour. Basic manuevers, rolls of all kinds and loops soon followed, but it was at the top of my Immelman, just before I put in all of the T-6’s authoritative ailerons, the thought came to me -“it doesn’t get better than this!” I’ve already scheduled my next flight. Thank you to all at Stallion 51.
September 28, 2016 “Flight in a T-6 Texan”
If you are looking for the thrill of a life time provided by an entertaining proficient professional this is it. This was my third flight (2 P-51 & 1 T-6) at Stallion 51. Stallion 51 is way past the top of the list!
Salem, Virginia
April 25, 2016 “Great fun for Father and Son”
My son and I each took a flight on Stallion’s T6 Texan, each of us spending an hour in the sky with Steve Larmore, and each of us with different expectations. My son wanted all the aerobatics Steve could talk him through. On the other hand, I wanted to have a go at flying a vintage plane with some maneuvers thrown in. We each got exactly what we wanted and this was entirely possible thanks to Steve’s enthusiastic professionalism and support. He tailored the flights to our individual needs and abilities and we came away with a lot of respect for the man and the machine he knows so well. (Thanks again Steve). And we had good fun while doing it! It was spiffing. On top of that, all the staff we met were professional, supportive and friendly. Very highly recommended outfit and a treat for father and son.
March 25, 2016 “What an absolute blast!”
Had a great flight in the AT-6 with Steve. He is an excellent instructor and knows the airplane very, very well. Quickly I realized I had forgotten how to fly small aircraft, all I can do is fly big jet airliners. I will be back after some tail dragger and small aircraft flying for more time. But, what an absolute blast it was. I can’t wait to get back to Kissimmee. Was also great to catch up with some dear old friends. Thanks Steve and KT.
Paul Wallis
November 23, 2016″A dream place for all aviation enthusiasts.”
Imagine super fine detailed airplane models, in 1:1 scale, full action! Not only planes are all kept clean and shining, the floor of hangars are shining as new. Watched the P-51 starting engines, taxing, taking off and landing. Heard the sound of Merlin V12 engine. Smelled the vaporized fuel and oil. Something you never can see and feel by just watching streaming videos through the internet. I flew on T-6 and it has redefined the word “Awesome” for me. Professional and very friendly Instructor guided me through for everything. (Getting familiar with instrument panel before visiting may help)I never can thank enough for people I met there. Spend one of the best moment in my life. Traveling half way across the world is some challenging for me, but looking for another chance for visiting again.
December 21, 2015 “A Great way to start retirement-with a permanent smile on my face!”
The entire scenario of the brief, ride and debrief was extremely thorough. Homer was an outstanding instructor pilot helping along the way but I got to fly most of the flight. It was retirement gift from my kids after 40 years of commercial flight and previous military experience. It will for ever put up a smile on my face when anyone ever brings up the subject in the future.
December 2, 2015 “You climb into the best fighter plane ever built”
If you or someone you love has a dream of flying a North American P-51D, contact them and set up a flight on your next trip to Disney World or Universal Studios. You will be able to climb into the best fighter plane ever built. The instructor pilot will take care of everything and explain it all. Steve was the best instructor I have ever flown with. The company and everyone there is very professional and it is a wonderful place. So quit dreaming and make it happen. My flight was 11/16/15 about three weeks ago and I am still thrilled I did it and golly it was a lot of fun. Now I am playing with the idea of saving to take another ride…….
Tom Wright
November 20, 2015 “A fantastic experience with outstanding people, in an amazing aircraft.”
I spent an amazing afternoon with the team at Stallion 51, flying, performing and learning to perform aerobatics in a drop dead gorgeous dual cockpit P-51 / TF-51 D Mustang named Crazy Horse 2. It may well have been the single most enjoyable experience of my life. I am still wearing an ear-to-ear grin. This is a great time, with a great group of people, experiencing an amazing piece of history. And it is very highly recommended.
I checked in and met my pilot and instructor, John Posson, at Stallion 51 HQ, Kissimmee Gateway Airport in Kissimmee, for the pre-flight briefing. We went over my flying experience, the days flight plan, safety procedures, etc., and discussed the maneuvers we’d be performing.
You might expect, as I did, that I’d only be allowed to fly a bit of the hour, and only level or gentle turns – not the case. In fact, as John said, I’d wind up flying, save take off, landing, as much as he would – joking they’d have to charge more if he flew more than me.
We then headed down to the Stallion 51 hangar. There we met Greg Wise, the Crew Chief, and I climbed into the back seat cockpit of the dual cockpit Crazy Horse 2 for orientation to the controls, instruments, and additional instructions and safety briefing.
The cockpit is snug, with trim controls to left, stick and instrument panel in front of you. You sit atop the parachute on the seat. The stick’s gun trigger has been modified to operate the intercom used for the pilot and ‘trainee’ to speak to one another. The plane has three cameras – one mounted in the cockpit facing the occupants, one mounted atop the tail and one mounted on the left horizontal stabilizer – controlled by the pilot, and taking a video (with audio of your conversations) throughout the flight.
You will wear earplugs, helmet with visor (though you can wear sunglasses if preferred), headset and microphone. There are fresh air vents in the canopy, but it will get warm, so dress accordingly. You can bring a small camera or phone – there is a very small ‘glove box’ beneath the instrument panel – but, outside a couple periods between flying, you’ll be very focused on the flying and experience.
John and Greg were relaxed, utterly confident and professional – a big help in getting settled as adrenaline was pumping. After checking out plane, prepping video systems, etc., we taxied out for take-off. Along the way, golfers at the adjacent course, to a man, stopped to watch, wave and give thumbs up – it’s a drop dead beautiful plane, a real head turner; and, it’s an amazing experience to be inside getting ready for flight.
After quick final check of engine and systems, it’s out on to the runway, and the you are off – and the P51 gets airborne in a heartbeat. The pilot, of course, handles take off and climb out away from airport. But very shortly thereafter, John says “You have the controls”, and you are flying. We climbed to approximately 10,000 feet, over central Florida, and with a divert airport within short range should the, unlikely, need arise.
The rhythm of the flight was that John would take the controls, demonstrate a maneuver while I watched the controls and got a feel for how the plane moved, then he would pass control back to the me, and talk me through doing the same maneuver. Between some of the more exhilarating maneuvers, we’d pause a bit in level flight, before moving to the next. John was utterly calm, assured, clear and patient – made what might have been somewhat intimidating a breeze. The plane is amazing to fly – very little stick control (picture moving the top of the stick only around the circumference of a silver dollar) needed, eyes on horizon being sufficient with small adjustments to keep wings level, nose level, and with judicious use of trim, very little stick needed at all.
We started our series of aerobatics with a stall and recovery, to get a feel for a stall – slowing to some 70 mph and lifting the nose. Following that, as noted, we alternated flying through a series of maneuvers – including: steep turns, Wing Over, Aileron Roll, Point Roll, Cuban 8, Loop, Vertical Roll, Immelman, Split-S, and Overhead Break. Afterwards, we took advantage of some popcorn cumulus clouds to fly around, through and over clouds – some lazily, some with more emphasis. An amazing experience I didn’t want to end.
Sadly, we eventually had to return to land. After climbing out of the cockpit, a bit soaked with sweat and grinning ear to ear, we headed back up to the briefing room for post flight brief. There we watched a bit of the video taken of our flight, discussed the flight, and then relaxed and spent some time shooting the bull with John P. and Lee Lauderback (Owner and Chief Pilot) about the plane, flying, their impressive backgrounds. John was kind enough to also lead me back down to hangar to take photos of there amazing collection of P-51s / TF-51s. A great end to a great day.
A great team of people across the board at Stallion 51. Lee Lauderback and John Posson are deeply experienced pilots – Lee, I believe, has the most hours of any person in the world flying the P-51 Mustang, and John flies aerobatics in these amazing machines at airshows. These guys are the real deal – to say the least. Greg Wise is Crew Chief over a multi million dollar collection of five P-51s, enough said; and, a great guy. And from the moment of booking, through my questions before arriving, and after, Kelly Managhan in Flight Operations was a rock star.
This was an unbelievably amazing experience. It’s not only the aerobatics, it’s not only the beautiful, graceful and powerful Mustang – it’s the overwhelming sense of history, flying through and above the clouds, looking down on fields, roads, in one of the great planes not only of World War II, but all time. If you’ve a passion for aviation, aviation history, military history, and great aircraft, it’s a dream come true and a must do. Needless to say, recommended in the highest possible terms. In short: Best Time Ever. So, Just Go Do It. Right Now.
Dave from Minnesota
November 15, 2016 “Still flying in my mind”
This trip and visit to Stallion 51 was worth every penny. Top notch professional staff starting from the receptionist to the flight instructor. The P-51 is a dream aircraft to fly and to enjoy the technology that made this the most desirable war bird. The instructor John was a friendly, confident, and truly interested in my flying and enjoying the day. My family was with me and was invited to the pre-flight briefing they learned more that day. I am still flying Crazy Horse in my mind, and will not forget this most wonderful experience.
November 13, 2015 “Just do it…The grin lasts for ages…”
I have flown the Mustang before and this was another opportunity to experience the sheer quality and professionalism of a well run establishment.
This is a very high end and niche experience, however for those who are reading who wish to experience the sounds, history and sheer delight of such an iconic airplane, I can’t think of anywhere else in the world better. Simply put, Stallion 51 set out with a standard – A1 many years ago and have maintained it ever since.
From the contact, through the check in via the briefing to the flight, debrief and relaxed chat afterwards, everything is ultra professional.
Simply put – Just Go Do It !!! The grin lasts for ages and ages
Trent, Yorkshire
November 1, 2015 “I did the majority of flying …….”
If you are into WWII warbirds, the Mustang orientation flight offered by Stallion 51 is THE one experience that you should not miss out on!
Like many others, the P-51D Mustang have been my all time favorite airplane since I were a kid. Living in Denmark, I only saw one on rare occasions at bi-yearly local airshows. I have always loved the look and the sound of it.
Ever since I “accidently” stumbled across the Stallion 51 website many years ago have I wanted to go for a ride. When my family and I this year booked a two week vacation to Florida near Kissimmee, I immediately contacted Stallion 51 to book a 1 hour orientation flight one of their dual-control converted Mustangs.
I regular fly R/C model airplanes and know the basics of flight, but I have no experience in flying full-size airplanes what so ever.
It is absolutely amazing that it is possible to basically walk in from the street and get some stick-time in the legendary Mustang without having any experience in flying.
My instructor was Steve Larmore. Besides takeoff and landing, I did the majority of flying the plane…just like advertised.
Steve did a great job of first giving me a basic feeling for flying the plane and then talking me through different aerobatics maneuvers.
I did not give Steve as much feedback on his instructions over the intercom as I maybe should have…sorry about that Steve, but I was to busy enjoying my ride 😀
Thank you everybody at Stallion 51 for offering this possibility to us that are not so fortunate to be able to own a plane like this. This is truly a unique experience.
I hope you will be able to provide this service for many years to come, and that I will be able to visit you again.
Best regards
Kåre Kristiansen
October 5, 2015 “Worth the Wait!
I met with my pilot/instructor John “Homer” Black to receive an orientation on flying the P 51 Mustang, Crazy Horse. After an hour of orientation we took to the sky to have the flight of my life. John would go through the different maneuvers then I would repeat what he had done. Aileron rolls, barrel rolls, loops, lazy eights, wing overs, slow and high speed stalls and steep turns were included in the flight. The experience was one that I had hoped to enjoy since the latter years of World War Two, and it was well worth the wait. If you love flying, find a way to do this whether you are a pilot or not. In my 78 years I have flown a lot of different types of airplanes but nothing like this. A wonderful experience.
Charlie F.
August 31, 2015 “Stallion 51 is where dreams meet reality!”
As a Pilot with a major U.S. Airline, 25+ years in the Industry and over 28 years flying numerous aircraft around the world I offer this review.
Bring every expectation you have along with your dreams to Stallion 51. What you’ll find when you arrive is without a doubt the most professional, most courteous, exceptionally trained and talented group of people in the aviation industry today.
Any question or request you have will be answered and granted by Stallion’s Staff. Julia and KT go above and beyond to make dreams come true. Stallion’s Pilots/Instructors are without question some of the most highly trained and experienced pilots in the industry and they produce the perfect flight experience to cherish.
Steve Larmore is one of the finest, most talented Instructors I’ve met in 28 years. I’ve had the honor of his instruction in both the T6 and P-51. Flying a few hours in the T6 followed by an hour in the P-51 will give you an experience only Stallion 51 can offer.
Stallion 51 is where dreams meet reality. Accomplish your dream. Fly the Mustang with Stallion 51 today!
Jim from Alaska
August 28, 2015 “I have only one desire, to return for a new flight in P-51”.
When I was a young boy, i built a model of P-51 Mustang. I thought that it never could be possible to fly this beautiful aircraft but this dream came true the last august 14th.
I was very impressed when i walked into the hangar where aircrafts are stored. The planes are in exceptional condition. Although my English is limited my instructor was very kind. I took a course in piloting P- 51 as i do not even dreamed with aerobatic figures. It was beyond my expectations. I have only one desire , to return for a new flight in P-51.
A big thank you to the whole team of 51 stallion and especially John POSSON my instructor.
Phil S
Poitiers, France
Visited August 2015
August 8. 2015 “…Not just get a ride but a flight lesson about handling the P51”
I am a French fighter pilot (Mirage 2000) and had dreamt since my youth of getting a ride in a Mustang. My dream came true one month ago and this was even more exceptional than I could have had expected. You do not just get a ride but you are offered a flight lesson about handling the P51: stalls, aerobatic maneuvers….
The whole team is exceptional, my instructor pilot, John, has been more than excellent. Then the team offered me one hour with the planes to shoot photos of my beloved wife, who was that way completing my BDay present. For all those who still hesitate: it is worth spending your money for such a wonderful time! I hope to fly again soon with Stallion 51 Flight Ops.
New York, NY
July 27, 2015 “Flying the Mustang is like driving a Formula 1 Car!”
I’m not a pilot but I have piloted a Cessna on such a “One Day Try It” deal. I’ve done all sorts of roller coaster rides as well. But nothing of this compares to FLYING A MUSTANG. This plane is an historic masterpiece and it’s already a privilege to sit inside one. Flying it is like driving a Formula 1 instead of your usual car. To appreciate this opportunity, I recommend first to download the tech manual they used to give the World War 2 pilots. This is absolutely not necessary but if you chose a Mustang ride, you must be interested to know a bit about it, right? The ride is customised so it can be as smooth as you want, or as punishing if you want to feel the G force. Which by the way, has nothing al all to do with the shaking of a roller coaster or attraction park thrill ride. The Gs don’t shake you, they press on you and squeeze your vision black out, if you want it to be that intense. I felt safe and well supervised by John Posson : he knows how to make things clear, simple, accurate and quite, quite enjoyable. Thanks JP, from JP!
JP from
Montreal, Canada
June 19, 2015 “A thrill I will always remember”
Whether you are a pilot with a few hours or someone fascinated with aviation, the instructor pilots at Stallion 51 will give you the opportunity to learn and experience what it is like to fly their high performance aircraft. For me I learned some basic techniques to recover from unusual attitudes like extreme wing-overs, rolls, loops, and accelerated stalls. Adding to this the opportunity to fly the historical Texan and Mustang is a thrill I will always remember.
Sky King,
June 2, 2015 “I wondered what those pilots felt controlling the P-51’s. Now I know!”
A flight in a Mustang had been a dream since my youth. I watched the war birds being ferried, at low altitude, over our home during WW2. I wondered what those pilots felt controlling the P-51’s. Now I know!
I am now in my late 70’s. I have a commercial pilot’s license, but have not flown for 29 years, except for my X-Plane simulator. At my wife’s encouragement, I set up an appointment to fly “Crazy Horse.” I was extremely impressed with the professionalism at Stallion 51. The facilities were spotless, and the airplanes immaculate. My instructor, John “Homer” Black, thoroughly covered our preflight. Our flight was recorded by three video cameras mounted on the aircraft. With this video I can relive my flight over again. Once in the air, Homer let me fly the TF-51. When we reached the maneuvering area he had me do several turns. He then demonstrated stalls and slow flight. I then did them. He did the same with wingovers, aileron rolls, barrel rolls, and loops. It was fantastic! Homer is an excellent instructor and made me feel comfortable at the controls. Homer also held a very through post flight debriefing. This had been one of the best flying days of my life.
Four days later Homer and I did the same flight in their L-39 jet trainer. We did the same maneuvers as in the TF-51. These two flights were certainly a highlight of my life and I hope to someday return and repeat the experience. If you have such a dream, DO IT! You will not regret the experience.
May 2015 “Take a real ride and release the pilot you have inside!”
As a kid I always was looking up in the sky for aeroplanes. The jet fighters from the airforce swept over our house and I dreamed of being up there some day. Well, as a 15 years old boy I had my glider licens, and it went on from that. I flew a lot of nice, fun airplanes but there was always that lasting dream of flying the ultimate planes of the golden era: powerful warbirds from the 40:s and especially the P51 Mustang. And I took the leap. My supporting wife Katarina said: Lets go to Florida and Stallion 51 this spring, you always talking about going there some time. And so we did.
Can I really fly this thing? Hundreds of horsepower and a refinement of the fighters from the 40:s.
Yes, it was possible, of course in guidance of my very experienced instructor John Posson. After starting up the Rolls Royce Merlin, quite an experience just doing that, I got the airplane on the taxi strip and made turns just so we could see the taxiway behind the giant nose. Well, I stayed on the concrete at least. Motor check before start, canopy locked and we where away. Smooth with the throttle, and then a little more power, we have a lift of, gear up, left turn. Climbing to 10000ft to reach the training area took us only a few minutes.
He (yes, a stallion) was a grace to fly, smooth and distinct, willing to do just what you where asking for. We tested the stall characteristics in level flight and in a steep turn. Some vibrations was felt in the wing to indicate that a stall was coming and then a gentle drop, easy to pick up. Well, we went upside down too, but just put in some aileron to turn the plane back to level and straight flight. My instructor let me do some aerobatics too and there where rolls, wingover, barrel roll, Immelmann, loops and a four point roll as well. The P51 is fast and you can go really high in maneuvers, using a lot of space, and no hurry at all. Using the elevator trim you can gently build up sufficient G and let the airplane just fly through the maneuvers. Minutes are really running here! Time to go home and get into the landing pattern, specially made for a pureblood V12 fighter.” You can land now”, my instructor said. With wet pearls on my forehead I tried to place the landing gear symmetrically and soft. Well, we were down but I think it will take some time to get it all right.
This is an experience of a lifetime! Don´t buy worthless things;- take a real ride instead and release the pilot you have inside!
Thanks to all you nice people at “Stallion 51”
Peter Dorbell
May 12, 2015 “Pilot Heaven”
The ride of a lifetime. I’ve been waiting for a long time to do this flight. Ever since I made that Airfix model when I was a young lad, but never thought then that I would actually be able to see and fly the real thing. Last year I flew a Spitfire, another dream flight, this year the Mustang. Steve made it the flight of my life. An hour of instruction in every aerobatic manoeuvre in the book. Words cannot describe how wonderful it was. And worth the wait. I will definitely be back for some more.
Caterham, England
May 1, 2015 “My husband says this experience will change your life !”
How would you describe to someone what an orange tastes like ? You can’t. You have to experience it for yourself. Stallion 51 in Kissimmee, Florida has the experience of a lifetime waiting and this is one you CAN find out for yourself !! My husband is a WWII airplane nut who discovered Stallion 51 from a Smithsonian Institute magazine article and having the dream of flying a P-51 D Mustang, had his dream come true ! Stallion 51 made it possible. Our experience was fabulous from the moment we walked into the conference room for his briefing until after his flight and hour later, when we had a debriefing and the experience of the flight itself was shared. Stallion 51 goes all out in making this experience fun, exciting and a memory that will last a lifetime. My husband was lucky enough to have one of the best pilots flying the skies today and that’s Lee Lauderback. My husband says this experience will change your life ! Located at a small airport in Kissimmee, Florida, Stallion 51 office is staffed with knowledgeable, friendly, family style folks. The pilots have mega hours in these birds. Photos on the walls and books available make the history of these wonderful air birds come alive and then you can actually fly one !!! The experience was video recorded from the cockpit and from the tail of the airplane so we can watch it over and over again and relive the event. How many women do you know that can recognize the sound of a merlin engine on approach before you can see it ? I can !! This was one of the most exciting and fun things we ever did. My husband flew the P 51 D known as CrazyHorse, but I experienced his happiness with him. This is a fabulous place to go when in the Orlando, Florida area.
Deb from Clifton, VA
April 13, 2015 “I was amazed at how much of the flying I got to do!”
Dear all at Stallion 51; Just a quick note to thank everyone yesterday for my experience flight of a lifetime !!
This was on my bucket list and I was amazed at how much of the flying I got to do, in my wildest dreams I never thought I would be able to do the rolls and loops that I did I can’t wait to watch the video and show all my friends, including my airline pilot friends who will be green with
envy now.
A special thanks to my instructor John for talking me through everything, giving me the confidence to try the manoeuvres and keeping me safe !! The hour went so quickly but I will savour every minute of the day for a long time to come
With my best wishes
Andy Ford
April 1, 2015 “Mustang flight was probably the high point of my flying career!”
I’ve have to say that Mustang flight was probably the high point of my flying career as far as just having pure unrestrained fun in the air. I was totally exhausted and spent by the time I landed but I still can’t wipe the smile off my face. I didn’t know what pilot skills I still retained, if any, after 26 years out of a cockpit but I didn’t want to make a fool out of myself. Steve was very professional about the flight and didn’t laugh too loud. He put me at ease to fly the best I could and just enjoy the experience. My pilot skills pretty much all came back as the flight progressed although not like I would have liked them to have been but mostly good enough for what I needed to enjoy the Mustang. My hat’s off to that Mustang that was only three months older than I was. We had a GREAT time together! It was certainly capable of more than I could ever ask it to do. The memory of Steve and Crazy Horse is still vivid in my memory every day so far. Thanks Stallion 51 for the great flight of a lifetime.
Ed Hampshire
March 1, 2015 “Beyond Words……”
I have been an avgeek my entire life and although I’m a rotorhead for more than 18 years I wanted to do some aerobatics in an airplane for my 40th birthday. As soon as I knew that I would travel to Orlando for work, I realized that I was very close to one of the top items on my bucket list, flying THE Mustang. Instead of doing aerobatics in just an airplane, this was the once in a lifetime opportunity of doing aerobatics in a dual control TF-51 Mustang.
Flying Crazy Horse, painted in the same colors as they flew during WWII in my country, was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Stallion51 has been very professional from my first e-mail up to the de-briefing of my flight, they did everything that they promise on their website.
I flew with Steve Larmore, a very professional instructor who set me at ease during his professional but relaxed pre-flight briefing. Although I’m a helicopter pilot and have zero airplane flight hours, he actually let me do most of the flying and talked me through all of the maneuvers and corrected only if it was really necessary.
I feel very lucky that I was able to check one of the items on my bucket list, the only problem is that it was such a great experience that I have put Stallion51 back on my list. I will definitely go back.
Brussels, Belgium
February 24, 2015
“It was a big enough thrill to get a ride in this amazing aircraft, let alone get a huge amount of stick time, thank you, thank you! One week later I’m still reliving the thrill of my Stallion 51 Mustang ride, and wearing out my flight video. An amazing experience from the get go, Stallion 51 is the epitome of a professional, polished and positive presentation. My flight arrangement was easily made online, with a couple of followup phone calls to hammer out the finer details, all handled perfectly by Julia M, a wonderful first representative for this group. Arriving at Kissimmee airport, we were met by our pilot, John “Homer” Black, and it just kept getting better. A detailed preflight briefing of our one hour ride, with visual aids, the walk around check of this iconic aircraft, (beautifully maintained by Crew Chief Greg), helmet, parachute and harness strap in, and we’re ready to go. John “Homer” is the perfect instructor for this ride, clear, concise and encouraging, we did just about every aerobatic maneuver I could think of: stalls, wing overs, loops, aileron and barrel rolls, cloverleafs, and Immelmans. Even with my limited flying background (sailplanes, C-150/172), I was able to muddle through them with John’s expert instruction. It was a big enough thrill to get a ride in this amazing aircraft, let alone get a huge amount of stick time, thank you, thank you! If you are an aircraft enthusiast, and particularly interested in flying one of the most iconic WWII fighters, you should not miss this experience.
I am left in awe of the many young airmen who risked it all to serve the greater good during the second world war, thank you for your many sacrifices.
Cameron from Canada
February 4, 2015 “Doing this kind of flying myself in a P51 is just awesome!”
Since my days as a young kid I have always had a great interest in aircraft and aviation. I have never brought it to the level of getting my own pilot license, but over the years i have some hours flying in small aircraft. Flying with a very good friend who has given me time in control in the co-pilot seat. This includes some hours in the AT6 Texan. My friend is a very skilled pilot displaying at airshows so I have had my fair share of aerobatics with him.
When I was invited to Kissimmee, Florida for a business meeting the first week of February 2015 there were no doubt. I immediately contacted Stallion 51 for a flight in the P51. From the first moment of communication I was treated in a professional and friendly way – you really have the feeling of being welcome. On the day of my flight the team at Stallion 51 took care of me in the best way. John “Homer” Black was my pilot/instructor and he set up a very professional pre-flight briefing and in-flight coaching, pushing me through different manouvers and aerobatics in the air. Doing this kind of flying myself in a P51 is just awesome! For anybody interested in flying and filling their “bucket list” of lifetime experiences – you must try this one!
Best regards to the Stallion 51 team from NORWAY,
Rolf Kjoennerud
January 2015 “I could not have dreamed for a better experience.”
I have been an airplane enthusiast my entire life. Although I have never taken the time to get my pilots license, I enjoy being around airplanes of all types. I am an active remote control airplane pilot. I have a particular love for the P-51. On a recent visit to Florida, I made arrangements with Stallion 51 to go for a flight in one of their dual control TF-51 Mustangs. From the very beginning they made me feel very comfortable, with their expert and professional approach to making my flight one of the best experiences of my life. I could not have dreamed for a better experience. I would recommend to anyone who has ever thought about taking to the skies in a P-51, they should contact Stallion 51 and get a flight lined up. A very memorable experience.
Loren Pearson,
Paynesville, MN.
January 14, 2015 “For people who are nuts about airplanes, Stallion 51 is most certainly at the top of all bucket lists!”
Perhaps at my age I’m becoming a little jaded but the flight yesterday definitely put the bloom back on the rose and I’ve been trying to figure out how best to put that into words.
The first thing that Rob and I discussed upon completion of the flight was the level of “professionalism” demonstrated by everyone we met. We agreed that we don’t often see that anymore and it was both refreshing and impressive. When we first looked in from the rear of the hangar and saw all of these beautiful and obviously meticulously maintained “works of art” and the squeaky clean facilities, we knew we were dealing with a group of top notch professional people…………………….and not just “among” the top but the very top of the ladder. The airplanes themselves are quite frankly magnificent in every respect.
Your airplanes look much better than I do, they don’t have bags under their eyes and “Crazy Horse” is 3 years older than I am! It also seems obvious that your maintenance crew chief, Greg has poured heart and soul into these beautiful machines. I worked as a line crewman in gen’l aviation for nearly 10 years and I know how to distinguish between people who “love” airplanes and those who don’t. It’s more than obvious that all of you “love” your airplanes.
I couldn’t wait to plug the zip drive into my PC and re-live yesterday’s experience. As I watched the recording, it became obvious just what a “special” experience, the Stallion 51 folks had created for me. When you get to my age, you begin to realize that there’s less in front and more behind and your life becomes more and more about “memories”. John, you, Julia and the staff have created something “special” for me that I can’t quite adequately describe in words.
For people who are nuts about airplanes, Stallion 51 is most certainly at the top of all bucket lists and even if I can’t quite put it to words, I can most certainly “feel” it and yesterday morning will lighten my load and bring smiles to me forever. John, in 1950 when I was 3 years old, my Dad used to take me out to “Wold Chamberlin Field” (now Mpls Int’l) to both watch and listen to Stratocruisers, Constellations, DC-3’s, 4’s, 6’s and 7’s come and go. The Minnesota Air Guard had their hangars out there as well and I can recall seeing what seemed like row upon row of P-51’s and each had its propeller spinner painted a different color.
Even as a little boy, I could tell that the P-51’s “sounded” different from every other airplane I’d ever heard and I’ve been hooked on the “romance” of this airplane ever since. John, your patience and professionalism with me yesterday truly made a dream come true, I’ll never forget any of you and you’ll always occupy a unique and very special place in my life.
Take care always!
September 16, 2015: “Thank you to the team at Stallion 51”
Thank you to the team at Stallion 51., especially Kelly, Julia, Beth, Chief and the Mechanics that don’t bask in the limelight but without which we couldn’t enjoy these magnificent machines.
Just a quick note to say thank you all so much, for making my visit to you extra special.
I was very impressed with every aspect of my visit. I came, wondering if afterwards I’d afford ever fly such a fantastic machine ever again, or whether this would be a one log book wonder.
Well, I must say that the hospitality, especially from Steve showed me was unrivalled, and what we were able to do was just phenomenal. I’m not a smiling person, but I found myself randomly grinning ear to ear after some of those aeros….
I hope that Steve’s heart rate is back to normal now after having me as a student!!! Thanks Steve.
I’m saving up for the next trip now…….
I sincerely hope that things work out for you. Keep me discreetly posted if you can.
London, ENgland
August 31, 2015: “Stallion 51 is where dreams meet reality!”
As a Pilot with a major U.S. Airline, 25+ years in the Industry and over 28 years flying numerous aircraft around the world I offer this review.
Bring every expectation you have along with your dreams to Stallion 51. What you’ll find when you arrive is without a doubt the most professional, most courteous, exceptionally trained and talented group of people in the aviation industry today.
Any question or request you have will be answered and granted by Stallion’s Staff. Julia and KT go above and beyond to make dreams come true. Stallion’s Pilots/Instructors are without question some of the most highly trained and experienced pilots in the industry and they produce the perfect flight experience to cherish.
Steve Larmore is one of the finest, most talented Instructors I’ve met in 28 years. I’ve had the honor of his instruction inboth the T6 and P-51. Flying a few hours in the T6 followed by an hour in the P-51 will give you an experience only Stallion 51 can offer.
Stallion 51 is where dreams meet reality.
Accomplish your dream. Fly the Mustang with Stallion 51 today!
Jim from Alaska
January 29, 2015: Experience of a Lifetime!!!
Hard to put into words all the feelings that were triggered by this 1 hour of training in the Texan. Thanks, Steve, for being patient with me, you are an awesom instructor.
A Merritt Island Fan.
January 7, 2015: Never piloted a plane before and they taught me to do full aerobatics!
I am pleased to recoomned this company highly. I have never piloted a plane before and they taught me to do full aerobatics manoeuvers within one hour in the T-6 Texan. Steve is a great pilot and trainer.
Aberdeen, Scotland
December 31, 2014 “Before you leave…….you will be making plans to return!”
My husband George surprised me with a ride in the famous WWII P51 Mustangs, Crazy Horse and Crazy Horse II. Their home is at the Kissimmee Gateway Airport in the Stallion 51 Hangar on Merlin Drive. Owners, CEO & assistant, information officer, office personell, mechanics and photographers are all outstanding. Before you leave, your visit or ride, they will have you so excited about the roll these beautiful planes had in our freedom, you will be making plans to return.
Jo Malnar
December 24, 2014 “Don’t Wait!”
If you like WWII aircraft, if you like POWER, if you like SPEED, if you like flying, then Crazy Horse can’t be beat! The pilots are very experienced and the ultimate professionals…I know because I’m professional pilot also. If you think you’d like to fly a Mustang then DON’T wait!
Ocala, Florida
December 10, 2014 “Indulge yourself-whether you have flying experience or just love the fantastic look of the Mustang!”
Thanks to the Stallion 51 dedicated team, Kissimmee is the only place in the world where you can fly a P-51 Mustang (actually a much rarer TF-51, and they’ve got two!) from the back seat with exactly the same controls as in the front one, where the instructor (Steve, in my case) will make you feel so comfortable that you will turn rolls and loops with ease, aboard one of the most iconic planes ever, powered by a liquid-cooled V-12 Packard-Merlin 1,700 HP engine driving a huge 4-blade propeller!
Indulge yourself right now, whether you have some flying experience or just love the fantastic look of the Mustang. Who doesn’t?
November 11, 2014 “Finding the magic out side the Magic Kingdom!”
If you are an airplane afficionado you owe it to yourself to go to Kissimmee and fly with Stallion 51. It is well-run, professional organization that is geared toward safety and a fantastic customer experience. Don’t expect a passive Disney World type ride-you will be piloting the plane for much of the flight. I flew with John “Homer” Black and he was an excellent instructor/coach (and a real professional as you’d expect from someone with 20 years experience flying F-15s.) One draw back with flying with HOmer, my family and friends call me “Bart”!
Bill T
Lexington, Mass
October 30, 2014 “Then he muttered these four words I will never forget, “YOU HAVE THE CONTROLS”. That thirteen year old boy was flying a mustang!”
I would like to take a moment and thank the staff of Stallion 51 for helping me celebrate my 50th birthday. This was definitely a present I will cherish for the rest of my life.
I became interested in aviation as a young boy, reading anything I could find that dealt with aviation and aircraft. It was then I discovered an aircraft like no other. She had the lines, power and maneuverability like nothing else in the sky. From that moment on, I have had an obsession with the P-51 Mustang.
When I was 13, my dad took my four brothers and I to the old Tampa Airport to witness a fly in of historic WW II aircraft. Among the aircraft were an F4U Corsair, P-47 Thunderbolt, P-39 Aircobra, and at least a half dozen P-51 Mustangs. Having read about the legendary Mustang, it was emotional to be standing there as they made a fly-by and then landed and taxied to where we were standing. The sound of the Merlin Rolls Royce power plant was like nothing I had ever heard before. Walking up to the aircraft, talking to the pilots and touching such an incredible aircraft was enough to put one into senses overload. As a young boy, I made a promise to myself to one day fly such a beautiful angel, knowing that in reality, it would likely never happen.
I never lost sight of the dream of becoming a pilot. I earned my private and instrument ratings in Tampa, Florida, then transferred to a flight school at the Orlando Executive Airport. It was there while driving to class one morning, a hangar door was open. I noticed the unmistakable shape of an aircraft I had admired for years. I pulled over and walked over to the fence and gazed into the hangar. It was in fact a P-51 Mustang and her name was “Crazy Horse”. Later after my flight lesson I asked one of the line men if they knew anything about the P-51 in the hangar across the field. He told me about the Mustang and that it had dual controls. I immediately came to the realization that if I was ever going to fly a Mustang, it would have to be one like this. From that day forward, I have followed “Crazy Horse” for over 25 years.
Throughout the years and with many ups and downs, I became that airline pilot I had always dreamed of becoming. Flying for United has been a wonderful adventure. It was there, several years ago, while greeting the passengers as they boarded my aircraft on a flight from San Francisco to Orlando that a gentleman came on board wearing a polo shirt with the inscription “Stallion 51”. I immediately said to him, “That’s Crazy Horse”. He looked surprise and said “You know Crazy Horse”? I responded, “I’ve known and followed that angle for more than 25 years “. He was nice enough to tell me all about her and where she’s located these days and invited me out to fly her. But as it is, life tends to interrupt most dreams. I have a wonderful wife and daughter and have responsibilities to them which pushes those dreams and desires to the back of one’s mind.
October 30, 2014, that thirteen year old boy turned fifty, a major milestone in one’s life. That evening, my wife and daughter handed me my last present . I opened the box and pulled out a pamphlet, it said “Stallion 51”. For several seconds I couldn’t speak, I was overcome with emotions. My family had given me a gift I would cherish for the rest of my life. I was going to fly my old friend that I had admired from afar, I was going to fly “Crazy Horse”. At just after 1:00pm, on November 11, 2014, my pilot John Black, call sign “Homer” pushed the throttles forward and several seconds later we took off. I was flying in a Mustang. Then he muttered these four words I will never forget, “YOU HAVE THE CONTROLS”. That thirteen year old boy was flying a mustang!
Thank you to Stallion 51 for truly giving me closer to a dream I’ve carried most of my life. Your staff was more than accommodating to my family and I. Thank you to my pilot, John “Homer”, for showing me just what these incredible aircraft can do. And a special thanks to my family for truly giving me the best present I could have hoped for. Take care.
Michael Albano
October 1, 2014 “An Unusual Adventure!”
The experience was great. I have already shared the video with several of my friends and they loved it. The pilot was very professional and was patient with all my mistakes.
I found out about Stallion 51 when trying to find a model on the internet. Google was smart enough to have your company as something I might be interested in.
Thanks so much for providing this unusual adventure.
September 19, 2014 “The day will go down in my books as one of my most memorable days ever!”
I would like to thank everyone involved in my recent flight in Crazy Horse for the professional, friendly manner in which I was treated. The facility is top notch and the staff’s friendly, relaxed demeanor allowed my brother (who was there to observe) and myself feel very comfortable. My biggest thanks goes to John Posson, my instructor for the day. His professionalism and easy going demeanor allowed me to experience the flight at my level without feeling I was putting him out. It was a pleasure to fly with someone of his skill level. I must say that September 19, 2014 will go down in my books as one of my most memorable days ever, hopefully I can return to fly with Stallion 51 again in the near future to ad another awesome day to my memory bank.
Thank you all!!
Mitch Emery
August 27, 2014 “The Perfect Combination”
After my latest flight I must compliment your Organization on the perfect blend of Professionalism, Knowledge, Sincerity, Expertise, Congeniality and Enthusiasm.
There is no way I could have had a more enjoyable experience.
Thank you very much.
Don Peters
Salem, Va.
August 6, 2014 “Coming back for more…..”
I bought this experience for my airline pilto husband for his birthday. It was worth every penny. Teh entire experience was top-notch and he loved it so much he plans on coming back to do it again. I can’t reccommned this attraction enough.
July 2, 2014 “Thanks for a wonderful journey in the saddle of your”Crazy Horse””
A dream come true for me last week-and I can’t imagine a better run organizatin to provide the means to do it. From the facility itself with its spotless hangar and briefing room, to the friiendly staff-everyone of them professionals. And finally, to the beautiful airplanes. A person could not ask for anything better. Lastly, thank you “Homer” for the wonderful journey in the saddle of “Crazy Horse”. Homer is truly a wonderful teacher/pilot and habout the best job in the world. I have a hard time puttin into words when people ask me to describe the flight in Crazy Horse, For me, it was really something beyond words-That Good.
Thanks again, Stallion 51
Kevin Rupp
Castle Rock, CO
June 5, 2014 “The Smiles on the Stallion 51 Team are like the Florida Sun!”
What can I say? The planes are beautifull and run flawlessly, the organization is 10+, the smile in the team is like the Florida sun.
The flight was what I was expecting: power, ease of control, precision, …and it fulfilled my expectations.
Last world about my Pilot/instructor “Homer”Black.
Even knowing my experience as comercial pilot, He took plenty of time on the ground to explain the flight, the performance, the way we will proceed and to debrief the flight . In the air, he was “relaxed”, but always Professional, giving just enough inputs for me to appreciate the plane and the flight to the maximum. I think this Guy is a real ++ for Stallion 51.
I’ll do it again ;o))
Best regards
Renaud Leclercq
May 30, 2014 “Flight of a Lifetime………Worth the Wait!”
After waiting 60 years to obtain my pilots license, I’ve been taking every opportunity to fly or ride in as many different aircraft (especially warbirds) as I possibly can. I obtained my complex, high performance and tail wheel endorsements, purchased a Cessna 182, flown a T 6, riden in a Stearman and a B25 Mitchell at the LoneStar Flight Museum in Galveston, and now, finally, the flight of a lifetime, the TF 51 Mustang. While John, my mentor and pilot extradonaire, patiently waited for me to catch up to the sensitive nature of the Mustang’s controls, I was provided the absolute unique experience of flying most of the aerobatic moves in the greatest fighter aircraft ever conceived. Thanks to John and all the other Stallion 51 staff and crew, for maintaining the best fleet of Mustangs still flying, and allowing green pilots like me the greatest aviation experience out there. I’ll be back. Thanks. Dean Woods
May 1, 2014 “One of the greatest experiences of my life!”
Thanks to a wonderful wife, I received a Christmas present that tops them all. She gifted me with a one-hour flight in the Mustang “Crazy Horse”. I retired from the FAA in 1999 and had the opportunity to fly many different aircraft. Flying the Mustang topped all the others combined! From the moment we entered the door at Stallion 51 Operations, everything went smoothly, thanks to Julia Mulcahy at the front desk. The pilot (instructor) Steve Larmore walked in and made me feel as though we had known each other for many years. Unknown to me, a friend of mine had contacted the Stallion 51 office and asked them to address me as “Frito”. Steve went along with the joke and we all had a good laugh. After climbing into the aircraft and hooking up the harness, I realized this dream of a lifetime was actually happening. The flight was at a normal pace, but very little time was wasted. Steve explained everything I needed to know regarding the controls, speeds, etc. We did loops, barrel rolls, stalls, wing overs, but nothing was done without my okay. I had a BLAST! I am pushing 80 years of age and can honestly say that this was one of the greatest experiences of my life. I thank my wife daily for having provided this opportunity for me. Thank you to my wife Vivian, to Julia, Steve, Jack and all the Stallion 51 staff for an incredible day that will never be forgotten!
Ron Bragg (Frito).
Edmond, OK
April 9, 2014 “There is no other flight operations that have impressed me more than Stallion 51.”
Back to normal again, after the most fantastic thing I have ever done in my life, I would like to thank you so very much for your excellent guiding during our Mustang flight on March 12. I would also like to convey a big thanks to you Steve and the Stallion 51 team for how friendly we were received and taken care of during our stay with you. There is no other flight operations that have impressed me more than Stallion 51. This will never be forgotten. My certificate and the Mustang photo is now framed and on the wall.
Best regards from a very satisfied
March 1, 2014 “I have had the good fortune to have many exciting adventures in my life, but flying the Mustang with you was the BEST of them all.”
My “sortie” in February of 2014 in the P-51 Mustang “Crazy Horse” was fantastic. In my 81 years I have had the good fortune to do many exciting things; ie… hike the Great Wall of China, white water rafting in the Grand Canyon, safaried in the Serengetti and Masai Mara, treked in Alaska, skied the slopes of Utah and Colorado and flown a million miles around the world to these adventures. I tell you this not to impress you but to put my expereince at Stallion 51 in persepctive. None of the fore mentioned gave me the exhiliration or the thrill of actulally controlling a P-51 Mustang. Since the age of 12 I have always wanted to fly that palne. Thanks to you all and in particular, “Homer” Black, that dream came true. Homer, you were sharp, precise and easy to understand, People who have watched my video of the flight comment on how effective you were. It was an awesome event! Thanks again to you all.
In gratitude;
Bill Stark
February 20, 2014 “What could have been just an exciting ride turned into an incredible experience!”
Stallion 51: Just a few words of thanks to you and Steve Lamore for making my Stallion 2 flight on 2/19/14 the experience of a lifetime! My intent was to fly “once and done,” however, Steve made what could have been just an exciting ride into an incredible experience. He is an extraordinary teacher and pilot. I would recommend Steve and Stallion 51 to anyone contemplating a warbird experience. I hope to be back next year.
Again, thank you, Steve!
Fred Fisher
October 2014: I flew the T-6…..can’t wait to come back to fly the P-51 and the L-39.
The experience at Stallion 51 is just that, excellent. I flew the T6 on Halloween with the best instructor ever, Steve Larmore. Included was a detailed pre flight briefing, one hour flight including barrel rolls, loops, stalls, cuban eight and even a little sight seeing, then a detailed post flight briefing using the on board video taken of your flight. You won’t find a more professional business or nicer aircraft and instructors anywhere. You also won’t believe how much of the flying, including taxing, takeoff and landing that Steve lets you perform. It’s amazing. I can’t wait to go back someday to fly the P51 and the L39.
Chris E.
Easley, SC
July 2014: Unforgetable Moment; Flying a T-6 Texan!
Well, I don’t know where to start. I expected to have a good time flying an old trainer. I never flew a tail dragger unitl that time, so I did not expect to take-off and land a T-6 Texan. But with very good briefing, pre-start check list, the fantastic flight instuctor, Steve, was giving me confidence and the flight went much better than I would have ever expected. However, what I didn’t expect was to form up with one of Stallion 51’s Mustangs. That was completely awesome! And not to forget to mention the fantastic media recording system installed in the airplane. After such an unforgettable moment you have the DVD for eternity. If you are visiting Orlando and you are an aviation enthusiast you must not miss this. Thank you Steve and the folks from Stallion51. I will never Forget!
April 2014: Lifetime memory of me actually doing aerobatic maneuvers!
I finally got to fly the T-6 Texan. Being a private pilot myself, this experience, accept for my first SOLO flight, was the greatest thrill of my life! My dream is to fly with the Blue Angels or Thunderbirds. Thanks to Steve, my pilot and Stallion 51, this was a satasifactory experience toward that dream. I thanks all at Stallion 51 for a lifetime memory of me actually doing aerobatic maneuvers in a T-6 Texan airplane. Thank you again Stallion 51 for everything. Chuck Medeiros
East Taunton, MASS
February 2014: What could have been just an exciting ride turned into an incredible experience!
Stallion 51: Just a few words of thanks to you and Steve Lamore for making my Stallion 2 flight on 2/19/14 the experience of a lifetime! My intent was to fly “once and done,” however, Steve made what could have been just an exciting ride into an incredible experience. He is an extraordinary teacher and pilot. I would recommend Steve and Stallion 51 to anyone contemplating a warbird experience. I hope to be back next year.
Again, thank you, Steve!
Fred Fisher
January 2014: His experience and coaching made me feel like a high-hour “stick”.
My sons presented me with a T-6 flight with Stallion 51 on 31 December 2013. I’ve been in aviaiton maintenance (avionics) all my life but never had the chance to experience the thrills that Steve gave me in the T-6. His experience and coaching made me feel like a high-hour “stick”. Everyone at Stallion 51 was friendly and warm. I’d die to get into one of their P-51’s soon, if I can make it happen. Many thanks to the Stallion 51 crowd.
Brad Fairmore
Melbourne, Florida
December 11, 2013 “Stallion 51 sets the standard on that warbird training should be,
What an experience!”
A full Mustang check out, multiple days and multiple sorties. The discipline and professionalism displayed by the staff is equal to the training I recieved as a military aviator. The ground school is in depth with all the systems covered in detail and the flight training academics are second-to-none with all the regimes of the P-51 flight envelope explored. It is serious business, it is physically and mentally taxing, but the staff makes in fun too. After completing the course you will have a made friends with one of the quintessential fighters of all time and made life long friends with the wonderful people who run the organization. Stallion 51 sets the standard on that warbird training should be,
Sierra Hotel
Fort Worth,Texas
November 8, 2013 “An experience to be savoured and remembered for ever.”
Please pass on my appreciation to John Posson (and to Lee) for the superb experience I had with John flying Crazy Horse 2 on Friday 8 November. Not only was the flight brilliant but John’s friendly and helpful nature made it even more enjoyable. Coupled with the opportunity for aerobatics, this was truly an experience to be savoured and remembered for ever.
Having now returned to the UK after perhaps my 300th transatlantic flight, the bland experience on a 747 even further highlights that flying can be fun as the Mustang proves.
Thanks again.
Dr Ian Mackenzie
United Kingdom
October 15, 2013 “Time Flies…So Should You!”, pilot the Mustang as it was built to be flown.
Okay, six weeks have passed, and I should have come down from the clouds, the joy, and the excitement of flying Crazy Horse with John Posson, but the thrill has lasted, and lasted, and will not abate.
Take all my family things and events (weddings, births, family vacations I swore we would never do again, but did) and put them in a box on the left. Put all the other experiences of my life in the box on the right (golf championships, a hole-in-one, academic success, climbing Half Dome, etc.). In the box on the right, flying the P-51 with John was the most fun thing I’ve ever done.
If you have watched the ad, “Time Flies…So Should You!”, and wondered, and waited, quit waiting. Don’t take the 1/2 hour; take the full hour, fly to the restricted airspace, and pilot the Mustang as it was built to be flown. We did stalls, turns, overhead breaks, aileron rolls, barrel rolls, point rolls, loops, wing overs, and a split-S. I haven’t quit smiling, and never will.
I’m not a pilot. I have built and flown model aircraft since childhood. I “fly” a Microsoft simulator that includes a F4F, F6F, and Corsair, and I hold a FAA Powerplant mechanics license. Until we went up in the Mustang, I had zero stick time in a full scale aircraft. Thanks to John’s help, Crazy Horse was easy to fly. It may have “dark corners,” as John said, but we did not go there, and it was very well mannered, and performed flawlessly. John said, “You cannot hurt this aircraft and I won’t let you get in trouble.” He was right, about everything. Crazy Horse is powered by the Merlin; as John said, “It’s the real deal.” The rear seat is fully outfitted; you are not a passenger. When John said, “you have the airplane,” I had the airplane.
John Posson, a special thanks. You were the right combination of patient and encouraging. You pushed me the right amount to take the controls and fly. Thank you, forever. I have a terrible memory for names and faces, but I will always remember you, your professionalism, and as contributing more to my life than you will ever know.
Greg White, you did an outstanding job of maintaining and preparing the aircraft. As a fellow mechanic, I say you are terrific at your job. When I ran my fingers over the leading edge of the prop, an felt no dings, dents, or indications of prop strikes, I knew the aircraft was in the best condition possible.
So, to everyone at Stallion51, thank you again. Five stars are not enough.
Ed Anderson
Midland, Texas
September 24, 2013: Thank you for helping me realize my first dream; to fly the T-6 Texan and P-51 Mustang!
Hi all Stallion team
I am back home in Africa for my job and I take some time before to send you this mail(I was still too excited….)
Thank you to help me to realize my first baby dream…..
Your team is fantastic and I more than enjoy those two flights…..
Do not change anything in your organization all is perfect…..
According our discussion with Lee I am on diet to prepare my next P51 flight (long way……and difficult) but……h.h.h.
Thank to my T-6 instructor Eric and Lee for their professionalism to help me to flight those two fantastic planes…I learn a lot and I still need to learn more
Again thank you very much for all and I hope to see you asap according to my job requirement
Please keep them flying……….
Best regards,
Hicaube Patrick
June 2012: Amazing experience and the facility and aircraft were AWESOME!
Dear Stallion 51 owners,staff and crew. We would like to thank you for allowing us the opportunity to fly your T6 Texan. It was an amazing experience and the facility and aircraft were AWESOME! a special thanks to Steve, our pilot/instructor, for taking some extra time with my son Tanner and allowing him to take the controls . Tanners goal is to be a pilot in the Air Force so this experience is invaluable to him in helping to achieve his goal. thank you again, and we will be back!
Rich, Carrie and Tanner Sermak
August 2011: Drop by visit turned into the Highlight of my Vacation!
I just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone at Stallion 51 following a brief visit their earlier this month when I was on vacation for the hospitality shown to a non-paying prospective customer.
Thanks to Steve for asking me, upon leaving the White 1 Foundation hangar exhibit area, “How can I help you, young man?” when my 50th birthday is in fact only four years away(!) . As well as kindly “talking Mustangs” with me. Very generous, and really welcome!
Thanks especially to Willie who not only spared time to talk me through the experience of flying such a beautiful aircraft but allowed me to take photos as well as sit in Crazy Horse itself – an experience I’ve never had from years of visiting Duxford’s Flying Legends days here in England! I was also privileged to be able to listen to a pre-flight check going on and experience things that bit more.
Your kindness and generosity are hugely appreciated. What started out as a speculative drop-by visit turned out to be one of the highlights of my vacation! Perhaps next time – and certainly for my 50th – my next visit will be pre-booked with a flight.
Thanks again and kindest regards to you all.
Nick Harris
Lincoln, England
March 2011: An experience I will remember the rest of my life.
Stallion 51 Flight Ops, Just wanted to thank you for the great T-6 flight I had with you, It was a great experience that I thoroughly enjoyed and will remember the rest of my life. I really liked the way Steve coached me through the maneuvers. I learned a lot from him.
December 2010: You made it a life changing experience.
Stallion 51 Crew, Thank you so much for the great flight in the Texan. It was an experience I will enjoy thinking about the rest of my life. As I mentioned my flying experience has been sporadic over the past several years. I had forgotten how much fun it is and how I enjoy it so much. Steve is truly a professional and I felt extremely lucky to have a talented, dedicated individual to fly with. You helped make it a truly life changing experience. I will need to get back to flying, having now been reminded just how much fun I have been missing.
William Eickhoff
April 2010: Coming down I wished I could do it again.
Steve, Thanks for taking me up in the Texan. I never thought I would ever get the chance to sit in one but when my Dad said I was going to fly in one I thought it was too good to be true. Going up I wished it would never end. Coming down I wished I could do it again. I am going to remember the flight the rest of my life!
Hayden Dewalt
January 2010: Barrel rolls, loops – it was absolutely amazing!
Having been an aviation enthusiast since my early childhood, when my father and I would go to the airport for countless hours watching planes take off and land, the thrill of actually flying in a historic warbird was beyond the wildest of dreams. Thanks to one of the coolest gifts I’ve ever received, I was given the opportunity to fly in Stallion 51’s T-6 Texan for almost an hour. Having only been in a small aircraft once before, nervousness and excitement were of equal balance. But the “nerves” quickly faded when I met my instructor pilot, who spent our first segment teaching me about the aircraft, its history, and then what we would be doing while we were in the air.
Shortly after, we were strapped in and ready for takeoff. Then, the real fun began! Barrel rolls, loops – it was absolutely amazing. The pilot always made sure that I was “feeling ok” before we did anything and I was amazed how quickly I was able to relax and enjoy such an amazing experience. With each maneuver, the pilot would give me a brief history of when and where it was used – for combat or show – and then coached me through each step of the stick after he demonstrated.
Stallion 51 – you have my gratitude and respect – for an experience I will never forget and the first-rate organization you run. I will never forget it and thanks to the video of my flight – I’ll be able to relive it over and over. I will be back someday to do it again!!
D. Nixon
Stallion Flight Operations: Just wanted to say thanks for a great flight experience, what an understatement! I truly enjoyed flying with Steve. His calm and encouraging style put me at ease and gave me the confidence to realize a lifelong dream! Thanks again.
Al D’urso
Don’t get grounded. Contact Us TODAY!
For more information about flying the legendary P-51 Mustang, please contact us below: