Checkout Training program
The Stallion 51 P-51 Checkout Training Program program is tailored to allow our candidates achieve safety and proficiency in all aspects of operating a high performance Warbird, and specifically focused on the North American P-51.
Our highly experienced instructors will build upon your previous experience and allow you to solidify your skills and confidence throughout our syllabus flown in our dual cockpit/dual control TF-51s. A comprehensive ground school covers aircraft systems and reviews the unique specifics of piloting these aircraft. Our FAA approved training program will expose you to normal and emergency procedures, basic and advanced maneuvering, unusual attitudes, recovery from loss of control and a strong emphasis on take off and landing proficiency. Our students of the program will build proficiency at their pace to become a Stallion 51 P-51 Checkout Training Graduate, a major milestone. If desired, our on staff FAA Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE) will be available to carry out an Experimental Aircraft Authorization check ride, only required if operating Experimental category P-51s.
Whether you’re contemplating the purchase of a high performance Warbird, or you’ve committed to fulfilling the life long dream of proficiently operating a Mustang, you’ll love the rewarding experience of completing this challenging program. Our staff or instructors will be happy to answer any question you may have and, if desired, we can put you in contact with one of our many program graduates to help you assess the value of the program.